Just For One Night

Sep 09, 2012 01:49

Title: Just For One Night
Author: chocolet89
Pairing: Junsu/Jaejoong
Rating: NC-17
Length: One-Shot
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Summary: Jaejoong goes to a club to forget about the pain and catches the attention of one Kim Junsu (inspired by THIS)
A/N: Just a quick note, throughout this fic it will switch between Jaejoong and Junsu's POV, hopefully this won't confuse anyone >_<

Jaejoong sighed for the umpteenth time since he'd arrived at the club. Why had he agreed to come here again? What was he doing here again?

He rubbed his temples with the heel of his palms to try and rid the headache coming from the music pulsing through his body. Shutting his eyes, Jaejoong groaned and wondered if maybe he should just head home now and risk the wrath of his best friend finding out later.

Yoochun had tired of him moping around in the house all sad and depressed and had ushered Jaejoong off to a club to have some fun and forget about Yunho, but so far it wasn’t working. Jaejoong kept thinking of the man he had loved with all his heart, the man who he thought had loved him more than anything else, the man who he had caught in bed with another man.


Junsu frowned from where he was sitting; his attention focused on a man with platinum blonde hair sitting on a bar stool in the corner, nursing a glass of what he assumed was something heavy.

Ever since Junsu had laid eyes on the blonde beauty about an hour ago, he had been unable to turn his gaze away.

The other man had this distant look on his face, his thoughts seemingly elsewhere. Junsu had an idea as to what he was thinking though. Most people who looked all moody and distant normally came to the club to forget about their other half, or make that ex-other half.

He was almost 100% sure that this beautiful man was nursing over a break up with his partner.

As the night darkened and more people entered the club, Junsu never moved from his seat, nor did the other man.

Junsu just continued watching, waiting for the opportune moment.

When the man finally downed the last of his drink and stood up to move in his direction, Junsu got ready. When the blonde beauty was just two steps away from his table, Junsu stood up to block his path.


Jaejoong looked up from where he had been blinking blearily at the random patterns on the floor, his head still swaying from the music that reverberated in the club.

A man about the same height as him wearing a low cut, tight black and white zebra print top stood in front of him blocking his way. Jaejoong frowned and tried to walk around the man.

The latter didn’t budge however and instead stepped closer to him, invading Jaejoong’s personal space.

“You don’t look too happy baby,” the stranger said into his ear in order to be heard above the music.

Jaejoong was surprised to hear this man had a slightly husky voice. He ignored him however and tried to turn around back the way he had come from.

The other man wasn’t about to let him go though and reached an arm out to hold him still.

“You came here to forget about the pain right?” he asked and Jaejoong immediately snapped his head back up again to look into the stranger’s eyes as if to ask how he knew.

The other man smiled then and Jaejoong was stunned momentarily at how beautiful he looked.


Taking another step closer to close any distance between them, Junsu brushed a light kiss against the other’s cheek before reaching a hand out to thread through those platinum blonde locks, something he had been itching to do ever since he'd first laid eyes on the beauty standing before him.

He felt the latter shudder slightly at his ministrations and smiled at the action.

Pressing another kiss but this time closer to the man’s lips, Junsu reached out with his other hand and took hold of the blonde man’s hand. Taking a step forward, Junsu guided the other man to walk backwards until they gradually reached the dance floor. The other man kept his head lowered and Junsu never once stopped caressing those soft blonde locks.

After manoeuvring them to the middle of the dance floor, Junsu wrapped his arm around that slim waist while he brushed the other’s bangs to the side so he could see more of the blonde’s face. It was dark but he was able to make out a pair of big brown doe eyes and a strong jaw line.

“What’s your name baby?” Junsu asked as he pressed their bodies together.

“J-Jaejoong,” the other man replied almost shyly, arms coming up to rest against Junsu’s shoulders.

Junsu smiled. “Hello Jaejoong, my name is Junsu. Nice to meet you,” he replied as he started swaying their bodies in time to the music.

