(no subject)

Mar 16, 2010 13:22

links for awesome screencap collections
Home of the Nutty ScreencappedGrande Caps
GallickaIn a Dream CapsShe Caps That
Life is Caps

mostly for textures but also tutorials I liked, ....
(if you see something you made and don't find your name here just write me and I'll add you.
If that happened I am sorry ;)

_bitter_endings 3psy 99mockingbirds _oluha_ arcticdesign argentaryaaquatilitis bambinainnero batsdoitbetter big_blue_bin bloomyicons brazen_water breeze_of_life bttrfly-kiss burnedbreads butterphil caotic_gril caustico dirrtylady dontwaitletsgo elifc ellaangelus encorevous erniemay evorycode faded fizzykezza gothicyuna greyxx homeofthenutty hyacinthos hysteriabyradio i-rise-inside infinite_drag infinite_muse irati86 killcolor kitamikeita ladypadme laury_kos lemonpunch lillianporter lonelymaps lovevariations lyckaa marishnamemonechan midnight-road misarte miyozari nailbites nubessucias obsidian-gaze psychedelicatsqueen_bartonia querita recycle replaymatic rkc_erica roserascal scarletowls scoobyatemysnax she_rockstar smyra0 snorkjuice soaked spooky_window tearjerkericons terempaty thest-one tiptoetwirl(at rafanatical)toktoks thirtycolors tinebrella trapne twistedsign vikyvampirs90 vividtruth wolfatmidnight xactivatex yukansnow yunhe

deviant art
fauxism fyeahkpopeditglamourgirlizemehuruekrn-acklesicarus-redemptionicatchurdreamicrystalsinnocentlexysinvasiononmercyiremakbas
itsmorphinejonaasxlovaatokaleidoscopeeyekhaleesierkhandrlenaeckesliters of artlookslikerainmarioantonio23
miss-famousmissesglassmisssnoopy25missy-xoxmonsyrellmpepinamr-raindrop-emmabingmrs padfootmyshinyboy

• • • • •

caps coloremmahyphenjanefaramircaptainofgondor

hall of heroes

*my header and all graphics at my journal are selfmade


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