(I Foolishly Made Them Date-Specific, So I Can't Really Offload Them On Etsy, Either.)

Dec 22, 2010 03:26

For a multitude of reasons, this year's [Generic Winter Holiday] cards are unavoidably going to be um. New Years-ish, at the earliest. But it is heartening to know that you can still sign up to get one. Consider it my Solstice gift to you.

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They are fortified with extra nerdiness this year.

And if it makes your heart well and truly sad to not have one of my postcards to hold in your hot little hands by now, I've got an extra illo in my sketchbook for you in the coming days. So there's that.

Relatedly, today I learned that the Seattle central post office has not been postmarking mail that passes through their hands. I mean I know it's an 'evergreen' 'forever' stamp, but surely they do not want to encourage the federal offense of stamp reuse?

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festivities, post, this modern victorian era

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