“Nice to meet you too J-Junsu-sshi.”

“Just Junsu is fine baby,” Junsu cooed into the other’s ear, smiling when he felt the other man shiver.

A lighter beat started filling the club and Junsu grinned as he rolled his hips forward causing Jaejoong to gasp out in surprise.

“Just relax and let your body feel the music,” Junsu whispered, pulling Jaejoong closer to him to grind their hips together.

Jaejoong let out another gasp as he wrapped his arms around Junsu’s neck to hold himself up.

Junsu placed light kisses down Jaejoong’s neck loving the small mewls coming from the latter’s lips. A sweet vanilla scent invaded his senses and Junsu thought to himself that he would never get sick of this smell.


As they grinded in time to the beat, Jaejoong decided maybe it was best to just let go of himself. He was here to forget about Yunho right? It wouldn’t make any difference if he were to hold back now. He needed to forget about the man who he thought had loved him.


Feeling tears prickling at the corners of his eyes, Jaejoong quickly shut his eyes as his mind once again went back to thoughts of Yunho, of all the happy times they had spent together.

“Hey,” a voice whispered into his ear.

Jaejoong gasped as he felt Junsu kissing his eyelids. Opening his mouth, Jaejoong tried to say something only to shut it again as his throat closed in on him.

Muscular arms encircled him in a warm embrace and Jaejoong let Junsu hold him, relishing in the warmth coming from the other man’s body.

“Forget about him,” Junsu whispered, reaching a hand up to caress Jaejoong’s blonde locks again. “He left you right?”

Jaejoong nodded his head.

“Then he’s not worth your time. He obviously doesn’t care about your feelings anymore, so don’t go wasting your tears on someone like that okay?”

Jaejoong shut his eyes again. “I’m sorry,” he whispered quietly.

“For what baby?” Junsu asked.

“Umm … well …” Jaejoong didn’t really know what to say to that. A handsome man was hitting up on him in a club and yet all Jaejoong could do was cry about his ex.

Yeah something along those lines.

“Ahh I see,” Junsu whispered pulling Jaejoong closer, a look of understanding crossing his face as if he could read the other man's thoughts. “It’s okay, it’s what I’m here for right? To help you forget and just relax right?”

Before Jaejoong could reply to that, Junsu kissed him just under the earlobe, where he was most sensitive and he let a low moan, one that only Junsu could hear.

“Mmm sexy,” Junsu whispered before pressing more kisses around that area.

“Ahh J-Junsu,” Jaejoong whispered not really knowing what to say.

“Yes baby?” Junsu asked licking a trail up Jaejoong’s ear.

“I … I …” Jaejoong wanted to apologize again, for what he wasn’t sure.

But before he was given the chance to continue, he was once again cut off, but this time it was to a pair of lips descending onto his.

Junsu’s lips were soft, much different compared to Yunho’s which were often dry and chapped. When Junsu pressed his tongue against his lips, Jaejoong parted them slowly and their tongues met in a slow tangle.

Jaejoong moaned, hands tangling in Junsu’s hair and trying to pull him closer. Junsu grinned and pressed their bodies flush against each other.

Their bodies moved together in sync, swaying in time to the music, lips staying locked until the need for oxygen overpowered their lust.

Jaejoong pulled back with a gasp, pupils dilated with lust and Junsu thought he’d never seen a sexier creature on Earth than the man in front of him. Whoever Jaejoong’s ex was, he was an idiot to have let this treasure go.

Leaning forward, Junsu whispered into Jaejoong’s ear, “You’re really beautiful, you know that right?”

Trailing kisses back to Jaejoong’s jaw, Junsu caught his lips in another searing kiss as he slid his hands all over Jaejoong’s body, eventually resting them on his waist.

Just when Jaejoong was fully ready to lose himself, someone tapped him on the shoulder and Jaejoong shifted his gaze to the side only to freeze when he met the gaze of his ex-lover.

