I'm enjoying java so far. I might hate it later, but so far it's alright. I'm glad I don't have to work today, I might actually have time to study HAHAHA sure :) I'll just play Half-Life 2. and go to sleep early. I need to go to sleep early since I have to work for the rest of the week.
Everyone should go get aMotion by A Perfect Circle. The newest DVD/CD set. It's worth it.
I'm pushing 18 to 20 hour days as it is. I'm so tired right now, but I can't go to sleep. Vodka has to keep me awake. Between work and school, I'm torn. GAH
I just beat Fable. Holy shit, that's a badass game. Yeah, definitely the best I've played in a long time. Someone told me you can keep just 'playing' after you're doing, so I'm trying to find out how to now.
Confucious say... for blue screen problem, adjust tint on moniter. green is better yes.
I bought Half-Life 2. I can't play it because it has to register with a server using a badly built program. I can't connect. argh. Why can't people just keep it simple. CD Keys :(
GMail now offers pop3 support. Cool. Only one of my accounts is able to work with it right now, though.
I'm out of school for this next week, so that's a good thing. I should be getting Liza's gift soon, too. Things are starting to come back together lately. Especially good since money issues were at hand.