Dancing (2/3)

Jan 03, 2009 12:48

Disclaimer: Neither belong to me, I'm just borrowing them for this moment
Fandom: S.V.U.
Pairing: Benson/Cabot
Rating: PG
Prompt: #1 "Dancing" from Table 9 10 Themes
A/N: Part two of my now dubbed "Action" series (original huh? lol) Part one is Running. This took me a bit longer then I wanted to edit then update. I've been fighting a cold for the past couple of weeks and having three different cold medications in one's system makes writing kinda tricky lol. Thanks for the comments so far, ya'll have been really great. Anyways, as always please comment and enjoy! ^.^
Olivia pulled up to Alex's building a little before six and for a moment simply stared up at the tall building, wondering how tonight was going to go exactly. Her stomach was a mass of flutters. 'Oh get a grip Benson. It's just dinner with a friend.'

'A friend you'd defiantly like to get a -'

'NOPE! No more,' Olivia valiantly cut off her small voice, vowing to cut down on the time spent with Munch. 'That scarecrow in black is a bad influence on my head.' She thought with a grumble before being startled out of her thoughts by a clearing throat. She turned to see the cabbie staring at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, sorry right," Olivia quickly dug the cab fare out of her purse and paid the man before picking up the plastic bags and walking up to the door. She found the right button and hit it.


"Hey Alex, it's Liv. Mind buzzing me in? Kinda cold out here."

::Oh course. Come on up.:: The blonde hung up and Olivia heard the door buzz, allowing her entrance. She walked to the elevator, not even going to try the stairs with the food in her arms while wearing heels. The delicious smells of fried rice, moo shoo and glass noodles wafted after the detective as she finally exited the elevator and made her way to Alex's apartment.

After knocking she only waited a few moments before the door opened and Olivia found herself rooted to the spot by the sight of the blonde in front of her. She was still dressed in the blouse and skirt from earlier, each looking slightly rumpled, but the long blonde hair was down with the ends curling up softly and Olivia found her fingers itching to run through them.

"Hey, you brought food?" A blonde eyebrow cocked in question.

"Very observant, Counselor," Olivia joked, earning a dry look from Alex, but the curling of full lips let Olivia know she wasn't in trouble.

"Come in," Alex stepped back and closed the door behind the brunette.

"I was on my way back to my apartment and had the sudden urge for take out. Hope that's okay."

"Sounds perfect. I feel…grungy right now," Alex said, her voice soft with confession and a hint of something more.

Olivia nodded in understanding, "Well how 'bout this. I'll set up the food and drinks, you go shower."

Alex gave a soft, thankful smile as she nodded, "Okay. Plates are in the cupboards above the sink, silverware is in the drawers next to the dishwasher."

"Got it, now shoo." Olivia made shooing motions with her free hands, earning a soft chuckle from the blonde as she moved down the hall. Olivia watched her go with a soft smile on her face. It was good to hear the blonde laugh again.

'The night's starting off on the right foot.' Olivia thought with a silly grin, then quickly knocked on a near by piece of wood. 'Knowing my luck. I hope I didn't just jinx myself.' Shrugging Olivia set the food down on the table she set about getting the food ready. About twenty minutes later she was sipping on a glass of water as Alex came padding out, dressed in a pair of sweats and a sweater, her hair hanging in damp curls around her head.

"I figured I'd eat now and get dressed later. Is that okay?" Alex asked.

Olivia nodded, "No rushing. Neither of us has to work tomorrow so I've got no problem." Besides it would give her a chance to witness a very rare sight, a cute and not done up Alexandra Cabot.

Alex gave a soft smile and sat down across from Olivia, reaching for her plate. The two talked for a little bit, discussing books, music, even the weather, but always careful to avoid anything related to work. Olivia especially was careful, she now had a front row seat to the dark shadows that passed sporadically behind the blonde’s blue eyes and was trying valiantly to figure out someway to get rid of them, but unfortunately not much was coming up.

“Sorry, I don’t think I’m very hungry,” Alex said after a few minutes of pushing the food around on her plate.

“It’s cool, this wasn’t their best stuff anyway. You wanna just go ahead and get ready while I clean up?” Olivia asked while standing.

Alex nodded as she stood as well. She came around the table and placed a hand on Olivia’s arm. “Thanks, Liv.”

“No problem,” Olivia said, smiling warmly as she watched the blonde turn and walk back to the bathroom. Brown eyes dulled slightly with worry before the detective began to busy herself with putting away the mostly uneatten dinner.

femslash, dancing, running, olivia benson, a/o, alex cabot, action series, law and order svu

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