“Y-Yunho,” Jaejoong breathed out and Junsu’s brows furrowed as he turned to the direction Jaejoong’s gaze was fixated at, not at all liking the familiarity with which Jaejoong used to say this man's name.

“So all this talk about me being your only one was just a lie huh?” Yunho said as he reached forward to run his fingers through Jaejoong’s hair.

Junsu felt his blood boil and he had the sudden urge to throw a punch at the taller man for even touching Jaejoong so casually.

“Not even a week apart and you’re already flinging yourself at other men,” Yunho sneered as his mocking gaze trailed over to Junsu.

Junsu gritted his teeth not wanting to cause a scene. Chancing a glance over at Jaejoong, Junsu cringed when he saw tears forming in the corners of his eyes. How could Jaejoong have dated this jerk before? He was nowhere near deserving of this beautiful creature.

“What’s it to you anyway? You don’t deserve someone as beautiful as Jaejoong,” Junsu said with a smirk as he tightened his hold around Jaejoong’s waist, pulling their bodies closer together.

“Oh and I suppose you do?” Yunho replied with a dry laugh.

“At least I know how to treasure something beautiful. Your loss is my gain,” Junsu countered as he pressed a kiss against Jaejoong’s nape, eyes locked with Yunho’s.

Yunho grunted. “You should have better taste than this Jaejoong,” he said referring to Junsu as this.

Jaejoong bit his lip. Where had the Yunho he used to know go? The Yunho he used to know would never say something like this. Was everything all just a lie? Was he really with Jaejoong for ulterior motives and Jaejoong had just been stupid enough to fall for it all? How could he have been so stupid and ignorant?

“Hey,” Junsu whispered into his ear shaking him out of his thoughts.

“Remember what I said before? He’s not worth your time. Don’t waste your tears on someone who isn’t going to give a damn if you cry your heart out. I’m here now so think only of me okay?”

Jaejoong looked up, meeting Junsu’s gaze. What was it about this man that made Jaejoong so attracted to him? Why was he so nice to Jaejoong even though they had only just met? He was sure Junsu wasn’t the type to be committed in a relationship. Why did his words calm Jaejoong down in an instant when for the whole of the past week, Yoochun had been doing anything and everything that he could to cheer him up and yet Jaejoong had still cried at least once a day?

Jaejoong’s lips twitched and slowly they widened into a smile as he continued locking gazes with the man before him. He didn’t care if this was just going to be a one night fling, Jaejoong wanted to belong to this man, to listen to his words of comfort, to lose himself in the love and care even if it was only going to be for one night.

Closing the distance between them, Jaejoong took the initiative and pressed their lips together surprising the slightly shorter man.

When they finally parted a few minutes later, Jaejoong turned his head to the side to see Yunho still standing there, brows furrowed.

“Why are you still here?” Jaejoong asked.

Junsu couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at that.

Yunho narrowed his eyes in anger. “I’m glad I made the right choice in leaving a slut like you."

Junsu growled and would have slugged the other man a good one if Jaejoong didn't suddenly lean forward and latch onto his neck with lips, teeth and tongue.

Junsu hissed in pleasure and tightened his hold around Jaejoong's waist.

"Ignore him," Jaejoong whispered, just loud enough for Junsu to hear and it was then that Junsu felt the wet tears against his skin.

Biting back the words that he wanted to throw at the bastard, Junsu ducked his head down and pressed his lips to Jaejoong's whilst bringing a hand up to cup the latter's cheek so he could hide the tears from the man he wanted so much to punch in the face. No need for Yunho to know just how much his words affected Jaejoong.

Jaejoong trembled in his arms and Junsu pressed their bodies as close together as he could, trying his best to get the latter to focus only on him.

Enjoy the rest of the night with the slut because he'll probably be in another man's arms by tomorrow were Yunho's final parting words before he stormed off with a mocking laugh.

Junsu counted to ten before breaking off the kiss and opening his eyes just to make sure the bastard was nowhere in sight.

