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Comments 20

chatiel April 30 2007, 12:28:49 UTC
Yeah, Death Note is really good! :) But I haven't read much, because I begun, then I left it for a while, and after that I didn't where I stopped so I was lazy to read it again, and then... (I wasn't even at TEH chapter 58)... I was spoiled by someone who didn't put an lj-cut on her journal -_- So I knew the very end of it. So I said fuck, and asked my sister to tell me all about it. But I was sure about what happened in chapter 58, because everyone's was so obvious -_- Well XD But I'll read them when I have time ^^ My sister is buying the manga, so.

You hated Dr Mizuno in Ichi littoru?!!!!!!!!!!! ;_; Why??? I loved him!!!!!!!!

But Gal Circle looks like fun :D


chochajin April 30 2007, 19:08:12 UTC
AWWWW that sucks o(>____<)o
I HATE spoilers (T__T) ....

Ah ... *hides* XDDD .. well I think it´s because I already knew him from Koukou Kyoushi and you just have to hate him more or less after watching it XDDD ... and in 1 Litre of tears ... I didn´t really like him ,,, not exactly hate, but not like XD ... so the result was, that I still didn´t like him after watching 1 Litre of tears. I guess that´s it XD I´m sorry, because he´s REALLY a good actor (T-T)> ....

It IS fun! :D


linaaa April 30 2007, 13:10:47 UTC
<3 Raito


chochajin April 30 2007, 19:10:04 UTC
L :33333333333333333333 ..... XDDDDD


linaaa May 1 2007, 00:14:34 UTC
Raito. <3


chochajin May 1 2007, 12:23:33 UTC
Oioioi~ ;P
Now how´s that? Raito AND L ??!!! (*___*)


sakitokun April 30 2007, 19:17:03 UTC
Do you know which album A day in our life is on?

But anyway I got all my arashi stuff here: http://community.livejournal.com/jpop_uploads/2170452.html

Also you can check out Arashian Files: http://arashianfiles.orgfree.com/

sorry. I don't feel like doing the coding. Soo tired.


chochajin April 30 2007, 19:24:01 UTC
No, I don´t know (T__T)
ZOMG! Thank you so much!!!! ^____^
YAHOO and I already found the song!! *happy fangirl* *huuug* ^_^


sakitokun April 30 2007, 19:33:36 UTC
Oh no problem, the jpop link is locked which I thought it wasn't but it has all their PV's, albums, concerts, shows they were in etc. I just thought it would be useful since it's all on the same page than Arashian Files. Meh, at least you found it!!! Is it a good song? I haven't heard it. Now I'm going to go look for it lol. I haven't gone through all their songs yet.


chochajin April 30 2007, 19:45:44 UTC
I checked it again and YES the entry IS locked, but I can see it nevertheless XDD because I´m a member of that comm ^-^; so thanks again ! :3
Yeah I think it´ll take me some ..... time XD to go through all of these, but WOW!!!
Hm. I´m still not sure if it´s a good song. I like it because it reminds me of that drama now ;) .. I don´t know if I would have liked that song if I didn´t watch the drama (~_~)
BUT I think this song is a bit different then the usual Arashi stuff, that´s why it caught my attention ... like hearing it and then reading "ending theme by arashi" .. I was like (O__O) HUH? XDD .... but after hearing it again and again you definitely recognize the voices of the Arashi members :) (but perhaps it´s just me, I haven´t listened to THAT many songs of Arashi yet ^^) [/blabbering mode turned off now]


bf_nightingale May 1 2007, 07:25:25 UTC
Hehe, du hast die gleiche Reaktion bei DN wie ich.^^; Viele scheinen absolute Fans von Mello und Near geworden zu sein, manche von ihnen finden die zweite Hälfte sogar besser... aber ich kann die zwei irgendwie nicht leiden und die Handlung finde ich ab der zweiten Hälfte auch nicht mehr so schön logisch und natürlich, aber gut, das bin vielleicht nur ich.:-/ Naja, spannend bleibt es aber wirklich bis zum Schluß!:)

Ansonsten, mach dir keinen Stress wegen dem Kommentieren, wir werden's alle überleben wenn du mal eine kurze Zeit lang weniger aktiv bist.^__^ Dann freuen wir uns (oder ich zumindest) umso mehr wenn du wieder voll da sein wirst.;D
Ich selbst kommentiere ja derzeit auch nicht mehr so fleissig wie früher, ich wollte auch die Tage mal eine Ansage machen, dass ich mich den gesamten Mai erstmal an meine Prüfungsvorbereitungen prügeln werde.>_< Ô Freude.

Also, viel Erfolg bei deiner Arbeit!^__^b


chochajin May 1 2007, 12:21:37 UTC
Also ich kann nicht verstehen, wie man Near und Mello besser finden kann (T_T) .. mich nerven sie bisher eher. Es wäre was anderes, wenn es NUR die Zwei gegeben hätte ... aber soooo? .. NÄÄÄÄh!!! (.___.)> ... Es kann zwar schon sein, dass ich meine Meinung noch ändern werde, wenn ich mal alles gelesen habe, ich bezweifle es jedoch SEHR STARK!!!
(ich will Death Note Icons machen x___x) XDDDD

Okay ^_____^ *knuddel*

Danke, das wünsche ich dir auch!! (nach Möglichkeit ohne dich selbst prügeln zu müssen!) (^-^)v


matsujunislove March 31 2008, 13:25:03 UTC
Where do you watch gal circle? do you now a site where i can watch it?
Ty~ x


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