So who's with me....

Apr 01, 2009 08:32

Ok, new month (yeah) new resolve ( Read more... )

life, highs and lows, teaching, travel, twilight, family, friends, work, con: gabit

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Comments 24

sammyjayne April 1 2009, 14:54:46 UTC
Its great that your so positive. I sorta gave up, cause i'm not in the right frame of mind, cause of not having a job. If i was working, i'd find dieting a lot easier to cope with *massive hugs*


chris4short April 1 2009, 15:09:38 UTC
honestly, it's one of those, if I don't do it now, when? kind of "positives"

I totally understand, but wouldn't it be fun to try and who knows, you may be able to face the not having a job (at the moment) a wee bit easier? Just a thought. I do that a lot when I am trying not to study. *g*

*massive huggles back*


sammyjayne April 1 2009, 15:16:39 UTC
You're probably right. I am trying. My doc said she is willing to support me. Giving me free advice and stuff. I can go on diet tablets if i want. A few years ago i did lose about a stone and put it all back on when i lost my job and got sick :( It will make a difference. Either way it would make me more positive about not having a job. I do have things to lose forward to. Meeting Amanda in 2 months and the AT3 crew, lol. Plus MS in July too. *hugs*


chris4short April 1 2009, 15:40:40 UTC
Heck ya! You have more fun to look forward to than I do! I have no cool celebs to rub shoulders with. *rubs on you* that's as close as I'll get til Nov when I see you! And Amanda! And Tia! And the ducky crew!

I hear supporting when one is doing something makes us want to do it... and it can't be that bad for our health too... and we can all be nice and tan and even more fabulous for Amadna!


erinm_4600 April 1 2009, 15:24:00 UTC
I'm always in your corner, baby!! :D


chris4short April 1 2009, 15:34:07 UTC
:D yeah!! Soon we can be FABulous and ... well more fabulous!


erinm_4600 April 1 2009, 15:34:45 UTC
HELL YES! *high five*


chris4short April 1 2009, 15:36:52 UTC
Whoot! I'm making a filter... I hope to have more than just the three of us... BUT small groups are just as fun!

did you sign up, or should I post the "daily tips" in the filter?


luxuria_oceanus April 1 2009, 18:49:16 UTC
Good luck on the test, sweetums! I'm sure you'll pass :-) *squishes*


chris4short April 1 2009, 19:01:43 UTC
meh. I hope so. I didn't do so hot on the mini-english test i just took, but the actual practice test was ok....


tiah15 April 8 2009, 09:32:44 UTC
Thanks for putting me on the filter hon :D So what Twilight geek!stuff did you get ??? Come on, you can tell me - I was soooo surprised when they had some T-shirts and posters at the book fair in March because I didn't even think we had any merchandise here *feels stupid*


chris4short April 8 2009, 13:12:45 UTC
I bought a t-shirt and a bag. They have the Cullen crest on it and the bag has on the other side "Twilight"... and yes, I bring it to school, Crest side out, so not everyone will see me as the geek I am. NOt that I can deny it. I didn't think ya'll would get any this early. Heather was asking if you all had any, but I said I didn't think so since the film wasn't released on DVD yet over there... cool.


tiah15 April 8 2009, 16:59:00 UTC
I like the crest. It's inconspicuous if you aren't a fan - sneaky ;) Still 2 months to go till the DVD release but I'm not sure if we'll get much more merch. There's no Walmart to distribute it :D


chris4short April 8 2009, 17:07:00 UTC
:) yes... however I don't think I will wear the shirt around school, since it does say Twilight on it. Best for days I am out and about and am me, not Ms. Teacher me.

it's always fun to look at the merch. cause sometimes you find it rather quirky - like they have "bad vamps" bags with the, well, bad vamps on it. Or Bella and Edward in odd picture... some of the tee's were rather juvinille but i thought the one i found was a nice mix...


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