"You should have just let me hit him one," Junsu grumbled when he saw the back of Yunho's head over by the bar.

Jaejoong buried his face into Junsu's neck.

"I didn't want to cause a scene."

Junsu frowned and pushed at Jaejoong's body until he could see the man's face.

His cheeks were stained with tears and his eyeliner was smudged in one eye.

"Baby," Junsu whispered as he swiped his thumbs over Jaejoong's cheeks in an attempt to wipe away the tears.

Jaejoong couldn't help but smile at the endearment. For some reason, hearing Junsu call him 'baby' made his stomach all warm and fuzzy.

“Thank you,” Jaejoong whispered as he blinked the last of his tears away.

“For what?” Junsu asked.

“For standing up for me, and telling me things that I’ve never had said to me before.”

“You mean no one’s called you beautiful before?” Junsu said with a smile.

Jaejoong frowned. “They have … but it’s different. When they say I’m beautiful, it’s because they mistake me for a woman. But when you say I’m beautiful … it’s … different.”

“But that’s because you are,” Junsu said as he threaded his fingers through Jaejoong’s hair again.

Jaejoong let out a small smile.

“Thank you.”


Jaejoong didn’t remember how they ended up in Junsu’s apartment. He didn’t remember how they stumbled out of the club or how they managed to hail a taxi down. He only remembered Junsu’s lips against his own, Junsu’s hands on his body leaving burning heat against his skin with each touch.

When they tumbled as one onto the mattress in Junsu's bedroom, Jaejoong couldn’t help but let out a giggle. He felt like a teenager all over again.

Junsu laughed along and Jaejoong found his high-pitched laughter extremely cute.

He expected it to be rough but Junsu surprised him once more with his gentle caresses. Junsu’s lips never left his skin, pausing only when he slipped Jaejoong’s top off. He lavished Jaejoong with kisses all over his torso, stopping when he came to Jaejoong’s pierced nipple.

With a grin Junsu licked at the hardened nub and then caught the piercing between his teeth and tugged on it gently.

Jaejoong gasped, back arching at the touch. Junsu’s hands ran up and down his sides as he abused the piercing, sucking, licking and nibbling at the nub before moving onto the other one and lavishing it with the same attention.

Then, sliding further down, Junsu grinned in delight when he found another piercing in Jaejoong’s navel and spent the next few minutes teasing him until Jaejoong was squirming for him to stop.

Junsu grinned and set to undressing the final piece of clothing on the other man. He was surprised when he discovered Jaejoong wasn’t wearing anything underneath. When he looked up Jaejoong only smiled shyly back at him.

“The pants my friend chose for me were too tight for me to wear anything underneath,” he explained with a blush.

Junsu just smirked and pulled the pants all the way off.

Sitting back, as he took in the sight of Jaejoong naked and sprawled out on his bed panting, doe eyes full of lust, he couldn’t help but wonder why the latter’s ex had dumped him. Jaejoong was beautiful and even though he didn’t know anything about him, Junsu didn’t think Jaejoong was the type of person to cheat or have a bad personality.

When Jaejoong whined low in his throat, Junsu quickly cleared himself of his thoughts. Taking his own top off, Junsu then leant down and lifted one of Jaejoong’s legs to press light kisses against the skin, starting from his calf to his inner thigh. Working his way up, Junsu spread Jaejoong's legs apart before settling himself between them.

Lifting Jaejoong's cock up, Junsu lapped at the precome that had gathered at the head; it tasted sweet on his tongue and Junsu wanted more. Jaejoong gasped at the contact and immediately bucked his hips up for more.

Wrapping a finger and thumb around the base, Junsu slowly took in as much of Jaejoong's cock down his throat as he could. Jaejoong cried out, spreading his legs further apart as the tip of his cock touched the back of Junsu's throat.

Junsu only hummed in response before moving back up until his lips were touching the crown, and then he was diving back down, taking more of Jaejoong's cock down his throat.

