Next Door Neighbour

Sep 17, 2012 01:38

Title: Next Door Neighbour
Author: chocolet89
Pairing: Junsu/Yoochun
Rating: PG-13
Length: One-Shot
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Summary: Yoochun can't help but fall for his next door neighbour
A/N: Written for the yoosu-yongwonhi JunChun fic contest ^^

"Hyung, you should really stop perving on our new neighbour," Changmin said offhandedly to his brother as he took a seat on the couch beside him.

Yoochun gasped and turned around to face the younger man with a shocked expression.

"I do not perve on our new neighbour," he replied in an offended tone.

Changmin just smirked and nudged Yoochun lightly in the shoulder.

"Now now, don't lie hyung. I saw you eyeing him up in the elevator this morning when his back was facing us."

Yoochun opened his mouth to deny the accusation, but then shut it again because what Changmin said was partially true.

"I-I was just comparing our bodies … he has a nice body," he mumbled defensively.

Changmin quirked an eyebrow up in response and continued staring at his brother, not really believing that that was the real reason.

"Really hyung?"

Yoochun shuffled around on the couch and then mumbled something under his breath.

"What's that hyung, I can't hear you?"

"He has a nice ass okay," Yoochun repeated again, this time a little louder.

"Ohhh really now," Changmin said with a chuckle, earning him a smack to the shoulder.

"Yes and don't you dare tell him I said that or else," Yoochun warned.

"Or else what?" Changmin asked with a glimmer in his eyes.

Yoochun only grinned back as he shook a finger at Changmin.

"Or else … I won't cook you food for a week."

Changmin immediately sat up straight and made the movement of zipping his lips with his thumb and index finger.

"Good boy," Yoochun said with a pat to Changmin's head.

Changmin stuck his tongue out at his brother childishly before turning his attention to the variety show Yoochun had been watching before he'd interrupted.

A few minutes passed before Changmin spoke up again.

"So hyung …"


"What else do you like about our new neighbour?"

"Changmin I don't-"

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Hyung just tell me."

"He has a nice laugh."


"He's really caring towards his dog."

"He has a dog?"

"Yes, I sort of ran into them at the local park the other day and he started telling me stories about it."

"Oh … I see. So when are you going to ask him out?"

Yoochun groaned and buried his face into the couch cushion.

They'd talked briefly only twice, once when they'd ended up alone in the elevator together where they'd introduced themselves and the second time at the park when Yoochun had run into Junsu taking his dog, Xiahki, out for a walk. Junsu had recognized him immediately and started making small talk, this time focusing on his dog which was fine for Yoochun.

It was all going good until Junsu told him that the only way to wash his dog properly was to get into the shower naked with it; Yoochun almost fainted from the images he had created in his head.

Although he'd gradually come to terms with the fact that he might have a tiny crush on the younger man, there was no way Yoochun was going confess his feelings. His past relationships had all failed within a month and he had no doubt that his next one would be the same. Therefore, it would probably just be best if they remain as friends, especially since they lived just next door to each other and it'd be awkward if anything changed between them.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), life had other plans.

On a quiet night where Yoochun was preparing dinner and Changmin was in his room working on an assignment, a knock sounded on their door.

Yoochun turned the stove down and went to open the door only to be greeted by one Kim Junsu clad in nothing but a pair of sleep pants and a white wife-beater.

“Oh … umm h-hi,” Yoochun stuttered out as he ogled the younger man before him.

“Hi Yoochun! Can I come in?” Junsu asked, totally oblivious to Yoochun’s inner turmoil at the sight of Junsu in a wife-beater.

When Yoochun failed to reply, Junsu waved his hand in front of the older man. “Yoochun?”

Yoochun immediately snapped out of it and felt his cheeks starting to heat up. “O-Oh sure, please, come in, take a seat.”

Junsu let out a little smile at Yoochun’s stuttering as he entered the apartment.

