[Information]: No Hiatus, but .. + [Review + Conclusion] Kizarasu and Gal Circle

Apr 30, 2007 14:10

Hey there!

I´m really sorry that I don´t update that often lately. Same goes for commenting. SORRY!
I don´t have much time right now and I won´t have much time for the next months as well.
I though about it, but I don´t want to go on hiatus. I´ll try to upload stuff from time to time, it just won´t be THAT often like before, at least for the next months.
Also I can´t comment so often like some of you might already have noticed :/ I apologize in advance, but there is nothing I can do.
I try to read everything and I try to comment as often as possible!!!! I just wanted to let you know that ! *sigh* (T_________T)

Okay enough of my whining! On to the hopefully more interesting part :P

1.) Go here and download it @ bittersweet-bun´s journal, because it´s hilarious and great and *squee* ZOMG!! soooooooooooo many cute boys in one place! XD I wish I were there at Tokyo Tower to welcome the new year!! AAAHH!!!!!! (T-T) Even Tokio was there. I LOVE Nagase Tomoya, I LOVE HIM!!!!!! He´s soooo damn hot! I really have to watch Tiger and Dragon ;__; ...

2.) Death Note:
Because a lot of people kept getting on my nerves saying I should read Death Note, because it´s sooo great, I did so. Finally.
It´s more or less the only thing I´m into right now, because there´s no time for more :/
Right now I´m at volume 9! (out of 12 vol.)
And what should I say? All those people weren´t lying!! It´s really a GREAT and interesting series!!!! ... and E.X.C.I.T.I.N.G.!!! (*________________*)
I love L and I hate and love Raito at the same time (T___T) ... aww .....
but ... of course I didn´t like what happened in vol.7 .... so I don´t like the story from there onwards soooo much, but still .. I can´t stop reading, because I wanna know what happens next and especially how it´ll end.
When I have more time again, I´ll also watch the anime AND the movies ^-^.... although I don´t like the actor they chose for Raito (.____.) ... but L looks quite nice ♥ and YAAAY Erika Toda !!!!!! ♥♥♥♥

3.) Gal Circe - Review and Conclusion:

General Information:

  • Title: ギャルサー
  • Title (romaji): Galcir
  • Also known as: Gal Circle
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Episode: 11
  • Viewership Rating: 12.88%
  • Broadcast network: NTV
  • Broadcast period: 2006-Apr-15 to 2006-June-24
  • Air time: Saturday 21:00
  • Theme song HEY!FRIENDS by Fujiki Naohito


Fujiki Naohito acts as Kitajima Shinnosuke, a cowboy from the USA whogoes to Shibuya to find a group of girls to dance Para-Para. Along theway, he becomes a new type of hero, helping to solve problems thatafflict Shibuya-Gals.


[Source: DramaWiki]


*all screencaps were made by me, click on the thumbnail to watch a larger version

Well, what can I say?
First of all there are a LOT of familiar faces!!! A LOT! For example Fujiki who was in Koukou Kyoshi with Aya Ueto (where I hated him) and he was also the doctor in 1 Litre of Tears (I hated him there, too). So when I saw he was in that drama ... I at first didn´t want to watch any further XD .. but then again there was Toda Erika!!! Yaaay! Some of the HYD 2 fans here must still hate her?! But give her a chance ! She´s really a good and cute actress!!!! Although she´s bitching around a lot in this drama as well ... but so are the other girls as well XDDDD .. but it´s really funny and cute!!
And if you´re interested in Gals and / or Shibuya and ParaPara then you HAVE to watch it! As a fan of Kotobuki Ran - Super GALS this is a MUST!!!!! *g*
But even if you are NOT, it´s really a funny and cute drama ... a little bit strange sometimes, but really entertaining! ♥♥
(plus there´s the principal of Gokusen, some girls form Ganbatte Ikimasshoi, Furuta Arata who ist just .... AAAH! XDDD and Sato Ryuta ♥ ... most of you might know him from Pride!!!♥)

