Jun 29, 2013 12:05

Title: Lovely You
Pairing: Yoosu, Yunjae (And some other pairings I can’t mention so as not to spoil anything.)
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Drama, Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Length: Chaptered
Summary:  Kim Junsu is a 26 year old interior designer who works as an assistant in an art shop. Park Yoochun is a spoiled 27 year old son of a chaebol CEO who spent years living in his father’s money. Situations arise one after another and Junsu ends up with a broken heart and a debt to pay off. Will things get better for Junsu in the midst of a chaotic turn of events?


As Junsu approached Yoochun and Geunsuk at the bar, he noticed the familiar figure standing on the side wiping her dress with napkins. His eyes widened, ignoring the expression planted across the men's faces and turned around slowly.

"Junsu, where are you going?" Yunho questioned as both he and Changmin stopped to look at him.

"I suddenly have to use the restroom," Junsu answered hesitantly. "I'll be right back," he smiled, leaving the two as quickly as he could before Boyoung could see him.

Junsu scurried his way through the unfamiliar crowd, smelling the strong scent of perfumes and colognes, feeling the sweat rubbing on his skin, bodies grinding against his, and heels and shoes stepping all over his feet. He couldn't believe how surprisingly crowded this club was. Junsu thought it was going to be spacious with a nice ambience like it stated in the magazines. Unfortunately, the popularity and weekly promotion led to a compacted club of young folk.

"Why is she here?" Junsu mumbled to himself, referring back to Boyoung. "Why?"

He glanced at the long line to what appeared to be the men’s room. There must've been some kind of party going on inside the bathroom. It wouldn't be a surprise to him if people were trying to get away from the sweaty mess surrounding the whole place.

Junsu wiped his brow and found an empty seat in the corner. He smiled happily and hurried over to sit down.

"Thank goodness," he sighed and placed his jacket on his lap. He couldn't show up here with Boyoung hanging around the people who invited her to come. Could it get anymore awkward than that? She already took my boyfriend away from me, now she had to take my co-workers away too? Bonkers! She's bonkers!

"Is there a rainbow today? I just found the treasure I've been searching for!" Junsu looked up and found a dark haired man in his thirties holding a glass of something blue. He was smirking at him with glazed eyes like he was planning different ways to cook him tonight for dinner. It was scary and awkward at the same time. Junsu was alone. He had no protection. And he couldn’t just wear his jacket to cover up his exposed shoulder since it was so hot. All Junsu did was avoid his comment and look away like he never saw him. In addition, he used the cheesiest pick up line ever.

"Black looks really sexy on you," he commented, leaning against the black painted metal pole.

"Thank you," Junsu smiled shyly.

"Are you here alone?"

"Um," Don't say yes. Don't say yes! "No. My friends are at the bar."

"Oh I see," he nodded. "What about your girlfriend? Or boyfriend perhaps?"


"Boyfriend. You got one?"

"Umm," Junsu responded. He began to feel the uncomfortable energy between them. This man looked like he could be his father for goodness' sakes. This was why he avoided clubs. The only reason Junsu came was because he needed to change a little bit. People have been telling him that he needed to have some fun after all. But getting hit on by drunken men definitely wasn't fun.

"You're not even sure if you have a boyfriend or not?" he questioned.

Junsu let out a nervous laugh and tightened his grip on his jacket. "Sir, I'm not available."

"Aww," he pouted. "Maybe if we talk a little bit more, you'll change your mind."

Junsu began to feel uneasy at the sight of the man’s feet stepping forwards towards him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and nervously smoothed his sideburns with his knuckles.

"Is this man bothering you?" Yoochun asked, stepping out from the crowd.

Junsu’s face lit up at the sight of his boss. "Yoochun," he smiled.

"And who are you?" the man questioned.

Yoochun took a second to look at Junsu and then back to the older guy. "I'm his boyfriend," Yoochun lied. "So you should step away from him, okay?" Junsu looked at him shocked as Yoochun walked towards him and held out his hand. "Come on, Junsu."

"The little man looked like he needed a friend."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that," Yoochun stated, motioning to Junsu to take his hand.

Junsu stood up and hesitantly accepted it. Yoochun laced his fingers with Junsu’s and tightened it so they wouldn't get separated through the moving crowd. Junsu was relieved that Yoochun came to the rescue. He didn't know what he would've done if that man continued to make moves on him. As they squeezed through, Junsu felt a sudden tickle in his chest. He wasn't quite sure if it was from the heat of the club, the embarrassment of getting hit on by a drunken old man, Yoochun saving him, or from the way their fingers were interlaced together.

