I hate this and that

Dec 29, 2009 18:14

Okay, there's only one thing that would prooobably make people kick me off their f-lists faster than you could say "ohteepee".

I really hate Ichigo x Orihime as a pair in the manga. I hate its fans on BA and Effin'LOL. I don't know about the LJ fans since they declare themselves to be smarter or less wanky but seeing from reactions on F!S I reeeaaallly don't know about that. Tell me I have no life because hating a pairing is SOOPER SRSBSNS, and think again when you fangurl over your own pairings. Love and hate are the two ends of the same spectrum, deal with it.

If you ship it, I don't hate you by default, since you're on my f-list and we can probably talk about other happy stuff like pokeymans and porn. But I do not and will not say anything good about Ichigo/Orihime, whether outside a cut or inside a cut or in a comment somewhere. This is the only instance where I'm a bitch and I don't care what people think.

The other instance could be for Kris-is-the-best-Kotone-sucks!!1one people. But I'm trying hard to work on suppressing it because I love my pokeymans and I REALLY DO NOT HATE ANYTHING IN THIS FRANCHISE(maybe Ash, but it's more like a dull ache at this point).

Making a statement about shipping is like drawing fanart. Except when I say I hate a ship, I'm really telling it to you directly. If I never draw ANY Ichigo/Orihime fanart and constantly draw Orihime or Ichigo with other people, it's the same as telling you I hate the pair. But the latter takes much more time so that's why I'm saying it now.

It makes me sad that I may not be able to make as many friends as I'd like because I really hate a pairing that's supposedly popular in the English fandom, and English being my best language. I CAN go into the Chinese fandom, but I hate Chinese Bleach fans and I hate most Chinese Ichiruki fans because of their rampant stereotyping about people who like Orihime and their froth-spitting hatred for Orihime herself.

Don't even talk about the Chinese Pokeymans fandom =_______________= They're all 13-year-olds.

I LOVE the Japanese Pokeymans fandom. So productive and full of love and crack.

Anyways, just to let people who lurk this journal know. As the one-line intro to my journal implies, I don't care about a net reputation. I've not done anything morally abhorrent other than post my opinionated opinions on the internet, if that can be considered as such. If you feel that my hate for Ichigo/Orihime is unacceptable and you can never be friends with someone like me, then feel free to defriend/watch.

//why yes you can tell I'm in bitch mode lately//

bleach, lolfandom

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