permanon post

Apr 02, 2019 18:30

Tell me a story. Write me a novel, or give me a single sentence, one word. Give me a comment and see if I can figure it out. Tell me of your love, your hate, tell me you don't care ( Read more... )

memes to keep you busy

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Comments 45

niki_uchiha April 2 2010, 22:50:56 UTC
u know what i fucking hate u! u are a bitchy whore! i hope u get run over by a truck and then she (woman cant drive) runs over u again going in reverse and again to drive away!!

im so kidding and you know that. i love u so much! u are such an awesome friend! if i was a lesbian and not dating kim i would so rape u (i mean that in the nicest way possible).

no i bet we would have a cute relationship involving sitting by a fireplace reading stories and candle-lit dinners.

sadly i am not a lesbian and am in love with a man that my mother does not approve of .

i hope i did the meme right if not...then it was fun writing


chromatic_coma April 2 2010, 23:01:00 UTC
pffft you're such a silly girl.

'if i was a lesbian...' <- I've been hearing this a lot lately. I have no idea why XD


niki_uchiha April 3 2010, 02:32:09 UTC
there is a funny song called "if i were gay" by comedian stephen lynch.
my comment got messed up b.c i had written something with the


chromatic_coma April 3 2010, 03:12:17 UTC
That's true, but not exactly what I meant.

Aw, it's okay.


anonymous April 2 2010, 22:51:36 UTC
Sometimes I feel lonely and I want to talk, but I'm afraid to be a bother.
Sometimes I worry about you.
I love you very much as a sister.
I often wonder if I've said the wrong thing when you don't immediately respond.

They stood, silent and strong, on a ridge.
Where? They didn't know. They didn't care. They had been here for as long as they could remember.
Who were they? It wasn't important. All that was known was that they were protecting something(one?) precious.
Why they were there, they did not know. How they had come to be there, they did not know. All they knew is that they had a purpose, a goal, a reason: To protect something(one?) beyond the ridge.
So they stood, silent and strong.



chromatic_coma April 2 2010, 23:15:12 UTC
I wish that I could give you the reassurance to know that whatever it is you have to say, I want to listen. And if there's anything I've learned, it's that sometimes you can feel loneliest surrounded by people who love you. In a way it hurts more knowing that you feel that way around me than knowing you feel that way in general.

You are never a bother. Ever. I love you. <3

If I don't immediately respond, it's not because you said the wrong thing. The only wrong thing you could ever say to me is if you lie to me.

...when she cries, she's absolutely beautiful ( ... )


Anon is severely tempted to de-anon (if you can't guess who it is already) anonymous April 2 2010, 23:31:23 UTC
<3 >///< Thank you~

That poem is beautiful, dear. <333


My god this should not be so difficult!! XD I have a glimmer of an idea... chromatic_coma April 2 2010, 23:38:25 UTC

.///////. Thank you very much. The title is "A Conversation With My Conscience," which I think gives it a whole new perspective. Read it again with that in mind, if it pleases you to do so.


anonymous April 2 2010, 22:57:57 UTC
BET YOU CAN'T GUESS WHO THIS ISOnce upon a time a guy with a scary face met a girl with a scary personality and they fell in love and then had very intimidating babies. The end ( ... )


chromatic_coma April 2 2010, 23:35:10 UTC
I wouldn't worry about not having been in love; Mr. (or Miss :D) Perfect is out there looking for you, too. And, as for what to call yourself, if you need to call yourself something then maybe consider bi-curious? Personally I find you perfect, whether you can label yourself or not <3 ( ... )


anonymous April 2 2010, 23:42:59 UTC
I dare you...

I dare you...

I dare you to....

I dare you to write a Switzerland/Ukraine already established relationship drabble.