Ever since Junsu fled the scene earlier, Yoochun excused himself from the bar and followed his path to see where he was going. Yoochun knew that Junsu didn't know this place that well or even knew it at all so he had to make sure he was safe. Clubs were one of the main places girls and boys alike get hit on or assaulted. Especially when they wore exposing clothing to the bars like Junsu’s outfit.

Yoochun led Junsu out of the sweaty crowd and towards the other side of the bar. The rest of the gang was at the end near the entrance, so they were secure from being seen. And he released his grip from his hands.

"Why the hell did you walk off like that?" he questioned. "Are you trying to get yourself into trouble?"

Junsu scoffed. "You put me in this situation."

"I put you in this situation?" Yoochun repeated, confused.

"Yeah you," Junsu answered. "Did you invite Boyoung to come to our get-to-together?"

"No. She actually invited us."

Junsu’s eyes widened. "And you accepted it?"

"She offered free drinks," Yoochun shrugged.

"She offered free drinks," Junsu chuckled dryly. "Great, just great!"

Yoochun furrowed his eyes at Junsu as he started panicking. "Hey," Yoochun began, holding Junsu’s shoulders. "I thought I'd bring you here to show her that you were actually having a life. You can't show that to her if you disappear from her sight. She's going to think you're moping under a rock."

"Why do I have to prove anything to her? I hate her. She ruined my life. She should be the one begging me for forgiveness. I shouldn't be the one who has to run obstacles just to show her that I'm okay," Junsu stated. "I asked you to help me, not to make me feel even more inferior than I already am."

Yoochun sighed deeply as he watched Junsu look down at his hands. It was obvious that Junsu was uncomfortable with this unexpected surprise. He should've told him about Boyoung instead of keeping quiet about the situation. He had to admit that Junsu was right; he didn't have to prove anything to Boyoung. Junsu just needed to learn how to forget. A sexy make over wasn't going to change anything.

As he was thinking of what to do next -whether to stay at the club or not- he looked past Junsu’s shoulder and found Joongki walking around with a drink in his hand. He groaned and returned his focus back to Junsu.

"Do you want to leave?" he asked Junsu.

Junsu looked up. "I just got here," he answered.

"Did you like getting hit on like that?"

"No," he retorted. "Not at all."

"Well I'm pretty sure that's going to happen all night."

"I'll live with it, " Junsu stated.

Yoochun groaned. "And then you're going to let me save you from all those creepy men?"

"No, I'll just walk away. Besides, I got all dressed up for this."

He nodded and observed his outfit again. "A little too dressed up. This isn't what I was talking about when I said to wear something nice."

Junsu looked at him puzzled. He smoothed his hands over his leather pants. "But isn't this good enough?"

"It is, trust me. It's just. . . ," he stopped. Junsu looked really stunning, but Yoochun had this weird feeling inside that really wasn't satisfied with the look. "I don't think it suits you."

Junsu took a second to soak in what Yoochun just said and let out a chuckle. "So you don't like it? I thought you wanted me to dress better. This is me dressing better."

"Exactly. Dress better, not skimpier," he replied.

Junsu scoffed and looked around him, observing all the young folk dressed in what one can barely call clothes on the dance floor. Yoochun’s probably mentally drooling all over those girls wearing two inches of clothing right now but can’t even appreciate his effort to fit in the crowd and look his best.

"Wow," Junsu gasped. "Why are all men so . . . ughh!" he groaned. "I'm just never going to be good enough, am I? A makeover isn't going to cut it." Junsu looked at Yoochun one last before he turned around to leave.

Yoochun closed his eyes in shame and followed Junsu through the crowd. "Junsu!" he called out.

From a far, Joongki noticed Junsu marching through the crowd in a shockingly sexy outfit with Yoochun following him from behind. He furrowed his eyes, wondering what they were doing here together and took a step forward to check what was going on. He sipped from his drink and continued watching them until they disappeared. Then he glanced over to the bar where he found Boyoung laughing with a couple of guys that worked from the café. She was wearing the same outfit she stole from the boutique. He shook his head in disappointment. It was odd seeing both of his exes at the same club, wearing outfits that shocked him completely. Not only that, they were both surrounded by other men. And that made his blood boil.

After a while of laughing with Geunsuk and the guys at the bar, Boyoung decided to head to the lady's room. She told them that she'd return so she can dance with them, and so she hurried her way through the crowds. As she was on her way there, she heard her phone ringing in her clutch purse. So she stopped and pulled it out.

She scowled at the name blinking on the screen and rolled her eyes as she pressed the answer button. "What?" she questioned roughly.

