permanon post

Apr 02, 2019 18:30

Tell me a story. Write me a novel, or give me a single sentence, one word. Give me a comment and see if I can figure it out. Tell me of your love, your hate, tell me you don't care ( Read more... )

memes to keep you busy

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anonymous April 2 2010, 22:57:57 UTC

Once upon a time a guy with a scary face met a girl with a scary personality and they fell in love and then had very intimidating babies. The end.

I've had many crushes, but I've never once been in love. I feel insecure over the fact that I've never had a boy (or girl) friend. I'm not sure if I'm straight, gay, or bi. I don't know if I'll ever know.

I am proud of my writing. I can get extremely worried over it, but I'm proud of it. I've had three different teachers in three different classes for three different subjects praise my essays and tell me that I received the highest grade for a specific essay in that class.
I am ashamed of my ego. I know I have one and I know it shows even when I try to hold it in.
I worry that I annoy the hell out of people and can't figure out how to stop it.
I can't stand the feeling of velvet.

I know I'm an idiot. I have very little common sense. I procrastinate. And most of my problems are from my own doing. You? You're not an idiot so I won't tell you that.

I love you like a sister, nothing more. (I really hope you don't take my teasing and calling you hun and dear more than that, because I don't mean it that way.) You're a wonderful, sweet girl, and I wish you had more confidence in yourself at times, but who am I to say that, really?

I appreciate the fact that you've been there when I've needed someone to talk to in the last few months. I hope you realize that I will always be willing to return the favor, and please don't shut me out. If you ever want someone to rant to, I'm here for you. If you ever want someone to listen but not give advice, tell me. I will be quiet, let you rant, let you vent, give you a virtual hug. I will do what I can to help.

I wish you all the best in your life. I hope that we stay in touch, but I also know that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Know that I feel blessed to have known you and that I will always remember you and, well, if we were to fall out of touch, I will always wonder whatever happened to Nada. Wonder where she is. How she's doing. Don't ever think you're forgettable, because you aren't.

And I'm getting way too sappy for what this meme is probably asking for. I just kind of started rambling like I normally do.


Truth or dare?


chromatic_coma April 2 2010, 23:35:10 UTC
I wouldn't worry about not having been in love; Mr. (or Miss :D) Perfect is out there looking for you, too. And, as for what to call yourself, if you need to call yourself something then maybe consider bi-curious? Personally I find you perfect, whether you can label yourself or not <3

I'm proud of your writing too. Whenever I see you happy over one of your fics, it makes me happy too. Everyone needs a little bit of ego, otherwise people will take advantage of you. I never found your ego offensive, I think you could use more confidence most of the time.

You. Are. Not. An. Idiot. Please don't say that anymore.

Haha, I'm flattered you would say that. I think it's cute that you call me hun and dear, and I've never misinterpreted your intentions (imagine how awkward it would have been if I had? XD). And you're like the big sister I never knew I always wanted.

I am always willing to listen, I just wish I could give better advice. I always feel bad when you're upset and I can't find the right words to comfort you.

..The use of my real name made me falter for a second and wonder if this anon is who I think you are. Just thought I'd share. But to know that I'm unforgettable to at least one person, it's pretty sweet. Thank you.

I'm actually a bit of a gusty person, so dare, naturally <33


anonymous April 2 2010, 23:42:59 UTC
I dare you...

I dare you...

I dare you to....

I dare you to write a Switzerland/Ukraine already established relationship drabble.

And if you didn't know who I was before, you sure as hell do now :D


chromatic_coma April 2 2010, 23:44:56 UTC

wait a few minutes, I'll post it right here <3

and then send it to you in case you miss it :3


basket love [switzerland/ukraine, g] chromatic_coma April 3 2010, 04:30:35 UTC
Vash Swingli could say anything, it would be that he abhorred crowds. The loud noises, the suffocating amounts of people, the completely inability to hear himself think, it all made his trigger finger twitch and ache for his gun.

“Vash! Vash, over here!” That’s right; it was hardly good etiquette to bring a gun with you on a date.

The blond German nation looked up in the sound of the melodious voice, and found Katya waving at him from the amusement park’s entrance, a wide grin on her face and tears nowhere in sight. He found for an instant that he was unable to be mad at his current surroundings.

And then a small child ran into him, and suddenly the annoyance was back. He stomped the few steps it took to get to the gate, and to Katya, but found it hard to stay angry when she grabbed his hand and squeezed it happily.

“Vash, you came!”

“Of course I came,” he grumbled softly, hoping it could detract from the unmanliness of his blush. Katya looked awfully beautiful, dressed down in beige slacks and a pink shirt that would have been considering loose fitting if her tracks of land hadn’t been quite so bountiful, and Vash couldn’t help but notice how cute it made her look.

“Good! Come on, let’s go enjoy our date.”


The day’s events passed by almost in a blur. By the end of the day they’d been on every ride and played nearly all of the games the park had to offer, and the only thing left was the Ferris Wheel. Of course Katya had insisted that it was only to be riden after the sun had set, so they could see all the lights from the park below, and Vash didn’t have the heart, or the reason, to disagree.

It was when their basket was at the top of the wheel that Katya surprised them both by sliding over on the bench, until she and Vash was touching leg-to-leg, and leaning her head on his shoulder.

“Thank you, Vash. Today was amazing.”

“O-of course.” He could feel color peppering his cheeks again, and awkwardly and managed to wrap his arm around her.

What he was unprepared for was the Katya would suddenly open her eyes and look up at him, her warm smile stretching into those shining turquoise orbs. And if that was unarming enough, he was at a loss when she giggled and straightened up to peck his lips softly.

“I love you.” She whispered, snuggling her head back against his chest. Vash sighed softly, nerves flooding out of him in an instant, and found himself softly whispering back, “I love you too.”

If anyone asked them, of course, neither of the couple would repeat what they’d said, but for that one moment nothing outside their little basket mattered.


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