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Comments 56

denkimouse December 29 2009, 10:35:14 UTC

actually i dont even know who that is :D

as for kris and kotone......... dont even get me started. of course the english fandom is all KRIS 4EVR KOTONE SUCKS immature bullshit. kris was from CRYSTAL G/S never had a female so go to hell and die. :D

kris/marina was annoying as hell in the raikou special anyway.


chuuni December 29 2009, 10:45:21 UTC
=____= Yes if you hate Kotone I'd rather you not get into HGSS and ruin it for everyone because obviously you give no contribution to the fandom other than your whinging and drama-starting. But I'd like to see someone write/draw enough anti-kotone shit to counteract my crazy scribblings. Actually, if they had the guts to do that I'd respect them.

Ooops, I thought I'd stop the negativity. ^_____^;


denkimouse December 29 2009, 10:47:20 UTC
oh yeah, i wanted to draw you something in thanks for that volkner.... =| hmmm but my art is so embarrassingly... i don't know! i might have to try a challenge :D


chuuni December 29 2009, 11:15:11 UTC

(though rival would be nice... and I like your quirky art syle)


karenai December 29 2009, 10:52:32 UTC
//It makes me sad that I may not be able to make as many friends as I'd like because I really hate a pairing that's supposedly popular in the English fandom//

This is assuming you would have made friends with them aside from these unfortunate circumstances, but I cannot conclude that that is true from the information provided. Something tells me I would never get along with fans who logically reason their way into unflushed toilet bowls and then swim around in their filth, shrieking, "THIS IS SO CANONZ VERSION XXX <3 <3 <3".

Really, think of it as a warning sign more than anything.

(Yeah, I'm such a bitch.)

And who cares about the Chinese IchiRuki fans, you've got me <333333


chuuni December 29 2009, 11:03:27 UTC
Well, I think my attitude about this pair could probably scare off even the most casual of shippers, but who knows. And maybe they're more sane in other fandoms, I still give people benefit of the doubt (though I wonder why, seeing that I've been in fandom for long enough to know better)

YES I HAVE YOU <33333333333 And no Bleach doesn't rule our lives either.


karenai December 29 2009, 11:09:52 UTC
I don't think they're sane anywhere. They're passive-aggressive and manipulative on TV Tropes; pissy and again passive-aggressive on Wikipedia (i.e. "we're going to change the order of the character list so that Rukia is farther away from Ichigo!"); flat-out perverted and psychopathic on BA's FLOL; deranged and enraged on their locked forum; and secretly frothing in rage but hiding it better on Livejournal. I truly think that at this point, any one with any real sanity has long left active IchiOri fandom, given the weirdness and "YOU MUST OBEY OUR PARTY CANON LINE" that the leaders push everywhere as far as I can tell.

But maybe that's just me.

I met you through Bleach, but it's damn funny how little we talk about it these days, considering how I spent ten minutes today harassing you to watch Star Trek. (FOR YOUR OWN ENJOYMENT)


chuuni December 29 2009, 11:14:10 UTC
Oh, if you mean those bunch of people, then yes, if I even only had half an eye I'd probably realize what a bunch of dirt scum they are. :DDDDD LAWL NO I'M NOT PC ON MY OWN DAMN JOURNAL.

And yeah, anyone who ships Ichiori but does not mingle with them, or smart ones like Ichi-nii still get my benefit of the doubt card. Sane Ichiori shippers: FOR THE LOVE OF KUBO STAY AWAY FROM FLOL AND BA.

Haha I haven't downloaded it yet because my net is bad, but will do! *been drawing and rping all day*


raethes December 29 2009, 11:03:15 UTC
It's okay let's talk about Pokeymans and MARCH 14 2010


chuuni December 29 2009, 11:08:17 UTC
That date makes my eyes go +_____+


raethes December 29 2009, 11:11:15 UTC
I have waited SO LONG for the day to come and jagmsandgm finally get to play it aaaaa!

... and i'm not even done with Platinum yet.


chuuni December 29 2009, 11:18:48 UTC

Lawls I juggle Plat, HG, and SS all at once.


(The comment has been removed)

chuuni December 29 2009, 12:36:18 UTC
LOL I like Hetalia Ruby. I'm not crazy about it though. And I can live with the fact you hate it because you're my pokeymans homie and pokeymans > Hetalia in my books. In any case, I go by live and let live. Unless it's the pairing mentioned above in my entry, in which case I say KILL IT WITH FIRE. But everyone has their hates and loves, I just hate that pairing.

Oh, give me a fucking break. Not everything was better when it first came out. Pokemon went from wheefunhurrhurr to AWESOME after Platinum.


(The comment has been removed)

chuuni December 29 2009, 12:58:29 UTC
You don't have to like it, I don't need to talk about Hetalia either (actually I just love HK he's mah boy everyone else is meh). No mind you I don't hate Orihime, I just hate how much fail Ichigo and Orihime are. And it's good you haven't read it in a year because at April this year there was a whole lot of shit that made me want to kill the pairing even more ^_^

NOSTALGIA. OLD GAMES. It beats everything and it's the only reason you can be a true fan of anything.


margin_ruler December 29 2009, 13:08:28 UTC
People are quite silly sometimes. Seriously, defriending someone just because they don't like your ship? *Ulquiorra voice* How childish.

But I do agree, Ichigo/Orihime is my least favourite pairing. Whenever he appears, Orihime's spine seems to be able to magically disappear without fail. This is also why I love Ulquiorra/Orihime so much: because he does the complete opposite to her. Come to think of it, I don't believe I've come across any wank from IchiOri shippers yet. Maybe it's because I don't lurk around in unknown shipping territory. Hmmm.


chuuni December 29 2009, 16:05:19 UTC
Well, I'm just warning people since shipping IS SRSBSNS no matter how much some people claim it isn't.

Hurr, we all know why we love Ulquihime, I don't actually need to compare it to Ichiori because that would be an insult. Ulquihime has nothing to do with Ichigo other than Ichigo noticing how strange Ulquiorra is around her.


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