my boyfriend and i make onigiri with an onigiri press. it's awesome and makes life alot easier. it's int he shape of a triangle and it has a thing you press at the bottom to help it pop out once it's set. these aren't my pictures i googles them. anyhow these might make the onigiri easier. and also your sushi does look tasty! for the sharp knife thing. we have a very expensive nice sharp knife. if you make sushi even just occasionaly it's worth the investment. :)
Luckily I had already my breakfast!! But it looks very very delicious... I think I get hungry again ^^;
And yes, Furikake is so great as rice topping!! *.* But I can only get in Düsseldorf, where do you get it? Do you have a japanese supermarket nearby? I mean, i don't find any japanese stuff in an asian restaurant (only nori and rice...)
*lol* Ich glaub zum Frühstück möchte ich auch kein Sushi essen *gg*
Wir haben nur Asia Shops und wie du sagst gibt´s da nur Reis, Wasabi und Nori ... selbst beim Reisessig hab ich ewig suchen müssen .___. ... ne, ich hab´s im Internet bestellt, was mir aber zu teuer ist (das Furikake selber kostet ja so gut wie nix aber die Versandkosten !! x____x; ...)
Naja ... ja eigentlich schon *g* aber nur das im Restaurant - mein eigenes mag ich nicht so gern. Ich mag v.a. auch die California-Röllchen (das ist mir einfach zu aufwendig und zu schwer zum Selbermachen) und natürl. die Rohfisch-Varianten *drool* - und ich trau mich nicht, selber mit rohem Fisch rumzuhantieren XD~
Comments 29
Oh! I also made onigiri this week with a friend! And I tried the smoked salmon too (delicious) ^^
I can do triangle shape lalalaaa XDDDD
Haha, what a coincidence ^____^
Grr, that´s not fair ;__; France has reached the finale, isn´t that enough ? XDDDD~
LooooooL I like how you relate triangle onigiris and the World Cup XDDDDDD
sorry I just couldn´t resist :P
You might find it easier to clean next time if you put plastic wrap (Plastikverpackung) around your maki-sut.
Du sollst deine Hände benutzen, statt die Löffel zu benutzen.
It makes it easier if you always use your hands because then you can easily move on to nigiri and gunkan.
That´s a good idea O_O never thought of that myself :) Thanks for your advice !~
Only my hands ? Oh, I have to try this, it sounds a bit difficult.
not to mention that nobody uses spoons at a sushi restaurant!
Yeah, thought so ^^;
*goes to make up list of stuff to pick up at the store to make it*
^_____^ I want to see photos of your selfmade sushi then *drools* ^^;
these aren't my pictures i googles them. anyhow these might make the onigiri easier. and also your sushi does look tasty! for the sharp knife thing. we have a very expensive nice sharp knife. if you make sushi even just occasionaly it's worth the investment. :)
Yeah, I´ll definitely have to buy a sharper knife .__.
And yes, Furikake is so great as rice topping!! *.* But I can only get in Düsseldorf, where do you get it? Do you have a japanese supermarket nearby? I mean, i don't find any japanese stuff in an asian restaurant (only nori and rice...)
Wir haben nur Asia Shops und wie du sagst gibt´s da nur Reis, Wasabi und Nori ... selbst beim Reisessig hab ich ewig suchen müssen .___. ... ne, ich hab´s im Internet bestellt, was mir aber zu teuer ist (das Furikake selber kostet ja so gut wie nix aber die Versandkosten !! x____x; ...)
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