“S-So … umm … what can I do for you Junsu?” Yoochun asked as he closed the door behind him.

“Hmm?” Junsu said as he turned around from where he’d been looking at the photo of Yoochun and Changmin on the wall.

“Oh, I ran out of cooking oil and salt and wanted to know if I could borrow some. That is, if you have any to spare?”

“Cooking oil?” Yoochun repeated with a dumbfounded expression on his face. Five seconds later, Yoochun mentally smacked himself in the head as he realized just how much of an idiot he looked like right now.

“O-of course you can, here come with me,” and with that Yoochun led Junsu to his kitchen before he started ransacking his cupboard for a new bottle of vegetable oil and a bag of salt.

“Mmm something smells good,” Junsu said and before Yoochun could even comprehend what was happening, Junsu had walked around the counter to stand in front of the stove and take a sniff of his cooking.

“Hmm? Oh it's just some kimchi jigae, nothing too special,” Yoochun replied as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"It smells so good," Junsu complimented as he turned around to face Yoochun. “I’ve only recently been trying to learn to cook myself. I used to eat take-out food every day, but then my mother found out when she came to visit me a few days ago. She told me that if I didn’t learn to cook, she would force me to move back in with her.”

“Oh is that so?” Yoochun asked as he finally found the spare bottle of oil and bag of salt located at the back of the pantry.

“Yeah …” Junsu replied as he sniffed the cooking on the stove once more.

Then before Yoochun could even think twice he quickly said, “I could teach you cooking!”

Junsu looked up at him and Yoochun froze thinking if he’d said the wrong thing or not. But then Junsu's eyes brightened and he took a step closer to grip Yoochun’s wrists in his hands.

“Really Yoochunnie, you’d teach me?” Junsu asked and it was all Yoochun could do to keep a firm grip on the cooking ingredients in his hands. He was too shocked that Junsu was actually touching him to notice that Junsu had called him Yoochunnie.

“S-sure, I cook for Changmin - my brother - all the time,” Yoochun said as he tried to calm his beating heart down.

“Oh that would be great, thank you so much Yoochun-ah! I love you!” and with that Junsu leant forward and pecked Yoochun on the cheek.

This time Yoochun did drop the bottle of oil and bag of salt.

Luckily it was a plastic bottle and the seal on the salt was strong and both landed unscathed on the kitchen floor.

“Oh gosh I’m so sorry,” Junsu apologized, though whether it was for kissing Yoochun unexpectedly or making him drop the things, Yoochun wasn’t sure.

Quickly bending down, Junsu picked them up and held them in front of Yoochun. “So, are these for me?”

Yoochun just nodded his head.

“Thank you so much,” Junsu said bowing slightly.

“Ahh it’s okay,” Yoochun said as a small blush formed on his cheeks.

They stood in silence for a few seconds as Yoochun tried to think of something else to say. He really didn’t want Junsu to leave yet. Looking around, Yoochun’s eyes fell on the food that was still cooking on the stove.

Quickly turning back to Junsu, he saw the younger man about to open his mouth but he beat him to it.

“Would you like to stay for dinner?” Yoochun asked in one quick breath.

Junsu’s lips widened into a smile as he replied, “Sure.”

“So what do you do for a living Junsu-shii?” Changmin asked when Yoochun failed to strike up a conversation with Junsu fifteen minutes since they sat down for dinner.

“Oh, I’m a dance instructor,” Junsu replied.

That explains why his body is so fit Yoochun thought to himself.

“What about you two?” Junsu asked.

Changmin decided to answer for the both of them.

“I’m studying at the moment and my brother is a piano teacher.”

“Oh really?” Junsu said in surprise. “You’ll have to give me a demonstration one day.”

“Ahh … okay,” Yoochun replied in embarrassment.

“This food is really good,” Junsu complimented. “Do you cook every night?”

“Th-thank you and yes I cook almost every night since Changmin here only knows how to eat.”

Changmin growled and shoved at his brother’s shoulders lightly as they all laughed.