Jaejoong thrashed on the bed at Junsu’s ministrations on his cock, his breaths coming faster and shorter as Junsu increased the pace, bobbing his head up and down faster and taking all of Jaejoong down his throat each time.

A blowjob had never felt this good before and with his hands gripping the bed sheets below them in a death grip, it wasn't long before Jaejoong was coming down Junsu's throat, the latter's name a breathless moan on his lips.

When he was still in the throes of his climax, something wet touched his entrance and Jaejoong gasped, eyes flying open in surprise.

“W-what are you doing?” Jaejoong gasped out tugging on Junsu’s hair to get his attention.

Junsu frowned and looked up to meet his gaze.

“You don’t like it?”

Jaejoong gave him a confused look in return which Junsu immediately recognized for what it was and he slid up the older man’s body to look him in the eyes.

“You’ve never had someone rim you before? Yunho didn’t-?”

Jaejoong’s face flushed bright red as he shook his head.

Junsu pressed a kiss to Jaejoong's lips and decided then and there that he would give Jaejoong the best pleasure ever, making sure the latter would remember every moment of this night over any time he’d spent with that bastard Yunho.

Jaejoong didn’t protest when Junsu slithered down his body again.

Junsu spread Jaejoong's legs open and touched the tip of his tongue against his entrance earning him a gasp. Junsu grinned and licked around the rim while splaying his hands over Jaejoong’s ass and spreading him apart. He nibbled playfully on the puckered skin before surprising Jaejoong by shoving his tongue as far up Jaejoong’s ass as he could.

Jaejoong moaned, head thrashing from side to side at the slick, wet feeling of Junsu’s tongue in his body. Junsu wriggled his tongue around, pulling out slowly to lick around the rim again and then delving back into Jaejoong's body.

When he added a finger in to play a few minutes later, Jaejoong practically screamed. Junsu licked around his finger, sliding it deep inside and groaning at the hot, tight feel of Jaejoong's body clenching around him before pulling out. He watched as Jaejoong's hole clenched and unclenched around nothing and then chuckled when Jaejoong moaned in protest.

Sliding his finger back in, Junsu worked on getting Jaejoong to relax, pressing kisses along the inside of his thighs and a few teasing licks around the tip of his cock.

Jaejoong’s muscles clenched hard when Junsu inserted the second finger but he didn’t protest and instead lifted his hips up to meet Junsu's ministrations. It wasn't long before Junsu had three fingers sliding in and out of his body, his tongue lapping around the slick digits.

Jaejoong had never felt pleasure like this before. Yunho had been the first guy he'd ever dated, therefore being the first and only man that he'd had sex with. He'd only been prepped with fingers, never lips and tongue, and even then Yunho hadn't taken his time like Junsu was doing right now.

Every lick and caress was pure pleasure and a small part of Jaejoong's mind suddenly wished that this wasn't a onetime only thing and that he could be with Junsu for more than just one night.

Junsu continued prepping Jaejoong carefully and, just when the man was on the brink of orgasm, he stopped, giving one last lick to the now-slick entrance before pulling back.

Jaejoong whined in protest and Junsu chuckled before leaning over to press a kiss to his lips.

Standing up, Junsu unclasped his jeans and slid them down over his hips, aware of Jaejoong's hungry gaze on him. Opening the bedside drawer, Junsu grabbed the tube of lube before shutting it and crawling back over Jaejoong's body.

Jaejoong immediately pulled him down for a kiss, fingers threading through Junsu's hair and tugging. Junsu moaned into the kiss, dropping the lube onto the bed and opting instead to slide two fingers back inside Jaejoong's body again.

Jaejoong bucked his hips up and immediately started fucking himself on the digits. Once again, Junsu slid them out just when Jaejoong was close to his climax and mumbled a 'sorry baby' before pulling away to sit back on his knees.

