[ P e r s o n a l ]
Name: Michael Steer
Previously Stamped As: Gabranth for regular, Kuja for villain and Knowledgeable One for Stereotype.
[ E n v i r o n m e n t ]
Dreaming of a land far and away...
Imagine the one place you wish you could live-- the home of your dreams. Describe its colors, smells, surroundings... go wild. It would be a peaceful little cottage outside a mystical forest, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. It would be near an open field, with flowers of all kinds in the field. The cottage would be homely, and yet, simple. It would give someone warmth, just to stare out of the window into the open field, and during the daytime, the flowers would blossom beautifully. It would also be relatively near to the sea, to enjoy the fresh sunshine and it would be much more fulfilling as compared to a place where people flourish. I would want it to be rather secluded, and my loved ones along with myself would be enjoying our lives in this utopia for quite sometime, possibly forever. It'll allow people to freely express oneself, and enjoy their lifetimes away.
Does your dream world reside in a medieval setting, rely on technology, or is it a mixture of both? It would certainly be a mixture of both. It could be rather medieval, or not. I don't really bother about the system of ruling as long as peace reigns. Technology would also be required, but not too much, certainly not to the extent of FFVII's Midgar. It would be a mix of both medieval and modern, with machines made for people's comfort, yet not harming the world too much.
Kings and queens? Presidents? Perhaps it's a place with no government? Describe the leadership of your land. Governments are certainly required to keep order, although a place without any sense of government might be nice, it certainly wouldn't work at all. Kings and Queens would provide authority but there is a chance where they might become too corrupt or power-hungry, and not listen to the words of the people. I would think a presidency would work, with the people choosing who they want to rule the land and have the authority to remove him from power if he grows too corrupt.
Just how peaceful is your land? Relatively peaceful, but a place that is too peaceful would make it a boring existence. It would be peaceful, but with war looming in the near future, making everyone enjoy the peace that reigns now, but know also that war is approaching, and dark times are near.
But surely monsters roam in the wilderness! Describe the kinds that live there. Monsters that live in my dream world would be just like animals in real life. They are merely beasts, not evil, not good. They merely threaten humans for their needs to live, but a wide range of the types of animals would be nice. There would be monsters that help humans, and monsters that hunt humans. Fairies, vampires and werewolves would exist, but they would be just like the animals that we see today, not possessing intelligence far beyond that of any human.
[ A d v e n t u r e ]
I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon...
Whether your land is in a golden era of peace or is in turmoil, it seems a great threat to your world has reared its ugly head. What is it and what are its plans? It would be a foil to the presidency of my dream world. A near dictatorship, with a power-hungry king and his corrupt advisors would swallow the small towns and villages, one by one. It would look as if the next target was the presidency of my dream world, and the soldiers of the dictatorship would be far more powerful as compared to that of the presidency. It's plans, as cliche as it might seem, would be world domination, with a power-hungry king wanting to rule over the whole land at his command. Of course, things are never that obvious, with the main villain escalating problems in the world. He would be someone discontented with how things are running, and seek to destroy everything that he didn't like, making himself even more autocratic than he thinks he is.
Describe the kinds of weapons and methods being used to defend oneself and attack this threat. Being relatively pacifistic, the presidency would call for a temporary peace treaty with the dictatorship, while making machines for war secretly. The effect would be to scare the dictatorship into retreating from my dream world's presidency, but if they persist in attacking, the machines, along with soldiers would be sent out to hopefully defeat them while not killing many, like setting fire to their rations. It would certainly involve more strategy than brute strength. For the characters of the world, classic weaponry like swords and bows might be good, along with the usual different fare, like throwing daggers, or Chinese longswords, and rapiers that are astonishingly beautiful. Something like that.
What kind of secrets does your world hide away as you traverse it in search for a solution? (This can be caves unlocking pieces of the past, riches, summons, anything-- be creative!) It would involve finding traces of a more advanced ancient civilization, exterminated by natural disasters. There would be airships made of jewels, machines resembling that of Magitek Armor, far more advanced than anything in the current timeline, and weaponry like guns shooting bullets of magic. Summons would also exist, in a world far beyond that of my dream worlds. They would be neutral, but if threatened, pose a great threat to the whole world as we know it. The ancient timeline partially involved angering the summons to cause the natural disasters to begin with, causing their extermination.
What is your level-up system like? It would be like your usual RPG, with levels symbolizing how powerful your characters have become. The enemies would become stronger, with powers increasing along with the protagonists' level. They would also look different as compared to their past selves, warning others of their increased power. The protagonists would find it not easy to level up, but not hard either. It would be a balanced battle system, yet surprisingly fun. They would also gain new attacks as they level up, thus prompting people to level instead of breezing through the world.
[ D e t a i l ]
Hear the whispers in the dark...
Describe the music you envision playing in the background as you fight monsters, wander the lands, explore villages... Is it dark, cheerful, inspiring? It would be inspiring, it would have a very powerful soundtrack to maximize the feel of the world. You would feel pumped up with the battle theme, impressed with the world map theme, which is something like the one from FFVII, which just was epic. The villages would have a peaceful feel to them, as the kindly townspeople help you with weaponry and such.
How important is the background music to your world? Very important. One of the major factors of any game would be the music, and I would want it to leave behind a lasting impression on the people to travel through it. It wouldn't be that kind of music where you just forget about it, it would be strong and emotionally pulling.
Uh-oh! You just ran into the mandatory, most powerful (though optional) boss in the game. What's it like and what makes it so deadly? It would certainly be the most powerful summon, sealed away by the technologically advanced people from ages ago. It awoke, and it has the power to destroy worlds, which make it very, very dangerous to fight against. It would look like a lion, with wings of different animals coming out of it's back. It's magical power is beyond that of any human, and it is virtually uncontrollable in any way. It would also be seemingly invincible, with a weak spot in it's chest to not make it overpowered.
What's the prize for kicking this beast in the behind, anyway? It would be the key to a treasury of the most powerful weapons that survived the test of time. They would look startlingly weak, but once you use them, they would be more lethal than anything in the world. It would also be overpowered, which might dissuade people from coming to find it.
[ E x t r a ]
Cue the rolling credits!
So what's the happy ending like? The usual, the golden age of peace becomes even more peaceful, it would be satisfying for the people to see, with the fates of characters listed out, some happy, some tragic, but yet having a closure anyway, and there would certainly be romance, yes, a romance that could finally blossom as compared to when the war was happening, and they would live happily-ever-after. Aww, so sweet. xD
As we all know, there are many options for this theme. What world do you think you are most suited for, and why? Hm, I'm not sure, you know. Perhaps FFVII or FFIX? I'm not really sure myself, heh.
Anything else you'd like to mention about this world of your's? Not really~ Alright, I'll be waiting.
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