“You’re the one that tells me to focus on my studies and leave everything else to you.”

“That’s true,” Yoochun replied.

Dinner continued in a comfortable manner after that and when Yoochun started stacking the dishes and plates, Junsu offered to help. Yoochun declined, saying he was the guest and therefore should leave everything to him but Junsu continued pestering saying he’d eaten for free so he should do something in return.

Changmin grinned and quietly excused himself to return to his studies. In the end, Yoochun relented and let Junsu help him dry the dishes as he finished washing and rinsing them.

“So do you teach piano every day?” Junsu asked as he watched Yoochun scrub at the dishes.

“Just Monday to Thursday."

“So that means you’re free on Friday right?”

“Yep that’s right,” Yoochun replied wondering why Junsu was asking him these questions.

“Hmm I see … if it's okay with you, can you come over on Friday nights to teach me how to cook?”

Yoochun thought about it for a few seconds before immediately agreeing to it.

"Sure, that's no problem at all. And since tomorrow is a Friday, would you like me to come over tomorrow then?"

"Sounds great, thank you again Yoochun-ah. You're too kind, and to someone you've only just met recently too."

Yoochun blushed at the compliment and hoped that it wasn't too noticeable, then again he could just brush it off as the heat from the water making his skin warm.

Deciding to move onto a safer topic, Yoochun started asking about the types of food that Junsu liked and disliked and what he would like to learn to make tomorrow night. Junsu happily obliged, telling Yoochun his love for Japanese food but knowing that he should probably master the basics before making something like hitsumabushi.

By the time they'd finished doing the dishes, the two men had filled each other in on their hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes and to Yoochun, it almost felt like they had known each other since forever with how easily they seemed to open up to each other.

After slipping his apron off, Yoochun considered asking Junsu to stay but then decided against it. Junsu most probably had other things to do since Yoochun had inadvertently taken most of his night up.

As he escorted Junsu to the door, Yoochun quickly remembered something. “Hang on,” he told Junsu as he rushed back to the kitchen.

“Here, you forgot these,” Yoochun said as he handed Junsu the bag of salt and bottle of oil.

“Oh but I don’t need this anymore since I don’t need to cook anymore tonight,” Junsu said as he pushed the items back.

“You’ll need to use them for tomorrow though right?”

“I can buy them tomorrow.”

Yoochun pouted then and it didn’t go unnoticed by the younger man.

“Ahh okay I’ll take them,” Junsu quickly said, reaching out to grab the cooking utensils from the older man.

Yoochun immediately smiled, not caring that he was acting like a child.

“I finish dance classes at 4pm tomorrow so do you want to come over at around 5:30pm? That’ll give me enough time to get ready and enough time to prepare dinner right?”

Yoochun nodded his head, body feeling giddy at the thought of going over to Junsu’s.

“Okay well I’ll go back over now, I really enjoyed dinner tonight thank you.”

“You’re welcome, feel free to come over again anytime.”

As soon as the door shut, Yoochun placed a hand to his mouth and squealed.

Three weeks later found Yoochun as a regular guest in Junsu's apartment, teaching the younger man how to cook two days a week. They had decided that one day a week wasn't enough and added another cooking lesson in on Saturday nights.

Yoochun was a patient teacher and Junsu was a fast learner, albeit a bit clumsy when handling the cooking utensils.

Tonight, Junsu was going to attempt to make kimchi jigae and if he succeeded, then Yoochun would teach him how to make hitsumabushi the following Friday.

"How did you learn how to make Japanese food?" Junsu asked as he added some seasoning to the stew.

"Well Changmin also has a love for Japanese food so I looked up recipes online and started from there. I also have a few friends who are Japanese and asked for some tips," Yoochun replied with a smile.

"Hmm I see … Changmin's so lucky to have a brother like you."

Yoochun laughed, watching as Junsu took a sip of the broth before smiling at the taste.

"Good?" he asked.