He grabbed the discarded tube of lube and popped the cap open before pouring a generous amount onto his palm. Looking down, he met Jaejoong's lust-blown gaze as he wrapped his hand around his cock. Jaejoong's gaze dropped and he watched as Junsu stroked his dick, coating it with the slick substance.

Gripping Jaejoong's legs, Junsu hoisted one over his shoulder and then placed the other over his thigh, effectively pulling Jaejoong closer to him.

Keeping one hand on the leg over his shoulder, Junsu gripped his dick with the other and ran it teasingly over Jaejoong's entrance. Jaejoong gasped, his whole body jerking at the slick wet feel of Junsu's cock sliding between his ass.

Junsu grinned and did it again, slower this time, swallowing a moan as he watched his cock slide over Jaejoong's slick hole.

"J-Junsu, please," Jaejoong gasped out, voice needy.

Junsu met his gaze and decided right then and there that if there was something he couldn't say no to, it would be to Jaejoong's pleading face.

Shifting his attention lower again, Junsu pressed the tip of his cock to Jaejoong's twitching entrance and pushed. Jaejoong's whole body tensed and then Junsu was swearing as he slid past the tight ring of muscles.

"Fuck baby, you're so tight," he gasped out, watching as he slid in inch by slow inch until he was buried deep inside Jaejoong's body.

Jaejoong was breathing hard, his eyes shut and hands in a death grip with the blankets.

Junsu took a deep shuddering breath and then very slowly pulled out; Jaejoong immediately whimpered and clamped down, not wanting Junsu to ever leave his body.

"Oh god, fuck baby," Junsu said with a moan, loving the feel of Jaejoong clenching tightly around him.

Tightening his grip on Jaejoong's thighs, Junsu pushed back in, eyes shutting in pleasure. He started a slow even pace, temporarily ignoring Jaejoong's pleas to go faster, opting instead to take his time and prolong the moment.

That didn't last long though for, when Junsu opened his eyes again, it was to the sight of Jaejoong's hand wrapped around his cock, his lips parted open in a breathless moan.

Junsu cursed and immediately increased his pace at the sight, pulling all the way out and then slamming back in, repeating the action again and again. Jaejoong's moans filled the room as his hand moved faster, tugging harder on his cock to try and match Junsu's pace.

Junsu's gaze never left Jaejoong, drinking in the sight of the beautiful man splayed out before him - just for him. When Jaejoong looked up to meet his gaze, a smile formed on his lips and Junsu couldn't help but return it.

"You're beautiful," Junsu whispered as he let Jaejoong's leg fall from his shoulder before leaning down and pressing their lips together, muffling Jaejoong's moans as the angle of Junsu's thrusts changed from the different position.

"J-Junsu … I'm close," Jaejoong whispered moments later as they pulled apart for some much needed air.

"Me too baby, me too," Junsu replied as he quickened his thrusts. He pressed kisses down Jaejoong's neck, tasting his sweat slicked skin and muffling his own moans of pleasure.

Jaejoong wrapped both his legs around Junsu's waist, one hand still tugging furiously on his cock while he buried the other in Junsu's hair, pulling and tugging at the short locks.

"Junsu Junsu Junsu," Jaejoong chanted over and over again. A few seconds later, his whole body froze and then warmth spilled between their bodies as he reached his climax for the second time that night.

Junsu grunted as Jaejoong's walls clenched almost painfully around his cock.

"Fuck," he gasped and slammed harder and faster into Jaejoong's shuddering body.

When Jaejoong pulled on his hair - enough to have Junsu tilting his head up - and let out a breathy moan right into his ear, Junsu surrendered himself to his orgasm and let go.

"Oh baby," he whispered with a moan as he released himself deep inside Jaejoong's body.

He collapsed to the side to avoid crushing Jaejoong with his weight, shivering when he slid out of Jaejoong's body. Jaejoong immediately rolled over to curl against his side and Junsu wrapped an arm protectively around the latter's waist, tugging him closer.


