Ach du liebe Zeit (O___O'') ... da würde ich auf Dauer durchdrehen XD Ich versuche, Conbinifraß zu vermeiden. Naja, eigentlich schmeckt's ja gut, aber das ist ja nicht das Problem. Ich greif hauptsächlich auf meinen Reisen (1x am Tag) auf Conbiniessen zurück :)
Das ist echt blöd :( Naja, ich hab auch nur 1 Kochplatte und überhaupt keinen Platz um irgendwas zuzubereiten und wenn ich's doch mal tue, dann stehen die Teller und Platten im Zimmer verteilt auf dem Fernseher, der Mikrowelle etc. :/ Total nervig :(
I dunno... Maybe coz I have a big appetite or *big stomach* or something that I find myself drooling looking over your food pics coz I have already ate Chicken rice just a while ago and 2 chocolate cupcakes... Your food looks delicious and healthy and colourful especially the bentos... I had never eat a bento before...
and the changing colours of those leaves. Beautiful.. Country with four seasons always fascinated me... ^^
Re: [Japan Food]: My month in food!~redinaNovember 4 2010, 16:18:49 UTC
Maybe coz I have a big appetite or *big stomach*
I was thinking the pics were 'snack-sized' portions, instead of 'meal-sized'. {chuckle} This might explain why I'm carrying an extra 40 lbs on my 5'8" frame. ;-)
Pretty presentation and healthy looking food. {g}
As to LJ icons, I'm not seeing any numbers on my icons; they still have keywords intact.
Also, I'm sorry to see you're being bothered by wasteful questions. It's uncommon to find an English speaking person willing to sell goods [internationally] from Japan, thus, I'd hate to see your patience abused. Unfortunately, I also suspect many may be very young and inexperienced in etiquette.
I always wanted a Kotatsu when I still lived back home, but I think you don't really need it outside of Japan and sitting on the floor for too long is not really health/good for your back (x__X) But yah, for 1hr or so while watching TV it can be heaven!~
Comments 59
where did u buy from??
I bought it in a no-name 100yen shop :3
Morgens (9h): Auf Arbeit Conbini-Sandwiches
Mittags (14.30h): Auf Arbeit Conbini-Sushi
Abends (20-23h): Conbini irgendwas
Ich hatte keine eigene Küche und habe deswegen so wenig wie möglich gekocht.. x_x"
Ich versuche, Conbinifraß zu vermeiden. Naja, eigentlich schmeckt's ja gut, aber das ist ja nicht das Problem.
Ich greif hauptsächlich auf meinen Reisen (1x am Tag) auf Conbiniessen zurück :)
Das ist echt blöd :(
Naja, ich hab auch nur 1 Kochplatte und überhaupt keinen Platz um irgendwas zuzubereiten und wenn ich's doch mal tue, dann stehen die Teller und Platten im Zimmer verteilt auf dem Fernseher, der Mikrowelle etc. :/ Total nervig :(
and the changing colours of those leaves. Beautiful.. Country with four seasons always fascinated me... ^^
I was thinking the pics were 'snack-sized' portions, instead of 'meal-sized'. {chuckle} This might explain why I'm carrying an extra 40 lbs on my 5'8" frame. ;-)
Pretty presentation and healthy looking food. {g}
As to LJ icons, I'm not seeing any numbers on my icons; they still have keywords intact.
Also, I'm sorry to see you're being bothered by wasteful questions. It's uncommon to find an English speaking person willing to sell goods [internationally] from Japan, thus, I'd hate to see your patience abused. Unfortunately, I also suspect many may be very young and inexperienced in etiquette.
err... are you replying to me or to chochajin-san? 8D
But yah, for 1hr or so while watching TV it can be heaven!~
Und Buttermilch Limette Corny... *_*
Ja, das war in einem Carepaket aus Deutschland (*__*)v
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