"Wow. Not even a hello?" Joongki replied.

Boyoung sighed deeply. "Joongki, why are you calling me? I don't want to talk to you."

"See, that's what I don't understand. Why are you mad at me?"

"Because you didn't tell Junsu about us when you were supposed to."

"That's not even a good reason. So what if I didn't tell him? We are both at fault here."

"It doesn't matter. I still don't want to talk to you," she replied. "If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have gotten into this situation."

"What!" Joongki questioned, watching her from a distance. He rolled his eyes at her response. "You're the one who put the moves on me first."

"No I didn't."

"Oh right," Joongki replied dryly. "You're the one who started dancing on me that night and that makes it my fault."

"I was just having fun. You didn't have to fall for me."

"I couldn't help it," he replied.

Boyoung was taken aback by that statement and she swallowed the lump in her throat. She still kind of had feeling for Joongki, but she wasn't going to let that change her mind about him.

"Like I said, it was just for fun," she stated.

Joongki nodded and slowly walked through the crowd towards her. "So are you saying the whole time we were together, it was just a joke?"

"Maybe," she answered, turning around and found him right in front of her.

"Well I believe you," he said, hanging up the phone.

She slowly hung up the phone as well and stuffed it in her purse. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm taking some time for myself, what else?" he answered. He observed her nice pink dress and smiled, thinking about that night he saw her steal it. "Nice outfit."

"Thanks," she replied, unenthused.

"Where'd you steal it from?" he asked.

Her eyes widened. "What did you just say?"

"Where'd you steal it?" he repeated.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I saw you, Park Boyoung. You ripped the tag off and stuffed it in your purse."

She squinted her eyes at him curiously and placed her hands on her hips. "How the hell did you know that? Were you stalking me!"

"I-I I was just passing by," he replied nervously.

"So you were stalking me!"

"No, I was just there to check on how you were doing."

"Right, you're a stalker."

"And you're a thief!" he retorted. She gasped and quickly hit him with her purse. "Ow!"

"You better not tell anyone about this," she ordered through her teeth.

"You're manager will find out eventually. Don't they have surveillance cameras?"

"Yes, but it will only show me fixing up dresses because that's what it looked like I was doing."

"Why'd did you steal it?"

She rolled her eyes. "Why should I tell you?"

"Because you used to tell me everything."

"Well not anymore because we're not together," she replied. "I have to go now."

She was about to walk off until Junsu randomly showed up from the crowds. Boyoung looked at him up and down, stunned by the sight of his outfit and hair. "Junsu?"

Junsu didn't realize it was Boyoung and Joongki until he turned to them. His eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?" Boyoung asked.

"Uh I'm -," Junsu began. He glanced at Joongki, the man he once had and strangely still loved, and then back to Boyoung. What were they doing here together? Weren't they broken up? Junsu swallowed the lump in his throat to keep him from panicking, and tried to answer. "I-I came to dance."

Boyoung lifted an eyebrow and laughed in amusement. "You came here to dance? You don't dance. And for the whole time that I've known you, you've always hated the clubs."

"Well things change," Junsu answered.

"Right," Boyoung nodded, unconvinced. "Go ahead and make a fool of yourself."

Joongki shook his head at the Boyoung’s rudeness and glanced at Junsu. He looked absolutely stunning. He had never seen him look this good in a long time. He was impressed.

"Hey," he greeted. Junsu glanced at him and looked away. "Can we talk?"

"I don't feel like talking to you," Junsu replied.

"Junsu, please," he begged. "Let's go somewhere to talk."

"If you want to talk to me, talk to me here."

Booyoung lifted an eyebrow as she stood there; waiting patiently to hear what he had to say.

"I'd rather go somewhere else," Joongki stated.

"It's either here or not at all," Junsu demanded.

"Just please," he begged again.

Boyoung rolled her eyes. "Fine, if you just want me to leave, I'll leave. Go ahead and talk to your pitiful ex," she groaned, marching right past them towards the lady's room where she was originally headed.

Joongki took a moment to process his thoughts and stepped forward to catch Junsu’s attention.

"What are you doing here Junsu? You never come to these kinds of places," he began.

"Is it really that surprising to see me here?"

Joongki smiled. "Yeah, actually it is. You don't belong here."

Junsu rolled his eyes and turned to the side. He hated how everyone was surprised to see him at the club. Of course, he wasn't the type who would spend his leisure time there, but them being shocked made him feel stupid. Almost childish - like he wasn't mature enough to be in an atmosphere like this.

"I wanted to go," Junsu stated.

