
Sep 02, 2010 00:31

Firstly, in The Internet Sucks news: cleolinda tested the Facebook/Twitter link options. Most of it was as others had found, with a couple of new (to me) observations: it'll repost your icon on Facebook if you repost comments and such, and it'll put whatever name you have for Facebook on your LJ profile. So if you have an icon you don't want your family to see, or you don't want your real name posted on your LJ profile? Make sure to give this a thought.

(Also, people are linking to opinion polls on the subject that news is keeping an eye on: I refound the link to this one.)

And in case all that wasn't enough, someone commented to cleolinda with this news about Twitter introducing their own URL shortening system: When you click on these links from Twitter.com or a Twitter application, Twitter will log that click. WHY, TWITTER?!

Now I'm posting more positive things in an effort to cheer myself up:

+ I took a screencap of my badges/streak on 750 Words as of yesterday. (My streak should be one day higher today.) I thought I'd share for posterity.

Most of these are self-explanatory: the egg's when I stared, the ones with "# in a row" indicated what days I hit the respective streaks, and the 100k words badge is when I wrote 100k words. Night Bat means I write primarily at night (no shock to anyone who's seen my online activity), the Cheetah means I wrote 750 words in less than twenty minutes ten days in a row (it's actually my average to do it in about fifteen minutes, I think), the Hampster means I've written ten days in a row with no distractions, and the horse means I took and completed the monthly challenge!

In summary: I rock. Or I have too much time on my hands. Either/or.

+ Back to cleolinda (and how sad is it that this is under my amusing news?), she came to a couple horrifying conclusions about Breaking Dawn/Twilight in general. Both Nessie and Nahuel are named for sea monsters, and it's not unlikely SMeyer would either pair Nahuel with Leah - "we'll just put them together so no one else's procreational abilities are wasted!", as cleolinda put it - or put Nessie and Nahuel together and leave Jacob out in the cold. Not gonna lie, that second one appeals to me more than it should.

But here's what really got me: there's a werewolf named Quil who imprints on a baby named Claire. There's also a pedophile in Lolita named Clare Quilty. Now, it's probably just a coincidence - I don't think SMeyer's the type of Mormon who would read Lolita - but if it isn't, it either made the Quil/Claire storyline a hell of a lot more horrifying, or...it's the most convincing evidence yet that SMeyer's trolling the world.

+ During my bad time night before last, I got recced some Alec/Logan Dark Angel PWP. And it was exactly what I needed, so I'm passing the link along to anyone interested: Standing the Heat by veronamay.

+ Also what I needed, two great metas:

magnetic_pole's Neoliberal Holmes, or, Everything I Learned About Modern Life I Learned From Sherlock. It covers a lot of what bothers me about Sherlock, with the added benefit of reading like a story and being better than anything I could ever write.

-amonitrate's A Striking Position to Take: SPN and economic instability. It not only illuminated a lot about SPN's take on class, but a lot about my own life as well. Very interesting stuff.

+ One week until the premiere of Vampire Diaries! Three weeks until the premiere of Fringe! A little over three weeks to SPN's premiere! And there's finales and more premieres and all kinds of goodness in the near future. Yay September!

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