And if you didn't know who I was before, you sure as hell do now :D


chromatic_coma April 2 2010, 23:44:56 UTC

wait a few minutes, I'll post it right here <3

and then send it to you in case you miss it :3


leriacossato April 2 2010, 23:21:28 UTC
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." - Moulin Rouge

I want to get to know you well, I think you're an amazing writer. I wish I could get off my lazy arse and finish fanfics and stuff, but I'm when I'm writing them and I re-read them, I just can't help but think: 'Oh man that's crap :/'

The first thing I ever wanted, ever since I was little, was to be able to live in the past.
I wish I could learn how to stop having silly little crushes on people whom would never love me back. X)

I ramble too much. Danke for your time.


chromatic_coma April 3 2010, 00:06:37 UTC
"The love of my life is the love between friends."

I know we just met, but I already find you to be intelligent and sweet. You are good with words, polite, and you give off an aura of friendliness.

I do the same with all my fics, trust me. The difference is that you'll have to find the courage to post them anyways and take what comes at you. Every time I post, I ready myself for flames, but I'm not getting them yet, so I guess I'm doing something right.

If that really do bother you, f-lock the fics. Or even use a custom lock on them, and only show the people you trust. Let them help you edit, if need be, but more importantly if they give you compliments, accept them. You deserve them, after all ;)

Welcome to my journal, then, I love rambling and ramblers <333


leriacossato April 3 2010, 05:46:13 UTC
Awwww thank you so much! Whenever I'm thinking about asking someone to become friends with on livejournal, I always think through what I'm going to type over and over again because I'm terrified I'm being rude or something. :/ ahahah lol.

Oh man I hope no one ever flames your fics. I think they're amazing. Seriously.
My whole journal is f-locked lmao, but I'm thinking about making a comm for fanfics that I do write.



chromatic_coma April 4 2010, 16:44:32 UTC
I guess the fact that you try very hard to be rude proves that you're very polite :) And you are~

>//////< Thank you. Also, if you had a fanfiction community I'd be sure to watch it and read your fics. <33



wille_zur_musik April 3 2010, 05:26:44 UTC
Remembering the dire state of the union, a girl cannot help but run. Without a road beneath her the streets seem leaden. Softly, softly her pace slows and her sweat quickens. Without a care in the world she would have ran earlier but that the cause was not yet in her mailbox. There was, she thought, some place where the letter would not have reached her - that place must have been far away, for before she ran, she had never seen it, and still she had not with the tired walk of a sticky cold. Running her fingers over the letter in her sleeve she hugs herself for warmth. If only she could see the other people around her she might have slowed to an appropriate walk and never seen the horrors of her times in her cuticles, chewed, chewed and holding back her salt. For letters like this, one could only blame someone else for the "ifs" and the doubts. She could hardly be blamed for being alone in her need to remember. Without meaning her words held a heavy silence from miles up the highway - all the way down to the culprit there ( ... )


chromatic_coma April 4 2010, 17:46:56 UTC
IT WAS ME?! LE GASP! Actually, that sounds like a very interesting adventure. I wish I could go on a journey like that <33

I doubt that you were ever an awful person. I think it was just a misconception you had about yourself that affected the way you acted towards people in a manner that only propelled your negative thinking. We see what we want to see, but that's not always the truth.

Thank you very much~ ILU 2 ! <3

Depends on the game, singer/band, and how often you'd use the tablet. But the artist in me votes for tablet.
We really should talk more. :)

Finland pre-Sweden? I'll do my best, and get it to you as soon as I can.


wille_zur_musik April 4 2010, 18:04:51 UTC
Ahaha~ I hope you never _have_ to, though...

Aww, thanks. I think that's a really optimistic way to put it, but maybe that's my negative projection creeping in? <3

Hum... yeah, I think I might try and save up for a Bamboo Pen, then? Might be helpful for a project.....
I'm planning on having a "garage sale" online; I'll be giving F-list first dibs~ I have a lot of older manga and schoolbooks among other things that are just cluttering this place up.
I'll do my best to respond more and stop moping around my work (DX)

Oh, no rush~ I just think Tino is sooo cute, even though he isn't my "usual type" and... y-yeah.


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