Box of Tricks Sign-Up Post for Artists and Vidders

Jan 28, 2010 09:21

2010 Artist and Vidder Sign-Up Post

Challenge Rules for Artists and Vidders

1. You agree to create at least one piece of art or one vid to for a Pros Big Bang story
2. The art can be an original illustration, title banner, photo manip., or whatever strikes your fancy
3. You’re free to create what you will for the art, but you might want to consult with your writer before doing anything too explicit.
4. You will post your artwork or vid on your livejournal or site on your assigned date; we'll create a master list of links and summaries at the community.
5. If you think you have the time, energy and stamina, you can sign up as both an artist and a writer. But we expect you to honour both obligations. So if you have doubts about your ability to do both, pick one.
6. You cannot post art or vids prior to your assigned posting date.

Important Deadlines

Please sign up to participate by May 28.

On July 5 a list of story titles and summaries will be posted anonymously. You can claim the story that interests you, first come, first served. Once you have successfully claimed a story, we’ll give you the author’s contact info and the rough draft/outline of the story.

The due date for your artwork/vid is August 20. Your work should not be posted on a public forum at this time, but you must provide us with either a live link to the art or vid, or the art or vid file itself.

An assigned, staggered posting schedule will begin in September.

To Sign Up

Please comment below with the following information:

  • Artist/Vidder name:
  • Artist/Vidder username on LJ:
    (If the Artist/Vidder is not on LJ, and you're commenting for them, please supply a contact email for them.)
  • Art or Vid?:
  • Would you prefer to work on slash, gen or het?:
  • If necessary, would you be willing to do a pinch hit?

    Thanks for participating...

    ...and GO PROS!!!!!!
  • artist sign-up post 2010, announcements 2010

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