
Jun 24, 2008 18:56

Change of fic address! All fic is now at goldinvein.

Nerds In Love

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lsnickett June 25 2008, 07:35:31 UTC
ahhh, amazingness!
as a present you get ryro hotness :D
*points to icon*


phonetur_k June 25 2008, 20:16:04 UTC
My mind is numb with Ryden hotness. O.O

Isnickett, where from did you get that icon? My God it's awesome.


lsnickett June 25 2008, 21:39:50 UTC
haha i stole it from my friend
she's a techie and makes icons 24/7...


choclitbunny June 25 2008, 21:57:42 UTC
notfarfromhome? Because I have the same icon and got it straight from her.


lsnickett June 26 2008, 03:18:27 UTC
maybe my friend stole it then...
idk she had it so i stole it, i just assumed she made it

sorry? XD


choclitbunny June 26 2008, 03:47:29 UTC
Yeah, I actually requested that someone make an icon of that video clip and she made and posted it for everyone. AND ISN'T IT AMAZING?!

Tis ok. :) Sorry to be a bit annoying, but would you mind crediting her for it? Just to be polite.


lsnickett June 26 2008, 21:37:59 UTC
yeah, totally
sry, i was just being stupid
*smacks head*


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