Mixed Emotions

Feb 25, 2006 09:44

Title: Mixed Emotions
Fandom: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
Pairings: Tommy/Kim, Tommy/Kat, Adam/Kim, Rocky/Aisha
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 16,144
Disclaimer: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers belongs to Disney or whoever owns them now. I only own the plot and the original character I created, Tyler.
Notes: Very first PR fic. Takes place in 2000, 4 or 5 years after Kim left for Florida. Basically ignores the other seasons. Aisha never stayed back in Africa, so Tanya isn't there. Neither is Justin. The characters might seem OOC, due to the fact that I hadn't watched these seasons in years before writing the story.
Warnings: Implied sexual situation in chapter 2. Teenage pregnancy. Cursing. Extremely clichéd base storyline.
FF.net Link: here.
Summary: Kim is back from Florida... with some surprises for her friends.

( Chapter 1: Back Home )

( Chapter 2: Telling the Story )

( Chapter 3: Reactions )

( Chapter 4: Talking )

( Chapter 5: More Talking )

( Chapter 6: Telling the Truth )

( Chapter 7: Making Plans )

( Chapter 8: The Date )

( Chapter 9: The Day After )

( Chapter 10: Moving and Announcements )

mighty morphin power rangers, fic, power rangers, adam/kim, chapter story

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