Hehe~ some time ago I made sushi and onigiri again. (yes both in one day XD because I had too much fillings and stuff ^^; ...)
I was nervous because of the sushi - the last time it was during a cooking course with a professional cook ^^ ... and this time I was all alone o_________o ....
If you want to check out my first tries, here you go:
my first onigiri•
my first sushi A tiny little salmon sushi roll all alone XD
I used about 200gr rice XD I wasn´t sure about it, I wanted sushi for 2 persons :)
At first I thought the rice might not be enough, but actually it was hard to eat all the sushi XDDDD~ even for me
I worked with nori at the beginning XD (the water in the small glass bowl was for the spoons so that the rice won´t stick so much XD) and the brush for the nori so that it sticks better when rolling XD
Ah, and I used a recipe to mix up the rice vinegar with sugar and salt .. but it didn´t taste right ! It was a bit too salty, so I added SOME more vinegar and in the end I think it was right to do so ^^;
(If anyone has hints for me PLEASE go ahead ^-^)
Now to the fillings: I only used 2 this time.
Here you see pickled corncob (I really hope that´s the right for it, I even don´t know if it´s available in other countries, too XD - for my German flist: eingelegte Maiskölbchen halt - ziemlich lecker übrigens - hätte nicht gedacht, dass das zu Sushi passt *g*)
And I used smoked salmon *drools* I love IT, so I use it whenever I can *_______________*
Oh the green stuff there is obviously wasabi XDDD I don´t use it often for I hate too spicy stuff :/
Well and that´s just the nori and smoked salmon I used ^^;
Tadaaaa dekita: The only problem -> I don´t have a good and sharp knife, so it was REALLY difficult to slice it up into pieces (x___X;) *sigh*
As you can see I also tried a sushi version without nori. I also used sesam ^-^; ... it´s really more difficult this way (-_-;) ... but it was tasty and it didn´t fall apart ... completely *laugh* .. *coughs* :)
The onigiri (2nd try) I made on the same day (because I had a lot of salmon left ^^)
Yeah, I managed the triangle shape a bit better than the last time XDDDD .... but it´s still not good enough (;__;) ... but these onigiri were better than my old ones ^^; ... although I think I prefer tuna over salmon here o.o;
Ah, and that´s the Furikake I used as topping (Noritama ... haha .. I can read Hiragana .. yeah ... *sigh XDDD) ^______________^ ... the egg stuff is REALLY yummie !!!!~
Ok, now I am REALLY hungry (;_________;) *drools*
Anyone wants to make sushi for me know ? XDDDD