He didn't believe him. "Is it because of me? Did you come here because of me? To show me that you can be mature like Boyoung?"

Junsu furrowed his eyes at Joongki in disbelief. "Don't be ridiculous! I don't want to be anything like Boyoung," he stated. "And no I didn't come here for you. I came here for me. Not for you, Song Joongki," Junsu added. "Because you mean nothing to me."

"Junsu, you think I believe that?" he questioned him. "We dated for years. I don't think I mean nothing to you."

Junsu looked at him, forcing the tears from appearing, and tightened his jaw. "Well it's true."

Yoochun pushed through the crowds and found Junsu and Joongki talking to each other near one of the poles. He slowly walked closer and craned his neck to see the expressions on their faces.

"Look, you don't have to go to these lengths to prove anything to me, okay? You don't have to come here and dress like this to show me that you're fine. I know it's not easy to forget about me after all these years. I know you," he stated.

Junsu scoffed in disbelief. "I told you that I am done."

"Junsu, stop lying to yourself," he stated.

Yoochun observed Junsu’s expression. It was obvious that he was trying to fight away the truth. He was right. Acting like he didn't care was a big task for him. Joongki pressuring him into admitting his weakness definitely wasn't helping his strength and confidence at all. Joongki made him feel inferior and intimidated. Yoochun couldn't let that continue.

"I know that you're suffering from this break up but you don't have to-"

"Hey!" Yoochun called out, cutting Joongki off.

Both of them turned to the handsome man as he stepped in between the two exes. "What do you want?" Joongki questioned roughly.

"I need you to leave this person alone," Yoochun demanded.

Joongki chuckled. "Why? Are you his body guard or something?"

"No, I'm his friend."

"I thought you were his boss."

"So? That doesn't mean I can't be his friend," Yoochun stated. "He said that he’s over you. So you should accept that."

"You're not really over me, are you Su?" Joongki questioned, looking at Junsu from behind Yoochun.

Yoochun glanced behind him to hear what he had to say. Junsu looked up at him and remembered what he said before. First step was to get over his heart ache. And this was his chance. Even if it was hard, he had to let go of the person who hurt him the most.

"Yeah, I'm done," Junsu answered.

"Junsu," Joongki began.

"What else am I supposed to do? Keep loving you after you brutally crushed my heart?" Junsu questioned. "No! I will not do that to myself. I can't love someone who doesn't love me back. I am completely done with you. If you ever try to talk to me again or make me feel stupid, I will... "Junsu took a second to breathe and continued. “I will kill you."

Joongki’s eyes widened at Junsu’s last words. It knocked the breath out of him. To see the boy he once loved and adored and even wanted to marry threaten him was the last thing he ever wanted to happen. It was unbelievable how his own mistakes can damage such a fragile and precious soul like Junsu’s.

Yoochun saw the pain in Joongki’s expression. He wanted to feel sorry for the guy, but he deserved it. It was probably the most impressive thing Junsu has done since they've met. He stood up to the guy that made him into such a huge mess. It wasn't fair for him to suffer because of Joongki’s selfishness. He needed to learn his lesson and figure out what he really needed to fix. And Yoochun was glad that Junsu was able to make him feel guilty for his agony.

"You heard the man. He doesn't want you anymore," Yoochun stated as he turned around. "Come on, Junsu," Yoochun said as he reached out to grab Junsu’s hand and he led him out of the crowded area. Joongki just stood there in distraught as he watched the two leave out of his sight.

Yunho wiped his mouth after drinking from his glass and watched as Yoochun and Junsu walked out together. He grew curious and moved his eyes to the guy they were talking to. From the way he stood there with his head hanging down, he figured that he wasn't exactly happy.

"Where did everyone go?" Geunsuk questioned, taking a sip from his beer bottle.

"I just saw Junsu and Yoochun walk out together," Yunho stated, returning to the bar.

"What?" Geunsuk responded. "Why would they just walk out? We just got here."

Yunho rolled his eyes and downed his glass. "Who knows?" he answered.

Changmin smirked and lightly waved at the group of girls they saw at outside the club. "Well until they return, I'm going to join some lucky ladies on the dance floor. See ya!" he stated, climbing off his stool to meet up with them.

Geunsuk glanced at the girls practically begging him to dance and then turned to Yunho. It was either stay here and linger with Mr. Jung and sulk together or shake his booty with the rest of the club.

"I'm coming with!" Geunsuk called out, leaving Yunho sitting there by himself.

Yunho didn't really mind. He only came because it was an opportunity to clear his head. He figured he could take the time off and just stop worrying about anything.

