
Jun 24, 2008 18:56

Change of fic address! All fic is now at goldinvein.

Nerds In Love

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Comments 8

lsnickett June 25 2008, 07:35:31 UTC
ahhh, amazingness!
as a present you get ryro hotness :D
*points to icon*


phonetur_k June 25 2008, 20:16:04 UTC
My mind is numb with Ryden hotness. O.O

Isnickett, where from did you get that icon? My God it's awesome.


lsnickett June 25 2008, 21:39:50 UTC
haha i stole it from my friend
she's a techie and makes icons 24/7...


choclitbunny June 25 2008, 21:57:42 UTC
notfarfromhome? Because I have the same icon and got it straight from her.


copingmechanism August 9 2008, 09:21:28 UTC
i'm late on this, but i'm reading this right now and i'm so into the whole storyline, and
“None of it, dude,” Ryan said the moment Spencer said hello on his end of the line.
“What the hell are you talking about?” asked a very confused Spencer.
“We went to see a movie and I didn’t watch any of it.”
is by far the best thing i've read in a LONG time. i reread it a few times and could not stop giggling.
i love this so much.


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