Musings Of Two Rangers

Feb 25, 2006 10:03

Title: Musings Of Two Rangers
Fandom: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Pairing: Conner/Kira
Rating: PG
Word Count: 858
Disclaimer: Power Rangers Dino Thunder belongs to Disney. I only own the plot.
Note: Post Fighting Spirit.
Warning: Spoilers for Fighting Spirit. Link: here.
Summary: Conner and Kira have a... deep conversation.

"You were crying. Don't try to deny it, Conner. I saw you. We all did." Kira looked at him with twinkling eyes, a smug smile gracing her lips.

"I wasn't," Conner protested.

"Was too!"

"Was not!" Conner was getting annoyed, and was also starting to regret ever offering Kira a ride home. It had been the most likely idea at the time, as he was heading home as well, while both Ethan and Trent had various things to do at the Cyberspace. Besides, he would never say no to an opportunity to spend some time alone with her.

"I still reckon you were," Kira said, snuggling into the comfy seat of the Mustang. Conner didn't reply, as he was concentrating on the road ahead - there was a really tight turn coming up. "I think it's cute," she added after a moment of silence.

Oh yeah, I did it! Conner congratulated himself mentally as he successfully manoeuvred the car past the difficult part of the road. Then Kira's words sunk in. "What?"

"I think it's cute," she repeated.

"What's cute in a guy crying?" he asked.

"Aha! I knew you'd confess. And what's cute in a guy crying is that the guy is showing his sensitive side, it lets us girls know that boys are able to let their feelings show every one in a while." She shrugged.

Conner threw a quick glance in her direction. "I didn't confess anything. And how do you girls come up with all this thoughtful stuff?"

Kira shrugged again. "Girl thing. I guess we were made to think that way." She smiled devilishly. "And you were crying."

"I wasn't!"

"You were!"

"NOT!" And there they went again. 17-year-olds acting as if they were five.

"You're sensible, Conner. Just admit it," Kira told him, hazel eyes staring up at him.

"Soccer players are not sensible."

Kira stared at him in disbelief. "Where did that come from? Besides, jocks aren't sensitive. You're not a jock, therefore you can be sensitive."

"Now, where did that come from?" Conner countered. "Just three days ago you told me I was nothing but a dumb jock."

Kira blushed slightly at the memory. "You know I didn't mean it," she said softly.

"Wrong," Conner objected. "I never know with you. I can never know what you mean to say, and what you don't. You're… un-understandable, Kira."

She laughed. "Un-understandable?" He glowered at her. "Oh, alright!"

"What I meant," Conner said, choosing his words carefully, "is that you're complicated. I don't get you at all. Like, the way that one minute you're being all nice to me, then the next you're practically planning my murder."

"That's because you're tactless and stupid," she said haughtily.

"And you are susceptible," he retorted. Kira stiffened, turning to look at her with the most icy glare she could muster up. A small tugged at his lips. "See?"

She leaned back in her seat. "I hate you."

"You don't mean it."

"Oh yeah, I do."

"Absolutely not."

"I do!"

"You're so touchy, Kira," Conner stated smugly.

Kira pursed her lips. "You know what? I'll admit I'm susceptible the day you will admit you're sensible. Meaning, never."

Conner stared at the road ahead. Kira watched him, knowing his brain was working hard, torn as he was between admitting she was right or keeping his mouth shut and letting her kind of win anyway. "Oh, alright! I wasn't crying, okay? I just… shed a couple tears. Dr. O.'s speech touched me. But I wasn't crying. And if you repeat this to anyone, I will personally come and suffocate you in your sleep."

"I promise I won't tell," Kira assured. "And maybe I'm a little susceptible." Conner gave her a sharp look. "Okay, a lot. Some people just rub me the wrong way, is all."

"Posers, liars, hypocrites, snobs, cheerleaders, jocks…" Conner enumerated. He suddenly fell serious. "And me."

"Only half the time. The other half… well, you're not so bad." Her cheeks tinted with pink.

"Wow, Kira, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you just complimented me."

"Maybe I did," she said lightly. "You know, I actually consider you as my best friend."

"Why?" he asked in amazement. "We fight all the time!"

"Exactly my point," she said. "The fact that we fight means that we can see each other's flaws. And that's important, at least in my eyes, that we've never put each other on a pedestal or anything."

"Your thoughtfulness amazes me," Conner commented. "Well, here we are." He pulled to a stop in Kira's driveway.

"Thanks for the ride," she told him, opening the car door.

"Hey, Kira?" he said as she got out of the car and closed the door. She turned and leaned into the window. "I consider you as one of my best friends too."

Kira beamed and leaned forward to brush her lips against his cheek. "I'll see you later." She walked up the path leading to her front door as Conner sat there, staring at her retreating back in disbelief. He finally backed out of the driveway as she turned to wave at him before walking into the house.

one-shot, power rangers dino thunder, fic, power rangers, conner/kira

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