"Yunho hyung!" Changmin called out. "A pretty brunette said she wants to dance with you!"

Yunho raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl Changmin was hugging to his side. She was pretty and cute. Since he was lonely, he might as well be a gentleman and dance with the girl. So he did.

Junsu paced around the patio area at the club and pinched his nose to keep him from inhaling the smoke that was surrounding him. After he spotted an available place to sit, he hurried away from the cigarette smokers and sat himself down.

Yoochun nodded at the random people and followed Junsu. He sighed deeply as he settled himself beside him.

"I originally didn't want to come here because I didn't want to be involved in any of your drama," Yoochun stated. "But oddly, I went for the kill."

Junsu sulked and leaned back against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. "You're now a prime subject between all three of us," Junsu replied.

Yoochun groaned at the thought of that. "You're bad luck, you know that?" he questioned. "Thanks to you, I'm now Boyoung’s new love interest and Joongki’ arch enemy."

"Welcome to my life," Junsu responded.

"Your life sucks," Yoochun laughed.

Junsu closed his eyes at the truth in those words. "Don't remind me," he ordered. "I just want to forget it all."

"You think you can do that?"

Junsu opened his eyes and looked down at his hands.

"I hope so," Junsu stated.

Yoochun glanced at Junsu’s movements and looked at his hand as well. It was empty just like he was. Yoochun could feel the pain Junsu was feeling. The want. The mistakes. The regret. He didn't know what it was like to be stabbed in the back by the person he loved, but he understood the want for someone's affection and support. It's not the same thing, but he put it up on the same level as his own suffering.

"Look, I know I haven't been the kindest person in the world to you, but I believe that you can move on from this," he advised, giving Junsu a comforting smile. "It will eventually go away. It might take some time to heal the wound they created. You just need to be distracted with something else. That's why I'm here to help."

Junsu stopped playing with his hands and connected his eyes with Yoochun’s. For the first time since their first meeting, Junsu actually felt like he could truly trust Yoochun. He wasn't being mean for once. He wasn't bossing him around or telling him to suck it up. He was being kind to him. He was being supportive and sincere. Unlike Joongki, Junsu believed his words. And that caused him to smile.

"Thank you, Yoochun," Junsu stated.

"Yeah, yeah," Yoochun replied, looking away from Junsu. He didn't want to sound too sappy.

"For a jackass, you're actually pretty nice," Junsu joked.

Yoochun quickly glared at him for the jackass comment. "So are we going back in there or head home?"

"Uh," Junsu began to think. "After seeing Geunsuk spit his drink all over Boyoung, I'm thinking about staying for at least another hour to see if he does it again."

Yoochun chuckled. "Geunsuk was pretty shocked to see you," Yoochuns stated.

"Tell me about it. Put anyone in a skimpy outfit and any guy will go ballistic," Junsu replied. "Well except you."

Yoochun drew out a deep say and sneakily took another glance to check Junsu out. He had to admit that he really looked stunning like a model, but a bit too sexy. "Modesty," he stated.


"Stay modest," Yoochun advised. "That suits you well."

"First you criticize me for being a victim of the fashion police and tell me to dress better. Now that I dress better, you want me to go back to my modest look? You're so confusing, Park Yoochun."

"I think you look better when you're not showing off too much," he admitted. Junsu quickly lifted his eyebrows at that comment. "Men want girls… or guys who don't expose their sensuality to the world. We like to discover it ourselves. We want to be the only person who knows what's sexy about their lover. When our partner is already showing it off to everyone, it's no longer fun."

Junsu took that advice to heart. It was really interesting to hear those words come from Yoochun’s mouth. Junsu really liked that Yoochun was telling him these things. It was all helping him out as a person. Knowing the real details in a man's mind and understanding the truth in him was inspirational. Yoochun was more than he thought he was. He was a really good mentor. And Junsu was really glad that he came around at this time in his life.

"Since we're talking about being modest here, does that mean I don't have to bump and grind on the dance floor?" Junsu questioned.

Yoochun scrunched his face at his question and chuckled. "I think you should sit on the sidelines if you want to save yourself from embarrassment," he mocked.

"I can dance!" Junsu snapped.

"Then show me a move," he suggested.

"Uhh," Junsu began. "I'd rather not."

"It sucks that bad, huh?"


"Then why don't you show me?"

"Because it's too legit to show through sneak peeks," Junsu retorted.

"Right," he said slowly. "That's really clever."

"It's true!"

"Then do it."

"I'll save it for the dance floor," Junsu stated, standing up from his seat.

