Final "crunchy/consumerist" rant

May 22, 2009 11:55

Ну и последнее из разряда crunchy/consumerist:

В садик приходил зубной врач, учить деток чистить зубы и т.д.
Подарила зубные щётки и пасты.
Щётка правильная, на 2-4 года.
Но паста не только с фтором, а ещё и с триклосаном. :(
Я ещё недавно удивлялась, зачем в пасте триклосан , когда об этом написал, saccovanzetti

Triclosan is an "anti-gingivitis" ingredient
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health, school

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Comments 11

pro_sha May 22 2009, 19:48:36 UTC
What is wrong with triklosan?


chocolana May 22 2009, 20:11:26 UTC
It's an anti-bacterial agent. There is no reason to use it every day. Regular soap kills 99% of "bad" bacteria, and for dental care, brushing after a meal and removing food debris should be good enough to prevent buildup where bacteria would grow. Unless you have serious gingivitis and your doctor prescribes an anti-bacterial agent.

Just like antibiotics, Triclosan can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Then, if you develop a serious infection and truly need something to fight the bacteria, the "regular" antibiotics will not work. Then you'll need stronger and stronger anti-biotics, leading to stronger and stronger "superbugs."

You know about antibiotic-resistant staph that's widespread in the hospitals, right? My grandfather contracted something like that during his dialysis treatments and, although generally in good shape for his age, passed away within days.

So, my philosophy is: save anything that starts with "anti" for when you really need it.

Sorry for the long comment, I am off the soapbox now :)


pro_sha May 22 2009, 20:14:33 UTC
I see. It makes sense.


k_gaff May 22 2009, 19:51:12 UTC
I just recently noticed that toothpastes sold in natural food stores are specifically labeled as fluoride-free.. What's the deal with it?
I just googled it a few minutes ago after readign your post, and nearly drowned in conflicting information. Do you by any chance have a link to a reputable source?
I'm using fluiride mouthwash and toothopaste religiously since I have horrible problems with my teeth, and it seems to be helping in reducing the rate of new cavities.. but now I am worried.


chocolana May 22 2009, 20:24:09 UTC
I'll try to find the info for you. There are definitely benefits to using fluoride, it's even added to our drinking water supply!! But, it also affects the thyroid function, which not a lot of people realize.

So it's a cost/benefit tradeoff for adults.

As for kids, they definitely don't need fluoride until age 2, or even later.


k_gaff May 22 2009, 20:26:00 UTC
I see!
Which toothpases do you use, by the way? For yourself and for your son?


chocolana May 22 2009, 20:59:55 UTC
I like Tom's of Maine. They have yummy flavors for kids.


k_gaff May 22 2009, 19:56:06 UTC comment has gone missing .. :-) try again.

I've just recently noticed that toothpastes sold in natural food stores are labeled as being fluoride free. After reading your post, I googled and now I am drowning in colflicting information.
I am using fluoride toothpase and mouthwash religiously, desparately trying to save remaining teeth :-( Am I hurting myself instead? Do you haev a link to a reputable source?


k_gaff May 22 2009, 19:56:43 UTC
sorry about multiple comments... the first one disappeared, and then re-appeared.. weird!


gaby_mama May 24 2009, 21:43:54 UTC
Все странно. Например, моя гигиенист советует детям полоскать рот Kid's Act, хотя производители пишут, что раньше шести лет не обязательно. Спросила у детского дантиста - он говорит, что не обязательно, но если дети все же не глотают его (а мои не глотают), то хуже не будет. А моя гигиенист писала диплом на эту тему. И говорит, что из всего того, что она читала, она пришла к выводу, что все эти покрытия зубов фигня, а вот полоскание - круто. Так что тут не будет одного ответа. Мы пользуемся детским колгейтом, а дантист наш нам давал в гуди-бэг обычный Crest - про триклазан в нем ничего не знаю, не обратила внимания. Я сама пользуюсь пастой с триклазаном, но это из-за моих десен, которые с беременности так в себя и не придут.


chocolana May 25 2009, 01:07:12 UTC
Да, интересно. Триклозан некоторым взрослым нужен, но детям, я считаю, совершенно нет.. Мало того, что он (триклозан) во всех видах антибактериального мыла, что я тоже считаю неправильным.

У нас Д. ещё не умеет сплёвывать пасту, поэтому я всегда проверяю состав.


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