[ P e r s o n a l ]
Name: Diana
Previously Stamped As: Tifa//Yuna- regular; Yuffie//Maria//Laguna - mirror; Magus Sisters-summon; Red Mage-class; Selfless Mage//Optimistic Fighter- stereotype; Kadaj- Villain
[ E n v i r o n m e n t ]
Dreaming of a land far and away...
Imagine the one place you wish you could live-- the home of your dreams. Describe its colors, smells, surroundings... go wild. Going wild eh....
Let's see, the home of my dreams is in a small town, either near the beach or near the forest or preference near both since i do not live that far away from forests to be honest and i love them to death. The air must smell like a mix of water and flowers, the landscape itself would be well on one side we could see the beach and on the other side the forest, mountain whatsoever, it's just something beautiful
Does your dream world reside in a medieval setting, rely on technology, or is it a mixture of both? Mixture of Both, i guess medieval setting is awsome but a mixture is something i can see myself living on xD
Kings and queens? Presidents? Perhaps it's a place with no government? Describe the leadership of your land. Hm maybe king and queens...I'm not so good with this type of questions...but i guess the place where i lived would be more government free
Just how peaceful is your land? The place where i live? Peaceful, the rest might have it's messes but it won't be that brutal
But surely monsters roam in the wilderness! Describe the kinds that live there. iPPP idk....I guess that marlboros......aw man i suck with this xD wolves and that kind of freaking weird monsters
[ A d v e n t u r e ]
I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon...
Whether your land is in a golden era of peace or is in turmoil, it seems a great threat to your world has reared its ugly head. What is it and what are its plans? It might be two ways, or it's someone in the government that is evil and wants to rule the world and is silently destroying every village on it's way or just a mad man that wants to destroy the world because it turned out to be corrupt or unfit to his likings..
Describe the kinds of weapons and methods being used to defend oneself and attack this threat. Well....I guess that using summoners and using guns and whatever the technology could help them out...
What kind of secrets does your world hide away as you traverse it in search for a solution? Well there would be certain places of the world that would be hiding (caves) a passage to an alter world underground, a place that really shows how this world is supported, eventually by crystals *A*
What is your level-up system like? Roflmao....uhm....the regular one? Nothing like FFX thou, that kinda messes with my brain D8
[ D e t a i l ]
Hear the whispers in the dark...
Describe the music you envision playing in the background as you fight monsters, wander the lands, explore villages... Is it dark, cheerful, inspiring? While we explore it's might be something soft or something sad depending on our location...When we're fighting probably something more hardcore you know?
How important is the background music to your world? Well without music i guess things wouldn't be so appealing so somehow yeah it is important at a certain degree xD
Uh-oh! You just ran into the mandatory, most powerful (though optional) boss in the game. What's it like and what makes it so deadly? He looks like a human but a bitsie bit deformed, dressed with ancient chinese clothes (THINK DYNASTY WARRIORS D8) and what's so deadly? If he somehow "sneezes" any spell it'll kill my party
What's the prize for kicking this beast in the behind, anyway? Probably the best weapon of the game or the best summon <3
[ E x t r a ]
Cue the rolling credits!
So what's the happy ending like? People little by little start rebuilding their homes, we see people gathering mattering not their races, helping each others and after that we see the characters from the main party in their respective endings, finishing with the main character coming back to her home :>
As we all know, there are many options for this theme. What world do you think you are most suited for, and why? Hm...Probably i'll get FFX votes it's kind of itching behind my ear idk xD probably because i am a nature freak..
Anything else you'd like to mention about this world of your's? Well it'd have a part more evoluted and one more rural you know?
I've voted on...
✖i'll put this one later ~3.