Jaejoong woke up the following morning feeling somewhat safe and warm; a feeling that he wanted to experience every day. As he attempted to roll over, Jaejoong's body froze and it was then that he noticed the arm wrapped around his waist.

Blinking a few times, Jaejoong's mind slowly recalled the events of last night starting from when Junsu had blocked his path in the club, to when they had finally collapsed in exhaustion in Junsu's bed after their third round of fucking.

Craning his neck, Jaejoong saw that Junsu was still sound asleep before relaxing with a sigh. What should he do now? He'd never had a one-night stand before, should he leave before Junsu woke up? That was what normally happened in movies right?

And that's exactly what this was, a one night stand, nothing more, no strings attached… right? For some reason, Jaejoong's heart clenched at the thought. Junsu was a nice guy and he really didn't want this to be a onetime only thing.

Maybe he could go to the same club again next week and hope that Junsu would be interested in having another night with him …

Making up his mind, Jaejoong held his breath and gently gripped Junsu's arm to lift off his waist. However before he could tug free, said arm tightened around his waist, tugging him back against a solid chest.

"And just where do you think you're going?" Junsu whispered against his nape.

Jaejoong gasped and then shivered, biting his lip to stop himself from whimpering at the feel of Junsu's hot breath against his skin.

"You weren't thinking of secretly leaving me while I was asleep were you?" Junsu continued, pressing light kisses up Jaejoong's neck and stopping just under his ear.

"Th-that's what normally happens in movies right?" Jaejoong blurted out, not realizing what he'd said until Junsu chuckled, his lips trembling against Jaejoong's heated skin.

"In movies? We're not in a movie baby, things don't always have to end one way."

"You mean …" Jaejoong mumbled unsurely, at the same time hoping he didn't sound too hopeful as he turned around to face Junsu.

"Well instead of leaving, you could always stay in bed while I attempt to make breakfast for you," Junsu suggested nonchalantly.

"Attempt?" Jaejoong repeated, unable to keep the curiosity out of his voice.

Junsu cleared his throat with a somewhat shy smile and Jaejoong resisted the urge to kiss him on the nose.

"Well I've never been exceptionally good in the kitchen, but I'm pretty sure I can cook up a simple breakfast … just for you."

Jaejoong's cheeks flushed a light pink as he let out a smile of his own.

"I-I've been told that my cooking skills are better than my dancing skills. Maybe I … can cook some breakfast for us," he finished off shyly.

"Your cooking must be exceptional then," Junsu replied with a grin, remembering all too well the way Jaejoong's body moved against his own at the club last night.

Jaejoong could only duck his head shyly in response to Junsu's somewhat innocent compliment.

Junsu just tugged Jaejoong closer to him, unable to keep the grin off his face.


Twenty minutes later Junsu walked into the kitchen to find a smiling Jaejoong stirring a pot of kimchi jigae over the stove.

The longer he watched, the more Junsu realized he wouldn't mind waking up to this - walking into the kitchen to find Jaejoong cooking for him … for them.

With a smile, Junsu closed the small distance between them and wrapped his arms around Jaejoong's waist, pressing their bodies flush together.

"Smells good," he commented, resting his head on Jaejoong's shoulder.

"Thank you," Jaejoong returned with a smile as he continued stirring the contents of the pot.

Junsu tightened his arms around Jaejoong's waist as a warm fuzzy feeling filled his chest.

He wasn't normally one to be committed to relationships, but for Jaejoong, Junsu thought it wouldn't hurt to try.

A/N: First JaeSu fic finally completed ^-^ I can't believe how long it took me to finish this fic, I actually started writing this sometime around the middle of last year and it's just taken forever to finish! I ended up basing the ending (and title lol) around the lyrics of Junsu's Uncommitted at the last minute but made it a happy ending since I'm a sucker for those :P
Anyway I hope everyone enjoyed reading this ~ comments and feedback are ♥

rating: nc-17, genre: smut, length: oneshot, pairing: jaejoong/junsu, genre: fluff, fandom: dbsk

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