Dancing (1/3)

Jan 01, 2009 08:11

Disclaimer: Neither belong to me, I'm just borrowing them for this moment
Fandom: S.V.U.
Pairing: Benson/Cabot
Rating: PG
Prompt: #1 "Dancing" from Table 9 10 Themes
A/N: Part two of my now dubbed "Action" series (original huh? lol) Part one is Running.


“Ah Detective good, maybe you can help me.” Serena Southerland looked from Olivia to Alex then back, her sharp eyes glinting with something. Olivia wondered if she should be nervous.

“Serena,” Alex said, a warning tone in her voice. But the older blonde ignored it, making the detective instantly regret her decision to come ask Alex if she wanted to go grab a drink. A tiff between the two feisty and obviously pissed blondes what not anyplace she wanted to find herself in the middle of.

“You see I’ve informed Alexandra that she’s to take the next few days off. I believe that after this case she’s earned it, wouldn’t you agree?”

'How the hell do I get myself into these messes?’ Not looking at Alex, Olivia stared right at Serena and offered what she hoped was a confident nod. “Many of us have.” ‘Good, generalize it. Maybe she won’t be as pissed.’ A glance at glacial blue eyes told her the truth. ‘Ah crap.’

“Serena. I’m fine. And there’s no need to bring Olivia into this. She has more important things to worry about.”

“No, Serena’s right,” Olivia said, her uncertainty falling away in the light of her worry for her friend. “This has been one of the harder cases for you. I think harder then the Avery case. Take a night or two off, Alex. It won’t kill you.” Alex said nothing, only glaring silently at the detective.

‘Double crap.’

“See, listen to her. Now I want you out of this building by 5 and do not want to see you until at least Monday. Good night ladies,” She gave a nod of goodbye before turning on her heels and leaving. Silence stretched between the two, and it took everything for Olivia not to fidget.

“Well, since it seems I’m being thrown out of here, seems I need to get my stuff together.” Alex’s voice was even, but there was a tenseness under the words.

“Do you want to go out tonight?”

“Do I have a choice?”

Olivia winced and moved to stand by Alex’s chair. “Listen…we’re not doing this to be mean. But you need this, Alex. You’ve been working just as hard, if not harder then us. You’re close to this.” Even though it was normally a rule that if one was close to a case they weren’t allowed to work it, but a backlog on cases forced the blonde to persecute John LunDuvall, a man that she had considered an uncle, for child pornography. Olivia had seen the dark circles under dulled blue eyes, the deep lines around those same eyes and mouth that hadn’t produced a smile since…well… ‘Since that one morning in the park.’ That had been two weeks ago. Though they hadn’t done anything like that since their relationship had obviously changed. It wasn’t anything very noticeable, just the occasional brush of a hand on a shoulder, or a sad smile shared between two friends going through hell and reaching out for comfort. “Come out with me tonight. We both need to unwind.”

“I’m not really feeling up to running, Olivia.”

“That’s good, neither am I. Too cold out. I was thinking, dinner, drinking and dancing,” Olivia put a smile on her face, waiting and hoping the blonde would accept. Deep down she knew she could be screwing herself over, but again it was worry for a friend and someone she cared about won out. “Come on Alex."

"Dinner, drinking and dancing. If you were a guy I'd swear you were asking me on a date," Her voice was still even, but the ice had begun to melt.

Olivia bit the inside of her lip to keep from commenting.

A deep sigh along with a nod was enough answer for Olivia who smiled wider. “All right. I’ll go out. Do you want to meet some place or,”

“I’ll pick ya up,” Olivia said, realizing belatedly how that made this situation sound even more date-like. Ignoring that she plowed on, “What time do you want me over?”

“Well I’m pretty much done here so…six? That will give me enough time to shower and get ready. Is that alright?”

Everything besides shower had faded into the background, leaving Olivia’s libido raging with thoughts of a shower slickened Alex, blonde hair hanging lose around bare,


Olivia shook her head slightly, cursing herself. “Yeah, sorry what?” She winced slightly at the less then articulate question.

“I asked if six would be fine. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, fine. And six will be good. Just give me your address so I know where to go.”

Alex wrote it down on a sheet of paper and handed it over to the detective.

"Cool, I'll see you then." Olivia flashed a smile before leaving, wondering what exactly she had just gotten herself in to. 'Deep shit, that's what.'

alex cabot, a/o, femslash, dancing, running, law and order svu, olivia benson

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