Junsu offered the spoon to Yoochun while saying, "Good, but not as good as yours."

Yoochun hid his blush by dipping his head and taking a sip from the offered spoon.

Junsu watched and when Yoochun furrowed his brows, he grimaced.

"Not good?"

Yoochun pursed his lips and Junsu turned away with a sigh.

"Looks like someone will be learning how to make hitsumabushi next week," Yoochun said with a grin.

"What?" Junsu said as he whipped his head back around.

Yoochun chuckled.

"You passed the test Su-ah."

"Yah I seriously thought you didn't like the taste," Junsu half yelled, half whined with a slap to Yoochun's shoulder.

Yoochun just let out another chuckle as he helped to set the table for the two of them while Junsu turned off the stove, unable to keep the smile from forming on his face.

"Hyung, stop assuming things. Do you have any proof that they're a couple?"

"Well no, but-"

"But no hyung, you just saw the two of them walking out of the coffee shop together, that doesn't mean anything."

Yoochun had just finished doing his grocery shopping for the week and was walking back to their apartment from the shops when he'd seen Junsu walking out of the coffee shop with another man.

"They were wearing matching tracksuits," Yoochun mumbled with a pout.


"And that guy had his arm wrapped around Junsu's shoulder."

Changmin sighed. Why was his brother such an idiot whenever it came to these things?

"Guys do that all the time, I rest an arm on Kyuhyun's shoulder all the time but that doesn't mean that we're a couple, he just makes a really good armrest."

Yoochun didn't seem convinced and just buried his face into a pillow.

The following day Junsu noticed that Yoochun seemed a bit distracted whilst teaching him how to make hitsumabushi. When Yoochun came close to slicing his finger off for the fifth time that night while helping Junsu cut the vegetables, Junsu finally had enough and took the knife away from Yoochun, placing it on the counter before dragging Yoochun to the couch and pushing him to sit on it.

"What's wrong Yoochun-ah?" he asked, taking one of Yoochun's hands between both of his.

Yoochun's eyes widened at the action but he made no move to pull his hand away.

"Yoochun?" Junsu asked again.

Yoochun cleared his throat and shook his head.

"N-nothing's wrong, why do you ask?"

Junsu sighed.

"Yoochun-ah, you've been dropping things as well as being close to cutting your fingers off since you walked through the front door. What's on your mind?"

Yoochun looked away, unable to face Junsu. He thought he could be content to just be Junsu's friend, thought he would be okay with the fact that Junsu had a partner. But whenever he thought back to yesterday where he'd seen Junsu laughing happily at something the other man said, he couldn't help but wish that he was the one making Junsu laugh.

"I'm fine," he replied. "Nothing's wrong."

Junsu counted to five before tightening his grip on Yoochun's hand to get his attention.

"Yoochun-ah …"

"I'm fine Su, I told you-"

"Is this about yesterday when you saw me walking out of the coffee shop with another man?"

Yoochun's head snapped up so fast that Junsu wondered for a second if his neck would break.

"What? Why - how did you know abou-"

"Changmin told me," Junsu replied calmly, a smile tugging on the corners of his lips.

"He what?!" Yoochun's eyes narrowed into slits as he remembered Changmin excusing himself yesterday afternoon saying he was going to 'take a walk in the park'. He should have known that kid was up to no good.

"He said you saw me walking with another man yesterday and thought we were a couple. Is that right Yoochunnie?" Junsu asked as he slowly inched closer, minimising the distance between their bodies.

"M-maybe," Yoochun mumbled, not at all aware of what Junsu was doing, his mind still mid-raging about the revenge he would get at his traitorous brother.

"Did Changmin tell you who that man was that was with me yesterday?"

Yoochun shook his head.

"His name is Junho," Junsu answered and Yoochun tried to ignore the feeling of jealousy at the way Junsu said that name with so much warmth.

"Oh … I see."

