FIC: Better Late Than Never (11/11)

Jun 26, 2010 15:48

Title: Better Late Than Never
Author: Cindy
Rating: PG13
Timeframe: Season 5, post-Intervention
Characters/Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine, but Joss said I could play with them
Written for: dettiot for the Welcome Back to the Hellmouth Ficathon, who requested S/B, humor, season 4 or 5, and Spike introduces Buffy to something ( Read more... )

pairing: spike/buffy, fic: btvs, fic: better late than never, fic, series

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Comments 37

slaymesoftly June 27 2010, 13:09:32 UTC
Awwwwww.... ;) And, hey, pending apocalypse? Room for a sequel that follows the relationship to it's logical conclusion... :)

"I'm not asking you out. I'm asking you...over. To a house full of people. It's all very non-datey." Hee! Love this line.


cindergal June 27 2010, 22:27:33 UTC
Hey, what's another apocalypse, right? But you'll have to use your imagine about logical conclusions. ;-)

Thanks so much!


spygrrl76 June 27 2010, 13:36:39 UTC
Yay! Perfect ending. :)


cindergal June 27 2010, 22:28:18 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. :-)


zanthinegirl June 27 2010, 16:12:41 UTC
I just wrote you a nice long comment and LJ bliped and ate it. Boo.

Anyway I liked this very much! Great interactions between our heroes. I totally buy Buffy getting all freaked and avoidy, but having the lackies friends check up on Spike.

"I'm not asking you out. I'm asking you...over. To a house full of people. It's all very non-datey."

Hee! Very Buffy.

But how can you let Ethan and Randall plot the "imminent destruction of all mankind" and not feel all compelled to write a sequel??

eta for html fail :(


cindergal June 27 2010, 22:30:50 UTC
Stupid lj messing your comment all up.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting along the way. I'm glad you enjoyed the ending. I don't think a sequel is forthcoming, though. ;-) But thanks!


snickfic June 28 2010, 19:10:06 UTC
Awwww. Of course he gets a goodnight kiss! This whole story was so hopeful and affectionate, and I am so glad you were able to finish it. Thank you for the lovely trip!


cindergal June 29 2010, 06:19:04 UTC
Thanks for taking it with me! I appreciate all your comments along the way.


timeofchange June 29 2010, 02:44:10 UTC
Cindy! I love this so much! The end is just perfect. Of course, with a cliff-hanger like that, no surprise I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the sequel. *g*


cindergal June 29 2010, 06:20:29 UTC
Hee! Oh, you guys and your sequel talk! It took me three years to write this. *g*

Thanks so much - I'm really happy you enjoyed the story. :-)


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