Apr 11, 2008 20:32
Ouch. Ow ow ouch.
I was out for a run this evening. Trotting along nicely, a nice easy pace, I'd just cracked the 4km mark and was going well. Then I tripped on a gravel footpath and hit the deck.
I skinned my knee, scraped and bruised my hands and left arm and shoulder. Limping home, I vigorously cursed the world, myself and Marrickville Council in earthy monosyllables.
Got home, had a hot shower and it kinda stung. Then I gave my wounds a good old Dettol rinse and boy oh boy, that STUNG.
My shoulder's going to feel even worse tomorrow, I suspect.
Bloody exercise. It's supposed to be good for me!
mutter mutter gonna have a cold beer now mutter mutter ow