"Are you jealous of him Yoochun-ah?" Junsu asked innocently as he started rubbing circles on the back of Yoochun's hand.

"N-no, why would I be," Yoochun mumbled, his gaze locked on their hands.

"Hmm … true, why would you be jealous of my brother? I mean, it's not like you want to be my brother right?"

"No of course I wouldn't want to be your bro-WHAT?!" Yoochun cried out midsentence.

Junsu couldn't hold it in anymore and let out a chuckle, watching as Yoochun's confused look changed to one of embarrassment.

"That guy yesterday … was your brother?" Yoochun asked in a tiny voice.

Junsu grinned and nodded his head.

"Yep, we're twins actually, but we don't look anything alike. He came to visit me yesterday and we went out for coffee after I finished classes for the day."

"Oh … oh umm I see," Yoochun replied back lamely. He suddenly felt extremely stupid.

Now would be a great time for there to be a hole to appear beneath him so he could disappear into it forever.

"Yoochun-ah," Junsu whispered and it was then that Yoochun noticed there was only a few inches of space between them. When had Junsu gotten so close?

"Neh Su," he mumbled as he tried to ignore the heat he could feel from Junsu's body being so close to his.

It was quiet for a few seconds before Junsu suddenly took hold of Yoochun's other wrist and then pinned the latter to the armrest of the couch, arms on either side of his head.

"If you didn't want to be my brother, then why were you jealous when you saw Junho and I together hmm?"

Yoochun bit his lip, turning his head to the side and looking anywhere except into Junsu's searching gaze.

Junsu took that as an invitation and nuzzled his nose against the dip between Yoochun's neck and shoulder, inhaling the scent of the strawberry body wash that Yoochun used just before coming over.

Yoochun's whole body shuddered and all thoughts fled his mind.

Soft lips pressed against his skin and then he was whimpering as Junsu sucked lightly at the area just above his collarbone.

"Were you jealous because you thought Junho was my boyfriend?" Junsu murmured against Yoochun's heated skin.

Yoochun took in a much needed breath before answering.


"So does this mean you were jealous because you wanted to be my boyfriend?" Junsu continued as he pressed teasing kisses up the older man's neck.

"I-," Yoochun wanted to say yes, but then his mind went back to thoughts on how all his past relationships had failed because he'd been too immersed in caring for Changmin at a young age since their parents had passed away in an accident, as well as being too focused in his job as a piano teacher. His partners had often told him that he loved his brother and music more than he loved them.

He was brought out of his thoughts when Junsu's kisses trailed up to his jaw before pausing at the corner of his lips.


"I … don't have time for relationships. I have to take care of Changmin and … and I love music."

"You love music?" Junsu asked with a chuckle, his breath hitting Yoochun's skin and making him tremble.

Yoochun groaned inwardly at his choice of words and was about to open his mouth to explain what he really meant, when he was silenced with a kiss to his lips.

Yoochun was about to protest when Junsu pulled back, only to swipe his tongue along Yoochun's plump lower lip. Yoochun whimpered and Junsu pressed a few teasing kisses before pulling back again.

"Shh … Changmin told me everything already yesterday. It's okay for you to be dedicated to your job as a piano teacher, just like I am as a dance instructor. It's okay for you to take care of Changmin, even though he is nineteen now and can take care of himself just fine now thank you very much - Changmin's words, not mine," Junsu ended with a chuckle.

Yoochun looked up into Junsu's eyes then, searching for any hint that Junsu was only joking around. However, all he could see was warmth, sincerity and understanding and he slowly smiled back in response.

"I take that as a yes then?" Junsu asked as he slowly closed the distance between them again.

"Yes to what?" Yoochun asked playfully.

"Yes that you want to be my boyfriend?" Junsu said, their lips brushing together at the last word.

Yoochun closed his eyes and pressed his lips to his boyfriend in response.

genre: humor, pairing: yoochun/junsu, length: oneshot, rating: pg-13, genre: fluff, fandom: dbsk

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