To be fair, I'm using the PDA phone quite a lot, and I've found a number of useful items available for free. I'm starting to look at the less expensive of the paid apps that I'm interested in now. But I have to gripe that there's nothing I can find either free or paid that will sync the addressbook on the Palm with the addressbook in the mail
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Comments 2
PESync is not exactly what one might call flexible. It appears to match entries by the email address. So if the Palm entry has the same name but a different email address from the Eudora entry, it's treated as new. So, kinda useless if, for example, someone changes their email address. Who wrote this thing? Other annoyance include the inability to specify an alias for new Eudora entries (I even named a custom field Alias, no dice), no way to force entries to be treated as matching, no way to edit the fields...
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