So I think all I can say is, if you want to watch a funny and quite entertaining drama once in a while, watch this one :)
It´s not one of the best dramas I´ve ever watched, but I did like it ^-^b

Random Screenshot:

*lol* aren´t they cute? XD *pats Erika*

4.) Kisarazu Cat´s Eye - Review and Conclusion:


  • Title: 木更津キャッツアイ
  • Title (romaji): Kisarazu Cat's Eye
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Episodes: 9
  • Viewership ratings: 10.09%
  • Broadcast network: TBS
  • Broadcast period: 2002-Jan-18 to 2002-Mar-15
  • Air time: Friday 22:00
  • Theme song: "A Day in Our Life" by Arashi


Twenty-one year old former high school baseball player, Kohei (nickname: Bussan), learns that he is dying from cancer. He is told that he only has six months to live, and decides that he wants to do something daring and risky. He proposes to five trusted members from his former baseball club that they form a ring of cat burglars that would steal from those who commit crimes. His friends think it odd, but feel they cannot turn down a dying man's request. With only six months, how much could they do anyway?


[Source: DramaWiki]


*all screencaps were made by me, click on the thumbnail to watch a larger version

Okay. Like I already told you in one of my previous entries, I wasn´t very fond of this series at the beginning.
It´s really hard to describe what it´s about, because ... it´s a .. really strange and chaotic series, yes indeed! XDDD ... It´s more or less about a group of hot unemployed guys, that don´t know what to do, but to play baseball from time to time and hang out together. Then one day they decide to become "Cat´s Eye" (I hope everyone knows that series ? XD ... in Germany it was called "Ein Supertrio" I think") and steal things .. for no special reason XDDD
Bussan (btw. yay a V6 member!!!! XD ... and we also have an Arashi member in there!!! Kekeke) tells his friends that he´s going to die soon ....
It´s not a sad series like you might think now. NOT AT ALL! Of course there are some few sad scenes, but it´s always .... you can´t really cry because it´s always kind of funny at the same time (T___T) .. it´s really hard to describe ... because this series is just .. special XD
So ... this series is more or less about the shit those guys are doing all the time, so in the beginning I thought it was very boring .... but somehow .... I came to like the way the series works and yes .... it´s really NOT BAD!!!
And I think if you´re an Arashi or V6 fan you just have to watch it for .... ah ... some squealing I guess? XDDDDD

Yeah I know, I can´t get quite to the point.
I can´t tell you: YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS, because ... I just can´t XDDDD
It´s not bad, but it´s not that great either.
Decide for yourself ! :P

Random Screencap:

That was such a funny scene! XD .... They are altogehter driving to Tokyo. Bussan was never there before and is .... sulking XD ... When his friends ask what´s going on, he answers that he´s afraid that he might change when he goes to Tokyo (note: they just go there for a short trip) XDDDD .. all the others can´t help but laugh ...

(Again we have a lot of familiar faces in there. Even 2 actors that are also in the series I reviewed above: Furuta Arata and Sato Ryuta ♥ .. aaaand Ucchie is soooooo great!! XD He´s ... AAH!! .. he was also in the Densha Otoko movie btw. XDDD)

5.) Short Request:

I really love the ending songs of both of this series:
Arashi - A day in our life
Fujiki Naohito - Hey friends!
So if anyone on my flist has one or both of these and would like to share them, I would REALLY be happy!!!! (^-^;)> .... ♥♥

That´s all!

*anime/manga, gal circle, .death note: blabbering, kisarazu cat´s eye: review, *jdrama: conclusions, *notice, .'okada junichi, gal circle: conclusion, .death note, gal circle: review, kisarazu cat´s eye: pictures, kisarazu cat´s eye: conclusion, *jdrama, kisarazu cat´s eye, *jdrama: reviews, gal circle: pictures

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