So who's with me....

Apr 01, 2009 08:32

Ok, new month (yeah) new resolve!

I know we are all thinking we are FAT and UGLY (common, I am NOT the only one who has that monster on her shoulder!) and we are worried about summer, up coming events, or just ... needing to get back to whatever our mind said was "perfect" on us. So, today, I did something for myself, and would like (aka need) my girls on board with me! Need support! So let's do it...

What the hell am I rambling on about? Well I saw this on Yahoo about Best Foods for a flat Belly (gotcha, right?) and so I followed the links, even printed the article out, cause dude, it's time to do something for myself before I stand before a classroom and let them watch me get wider over the next school year.

ANYway... it links you to Self Magazine who has all these mini articles of great. But what I am going to CHALLENGE anyone who wants to loose weight, shape up or ship out, and who doesn't mind talking to me sometimes (hence support group meaning), I'd like you to sign up for the Jump Start Diet and the best thing is it's only 30 days!! Common girls, we can do it!

They have a tip tracker, so you can do the tip-a-day style, or the all tips at once way, and than implement them slowly... either way, I am asking for you to join! And since most of my flist is not in the US, you can sign up too! Don't think it's one of those odd American only things... If nothing else, I can always forward the tips to you if you needed it. I'm trying to be EXCITED and ENCOURAGING... cause, sweethearts, I love you all too much to watch you wish you could have someone to talk to about this!

So, if you are on board, want the tips in an email, leave a comment - I'll make a filter for us! I know "everyone" has done a diet... but has "everyone" offered to be your support buddy, maybe even recipe swap partners? Uh-hmm... so why not?

In other news:
I woke up this morning thinking how this time last year I couldn't wait til May to arrive, to pack my bags, go over seas, spend time with friends and meet new ones. Sadly, I don't have that same excitement for AT4 in November, and maybe it's because it's rather a long way away, or that there seems to be so many obsticles from now til than... but I just wish I knew what would happen between now and than or at least perk up about it.

My test is this Sat. at 8am. I am at the point where I don't want to study any more. I kinda waffle between if I don't know it by now, a month and half studying, than I can't do much more, and OMG I'M BRAIN DEAD! *ahem* So just think of me as I am taking my next test. Cause I don't want to have to take it again come June.

The teachers I talk to seem convinced that I'll be hired. I am watching the job postings everyday for my school... and am trying to pump myself up for applying to other places *just in case*... but at this point them hiring me isn't making me jump up and down... I think I'm just so focused on passing this test. I am trying to tell myself that's what it is... besides that I, like every other teacher, am ready for the summer. or a long weekend... like Easter.

Speaking of Easter, Mom is flying back to Germany for a month. She made the plans over spring break and sadly there wasn't a way for her to push back it to June. So I no go. :( Why the heck am i wanting to go, some of you are wondering, didn't she JUST go? Well.. a lot has happened in the one year I visited. Mainly that Opa (my gradfather) has moved into a retirement home, and now my mom and her sisters are cleaning out his house .... the house he lived in for 50 years. It's the only home I knew of and think of when I think of Oma and Opa. *iz sad*

On a lighter, and very geeky note, my boss txt'd me and said Walmart has more Twilight stuff. *geek!geek!geek!*

So yeah, a pretty nice April 1st post, donchasay? If nothing else, it was ... interesting? Sadly I am not in a classroom where I would have practical jokes done to me... of course, I am working at the store tonight...

life, highs and lows, teaching, travel, twilight, family, friends, work, con: gabit

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