He shook his head, amused by Junsu. "That better not be a lie," he responded as they both headed back inside the club.

After returning to the bar Junsu immediately ran towards the others who were having fun on the dance floor. The guys all howled at Junsu and started dancing again. Yoochun decided to sit by the bar and see for himself if Junsu really did dance. And truth be told, Junsu was in fact, a great dancer.

Yoochun gulped as he watched Junsu effortlessly grind his hips lower to the dance floor. It was a simple move but it looked sultry and sexy. Geunsuk went behind Junsu and they danced together with their bodies hovering over each other with a few inches of space. Yoochun had wanted to join in the fun but he was feeling a bit hot all around his body and he couldn’t understand why so he decided to just cool off by the bar and have a few drinks.

Boyoung was still lingering around, desperately clinging to the guys like a leach. Joongki was minding his own business with a couple of his friends on the far side of the club. But a few times he'd glance their way to see what was going on. He wasn't surprised to see Boyoung dancing on other guys, but he was surprised to see that Junsu actually looked sexy and happy on the dance floor.

Within in the next two hours, Yunho pulled Junsu in a few times to dance with him. They would pull amazing dance moves together and made the crowd holler at them. Changmin, on the other hand, got drunker and drunker. It was possible that he'd drop any second. And Junsu kind of felt bad for him.

As Junsu was walking back to his seat where Yoochun was casually hanging out, he felt Changmin lean back against him. Junsu quickly turned around to hold him up and observed his face to see if he was still conscious.

"Are you okay?" Junsu asked, struggling to keep him on his feet.

Yoochun looked over his shoulders to examine what was going on.

Changmin moved his head up and found Junsu looking down at him. He smiled happily and said, "You look so amazing, hyung," he stated.

Junsu let out a nervous laugh. "Thank you," Junsu replied.

"Reckless boy is really pretty!" he repeated. "Why don't you dress like this all the time!" Changmin questioned, slurring his words.

"I don't know," Junsu answered, adjusting him. "Let me get you on a chair." Junsu wrapped Changmin’s arm around his shoulders and dragged him to the seat in beside Yoochun.

"Hey buddy," Yoochun greeted, patting Changmin on the back.

"I like him," Changmin stated, pointing at Junsu as he removed his arm from around him. "I don't care if you don't like him, hyung. I like him!" he sang.

"You're making confessions again, Changmin-ah," Yoochun stated, amused by his best friend's drunken self.

"I am?"

Yoochun nodded, looking at him like a little boy.

"Oh wells!" he snapped, gleefully.

"Alright. You go do your thing," Yoochun advised, turning back to his drink.

"You're really stunning!" Changmin repeated as Junsu just stood there, keeping him from leaning to the side.

As Junsu pushed back Changmin towards the bar, he surprisingly grabbed Junsu’s face and planted a wet kiss on his lips.

Yoochun’s eyes immediately widened at the sight of the two smooching in front of him. He felt a little uneasy with the vision of their lips touching. Junsu quickly pushed Changmin off him and wiped the slobber off his mouth in disgust. It was obvious that it was a meaningless kiss, but somehow Yoochun wasn't amused by it.

Geunsuk felt the same exact way as he watched from afar as he made his way there, but really didn't think much about it. He was getting used to Junsu getting hit on from other guys. But the kiss definitely shocked the poop out Joongki as he observed them from his side of the club. He had this sudden urge to punch the living daylights out of Changmin, but he didn't want to interfere with Junsu’s business especially when Junsu didn't want anything to do with him.

Junsu scrunched his face up at the sudden kiss and tried his best to remove the feeling from his lips. Changmin’s alcoholic breath was definitely not a turn on. The fact that it was a sloppy smack was even worse.

"Yoochun. Here." Junsu pushed Changmin’s sluggish body towards him and took a step back. "I think I had enough affection for tonight," Junsu stated.

"I think this calls it a night then" Yoochun stated.

"I agree," Junsu nodded, still grossed out.

"Me dos," Geunsuk stated as he arrived beside Junsu.

"I'll call you ladies later," Yunho yelled out as he approached the gang at the bar. The girls all giggled as they continued dancing their life away. Yunho smiled happily at the sight and turned towards the crew. "I'm pooped, how about you guys?"

"I think Changmin is ready for another dance," Yoochun laughed, lightly patting Changmin on the cheek.

Yunho furrowed his eyes at the sleeping Changmin and shook his head. "He's a goner."

"That's why we're all heading home," Junsu stated.

"That's fine with me," Yunho replied. He stepped next to Junsu, noticed his expression and wrapped an arm around him. "What's wrong with you? You look freaked out?"

