Just For One Night

Sep 09, 2012 01:49

Title: Just For One Night
Author: chocolet89
Pairing: Junsu/Jaejoong
Rating: NC-17
Length: One-Shot
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Summary: Jaejoong goes to a club to forget about the pain and catches the attention of one Kim Junsu (inspired by THIS)
A/N: Just a quick note, throughout this fic it will switch between Jaejoong and Junsu's POV, hopefully this won ( Read more... )

rating: nc-17, genre: smut, length: oneshot, pairing: jaejoong/junsu, genre: fluff, fandom: dbsk

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Comments 23

alivedaily September 8 2012, 21:32:12 UTC
I LOVED IT SO F-ING MUCH! THIS WAS SO GOOD. I never wanted it to end. All fluff and cotton candy, everyone deserves a partner who is so attentive, respectful, and loving. It was perfect, the ending was perfect ( even though I want more, I always do when I read a piece that leaves me greedy).


chocolet89 September 18 2012, 12:25:19 UTC
Hahaha awww I love your comment :))) thank you so much ^^
I'm like that too when I read a good fic, I just don't want them to ever end :P
Thank you again :DDDDD ~♥


alivedaily September 19 2012, 05:04:07 UTC
actually, i reread it today one the way home from work after i saw your comment in my inbox. i just loved the sweetness with which JS character treated JJ character. can it be a series? to see who these two are? what is their lives all about? challanges in relationships distractions from the exes?

it's not that i don't think that the piece is missing anything, because it's not. it's just that i like the two are written personality - character wise. :)


xiahniste September 8 2012, 21:55:43 UTC
thanks god for happy endingsssss :DDD
this was totally adorable :DDD
and yey for jaesu.
i swear there's never enough jaesu :DD
ugh, well. there're actually never enough junsu pairings happy-ending-fics :DDD
totally enjoyed this :D


chocolet89 September 18 2012, 12:28:00 UTC
There's never enough JaeSu :(( they need more love~~~
and yeah definitely need more Junsu pairing happy endings! Too much angst these days TT
Glad you liked this :D thanks for reading and commenting ~♥


joongie_oopa1 September 9 2012, 10:49:41 UTC

so cute too xD

i'd normally don't support other couples in DBSK
other than YunJae and YooSu but i think some of the side
couples are cute secretly xD


chocolet89 September 18 2012, 12:29:14 UTC
Hahaha you should be more open and accept all dbsk couples :DDD
It gets boring for me if I read too much of one pairing sometimes OTL


joongie_oopa1 September 19 2012, 11:33:02 UTC
lol... nice~
for Junsu being top xD

hm~ i suppose but i just can't
but i do admit that sometimes i find JaeSu really cute >_<;
idk why but i just do... hehe


anonymous September 9 2012, 22:14:45 UTC


chocolet89 September 18 2012, 12:31:10 UTC
Hahahaha yess thank you anon ^^


lady_monochrome September 10 2012, 02:16:56 UTC
So sexy and adorable at the same time!!


chocolet89 September 18 2012, 12:32:06 UTC
Indeed :3 thanks for reading :DD ♥


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