More than the dirt it takes to bury them (master post) - Supernatural, NC-17, Sam/Dean.

Jun 22, 2012 00:18

Title: More than the dirt it takes to bury them
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: NC-17
Length: About 24,000 words.
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, other ensemble characters.

Content notes: ( skip) Includes addiction/withdrawal scenarios, some alcohol abuse, and sexual situations involving siblings who initially don't know they're related. There's also ( Read more... )

story: more than the dirt, fandom: supernatural, rating: nc-17, ship: sam/dean, challenge: spn_j2_bigbang

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Comments 2

mekina June 22 2012, 21:46:25 UTC
OH MY GOD SMITH/WESSON YES. I ADORE It's A Terrible Life. :D *puts on to-read list*


cho_malfoy June 22 2012, 21:58:57 UTC
ME TOO. (Obviously.) I hope you like it when you get there!


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