"Changmin decided to kiss me," Junsu replied.

"What!" Yunho laughed.

"That's exactly what I was thinking when it happened," Yoochun stated, trying his best to burn the image out of his head.

"Oh well," Geunsuk shrugged his shoulders. "I wouldn't have resisted either. Look at this man! Unbelievable, right?"

Junsu smiled bashfully.

Boyoung stopped dancing in the middle of the dance floor when she noticed Junsu at the bar with the guys. At first it was her hanging around them, but then it switched gears. She glared at the group and watched as they all started to move out of the bar. When she noticed that they were heading out, she quickly walked towards them.

"Hey! Are you all leaving?" she questioned.

They all turned around. "Changmin’s passed out and I think everyone's tired," Yoochun stated.

"Aw, seriously? We didn't get a chance to dance, Yoochun," Boyoung pouted.

Junsu’s jaw tightened and rolled his eyes.

"Maybe another time," Yoochun stated.

"Next week?"

"I have to figure out my schedule."


"We'll see you later."

"You better bet on it," she smiled seductively. Boyoung turned around and started strutting back to the dance floor with her heels.

"Can she get any hotter?" Geunsuk commented.

"Let's just get going," Yoochun stated, holding one of Changmin’s arm over his shoulder while Yunho had the other.

Once they all made their way outside, Yoochun noticed Geunsuk fixing the loose hair from Junsu face. He readjusted Changmin on his shoulder and observed the two as they laughed together. He couldn't describe it, but he was feeling a bit uneasy with Junsu being around other guys.

Yunho fixed Changmin’s arm and glanced at Yoochun’s distant expression. He grew curious and turned away to see what he was focusing on. It was Geunsuk and Junsu. It was obvious that Yoochun was beginning to feel something for him. The way he looked at Junsu was softer than before.


Yoochun woke up the next morning, pacing around his kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand. The whole time he was lying in bed last night, he kept thinking about why he suddenly felt this urge to protect Junsu every time he saw him with another guy. The minute he saw Changmin kiss Junsu, he wanted to punch him in the face to keep him from even doing it again. Good thing Changmin wasn't going to remember one minute of the events of last night. And then seeing Junsu dance with Geunsuk and Yunho, and enjoying himself with them just made him want to be the guy who made him smile like that. He couldn't quite understand it or want to admit what was really going on.

Sipping from his mug, Yoochun heard groaning noises from the couch. He turned around walked towards it where an aching Changmin was moving around under the blanket.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Yoochun greeted loudly.

Changmin winced at the sound of his hyung’s voice and clasped the sides of his skull. It was throbbing like crazy. It almost felt like he was beaten with a hammer a thousand times.

"Don't. Do. That!" Changmin complained, slowly sitting up on the couch.

"If you didn't drink so much last night, you wouldn't be hurting like this."

Changmin groaned and squinted his eyes at Yoochun by the sunlit window. "Did I really drink that much, hyung?"

"More than the usual."

"Damn it," Changmin sighed. "How many times did I do the Carlton?"

"More than the usual," Yoochun repeated.

"Damn it," Changmin stated, wincing again at the pounding at his temples. "What else did I do last night?"

Yoochun took a second to think. The vision of Changmin kissing Junsu was still very vivid in his mind. He wished it would just burn away from his brain, but he was right there when it happened. He swallowed the lump in his throat and turned away to keep himself from being frustrated at the image.

"Nothing you want to know," he mumbled.

"Huh?" Changmin questioned, confused. "What did I do, hyung?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Do I want to know?"

Yoochun put his mug down and folded his arms across his chest. "Let me ask you one question," he began. "How much do you like Junsu?"

Changmin furrowed his eyes. "He’s a hyung a look up to."

"Your little smooch last night said otherwise," Yoochun finished.

His best friend's eyes widened and scowled at the thought. He didn't even know what got over him or what even made him do such a thing. Kissing Junsu didn't even come to mind. Ever. It had to be the way he dressed last night. It just had to be.

"You're joking, right?" Changmin laughed.


"You know I’m not gay."

"Just keep telling yourself that," Yoochun stated, walking towards the living space. He picked up the remote and flopped on the sofa adjacent to the one Changmin was on.

"What about you!" Changmin retorted.

"What about me?" Yoochun answered, flipping through the channels.

"You act like you don't like Junsu hyung, but you keep hanging around him like you're buddies. Why is that?"

Yoochun removed his focus from the television and thought about what he said. The only reason why he was spending so much time with Junsu was because of their deal. He was helping him look past all the heartache and grow from it. That was all. It wasn't more than that. Or was it?

