Gee, it's gratifying when anonymous fic is revealed. I can start talking about a whole section of my summer!
"Return to Roosevelt" (
LJ |
DW |
AO3); for
desertportSupernatural - PG-13 for violence and blood
About 3500 words - spoilers for season 1
Posted for
spn_summergen 2010 for the prompt "Kat and Meg square off. Kat's not a bad hunter, and Meg is a worthy opponent. (They're both so awesome, they need to be in the same fic.)"
Kat's protected Rockford in the months since Sam and Dean cleaned out Roosevelt Asylum. It hasn't stopped her parents from being nosy or Gavin from trying to get back together, but she's dealing. Still, nothing's prepared her for what happens when the demon possessing Meg Masters comes into town.
I wasn't looking forward to rereading this fic. It seems to be a rule that I have a ridiculously hard time with
spn_summergen: this is the third year I've participated, and the third time I can remember rewriting the story over and over and fretting over it. And I always seem to submit the story in the early hours of the morning when I'm not awake; this year, that meant that I accidentally cut a part of the summary off. Oops.
But I reread the story to check for errors before reposting it, and I actually enjoyed it. Who knew? I've been going through another MY WRITING SUCKS COMPLETELY phase, and it was nice to see that I, in fact, can write a workable story. I wish I could distance myself from a story while I'm in the middle of it to get that feeling. Sigh.
What I loved about this story is that this is the first time I wrote a female-centric story for
spn_summergen: I put in my sign-up comment that I liked stories with female characters, and the mods were kind enough to match me up with a prompt that really worked for me. (That's also why the
story I received was from Jo's POV, I expect. If you haven't read it, do it. Seriously.)
Also, I've never written Kat before, but I loved it. I think she's a great example of a character that could come back in a fun way (and I'm not just saying that because I'm a huge Animorphs fan and I really like seeing Brooke Nevin, ahem). And Meg is one of my favorite characters - I recently wrote fic with her in the season two storyline, after all - so having two great characters face off? Total dream for me.
After I got the prompt, the basic idea followed quickly: Meg was killing off people close to the Winchesters at the end of season one, so I figured, maybe she tried a different path before going after the big guns (Pastor Jim, Caleb, etc.). I kind of thought she saw Kat as a useless teenager who would really pull on the heartstrings if she turned up dead, but Kat turned out to be more than she expected. And as I said in a comment, SPN loves to go with the Big Hero Man Rescues Helpless Female formula, so having Kat save Gavin tickled me. And seemed utterly appropriate. (See, show? You can have women doing awesomeness! I promise!)
Maybe I should set a goal for myself: write all the female characters from SPN that I can. So far, I've covered Kat, Meg, Ellen, Jo, Mary, Lilith, Ruby, Pamela, Ava, Anna, Missouri, and Lisa. That still leaves a pretty good list. Off the top of my head: Bela, Jessica, Cassie, Madison, Tessa, Becky, Maggie, Sarah, and bundles of others. It's worth thinking about.
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