More than the dirt it takes to bury them (master post) - Supernatural, NC-17, Sam/Dean.

Jun 22, 2012 00:18

Title: More than the dirt it takes to bury them
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: NC-17
Length: About 24,000 words.
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, other ensemble characters.

Content notes: ( skip) Includes addiction/withdrawal scenarios, some alcohol abuse, and sexual situations involving siblings who initially don't know they're related. There's also some canon-appropriate violence (but nothing to the extreme that the show ever reaches).

Summary: Sam Wesson doesn't usually run off with strangers to fight what lurks in the dark. But then, Sam doesn't meet people he dreams about - people like Dean Smith - every day. It's not perfect, but he's making a difference and getting closer to Dean, so what's not to love?

Except the dreams he still can't explain. And the way he's starting to sweat and shake and itch for something he can't name. Something like demon blood. (For spn_j2_bigbang 2012.)

One | Two | Three
AO3 | DW

Non-AO3 downloads (with art): mobi | epub | PDF

(Note: the story and the ebooks were edited 6/23/12 to fix a mild canon error.)

Art post

Master post -

Author's notes

The stunning artwork's by the amazing quayle, who was lovely to work with (and extremely tolerant of my idiosyncrasies, to put it mildly). Make sure to stop by the art post and shower love!

As always, I have to thank my family and friends for putting up with me during Big Bang season, but three people in particular: my mom for listening when I couldn't figure things out, rahnekat for her enthusiasm for Smith/Wesson, and most of all, the fantastic puchuupoet, who did a stellar beta job at the absolute last minute. Any lingering errors/annoying parts of the story are from my fiddling.

Additional thanks to the spn_j2_bigbang mods, as always. Their hard work always makes this challenge a joy!

Thanks for reading!

story: more than the dirt, fandom: supernatural, rating: nc-17, ship: sam/dean, challenge: spn_j2_bigbang

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