"Go back to sleep, Min," Yoochun ordered, returning to the TV.

"You're lucky my head hurts or I would be annoying you to answer my question," Changmin replied, slowly leaning back against the pillow.

Yoochun chuckled and shook his head.


"I'm surprised Yoochun oppa didn't have to bring you home last night," Saeyoung stated by Junsu’s door frame. "Or this morning," she added.

Junsu opened his eyes and observed his sister eating a croissant. He combed back his hair from his face so he could see better and sat up on his bed.

"He didn't have to," Junsu replied. "I took a taxi."

"Why didn't he bring you home?"

"Because he had other priorities to take care of," Junsu answered remembering the sloppy drunk named Changmin.

"What about the other guys?"

"I know you could care less what Yunho hyung and Geunsuk were doing. So just ask me what Changmin was doing," Junsu stated, climbing out of bed. He slipped into his pair of fluffy slippers and walked past her at the door way.

"Okay then. What did Changmin oppa do the whole time?" Saeyoung questioned following him to the bathroom.

"He danced with girls all night," Junsu answered bluntly but leaving out the kiss from last night, turning the lights on and grabbing his brush from the plastic cup beside the sink.

Saeyoung eyes widened but tried to act like it didn't hurt her. "Oh that's great!" she exclaimed dryly.

Junsu glanced over his shoulder as he prepared her tooth brush. "You know Youngie, you should stop crushing over him. He's not good enough for you. Do you really want a guy who drools over every girl he sees?"

"Oppa, he's gorgeous!" Saeyoung whined.

"That doesn't mean anything. A guy could be drop dead gorgeous but he'd have a brain the size of a peanut. Would you really want that?"

"Yeah," his sister answered without thinking.

Junsu gave her a blank stare. His little sister was definitely the definition of shallow. It's all about the looks with her. She should depend less on looks and depend more on personality.

"What about your friend Wooyoung, he's a cool guy," Junsu advised, ignoring his sister's naïve answer.

"Wooyoung? Ew. He's sweet and all, but he is not my type."

"You'll never know unless you actually try."

"I already have someone in mind and it's Changmin oppa."

"He's too old for you, Youngie."

"So, I heard older men were dating youngsters these days."

"That's because they are pedophiles," Junsu stated as he began brushing his teeth.

Saeyoung groaned and rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I don't care what mom and you say. I'm going to like him whether you like it or not."

Junsu sighed deeply as he watched his sister march out of his room.

He wanted his sister to listen to him. Hasn't she learned from his struggles already? He dated a man who was interested in another woman. He never got the warning before it all happened. Saeyoung had that warning and she wasn't taking it to heart. Changmin was a nice guy, but he was a big flirt and he was older than her. His little sister was going to be hurt. Junsu knew that for a fact. But since Saeyoung was still so young, she didn't understand. She needs to figure out that she is worth more than that and that there is someone better for her. Same with Junsu.

At first Junsu thought Joongki was the one, but now he realized that there was someone out there who was a hundred times better than him. It was going to be tough forgetting about Joongki. They dated for two years after all. They had a lot of memories together. But he wasn't going to settle and reminisce over what they once had. The decision was made. Joongki didn't want him and now he didn't want him either. Never again was he going to stay with a man who couldn't give his all. Never again. Thanks to Yoochun, Junsu was able to realize that.

After last night, it seemed like their friendship grew a little bit. Junsu found himself liking him as a person rather than the jerk he once thought he was. There was actually a soft side to Mr. Park Yoochun. He wasn't going to expect them to be all buddy-buddy when they got back to work, but it was going to be different. With Yoochun being supportive and caring towards him, he had a good feeling that Yoochun was going to be just that - caring and supportive. Hopefully his instincts were right.

A/N: OMG YOOCHUN IS SO FREAKIN HOT!!!!! :)) oh and JJ's concert in Yokohama was the bomb(even though i wasn't there to watch) haha I was listening to it through the live stream audio. OH AND HE HAS A FREAKIN' TATTOO ON HIS LEFT FOREARM!! DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THAT'S REAL OR TEMPORARY FOR THE CONCERT?????? it's really bothering me that there's a visible JJ tattoo.. and i just recently found out that he had another new tattoo from a few months earlier. It was placed on the middle of his back from top to bottom. SO HOT RIGHT??? hahahahaha but the arm tattoo.. i do not approve. :(

fanfiction, pairing: yunjae, genre: romance, pairing: yoosu, plot: coffee prince(roughly), genre: comedy, genre: drama, length: chaptered (ongoing), genre: fluff

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