Jan 25, 2010 21:48

Tagged by chono88
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

I am a Lord of the Rings Freak...I have many merchandise of this movie and I can talk along with so many dialogues of this movie ^^

When I talk to people I can't look them in the eyes the whole time...I know it's not pretty polite but somehow I have this error which makes me watch the people around xD

My biggest obsession...my greates passion my favorite hobbie..what ever you want to call it is TAEKWON-DO. I've been practicing this martial art since almost 10 years now (:

I am hopelessly in love with a friend of mine..he treats me way too girlfriendish to ignore this feelings :(
He always touches me, asks me out (sometimes even alone), likes my family <3
so sad about that

In the last ..lets say 6 month I lost almost 20 kilos ... and I am going on AND on! :D

I am able to watch TV and read at the same time (and get both storylines) But only if one is in english and the other in german xD
I can read an english book while watching german tv or the other way round...it's the same with music...I love listening to music while I am reading BUT if I read a german book and the song is german too it is hard to concentrate xD

I practiced so long to learn the split and finally I did it...only the female version BUT still.. I can do a split (unfortunately only when I did some warming up)

I tag roxy42dragontattgeckoholickeksxloveatfirstviewfateandbeautyforeverbm


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