Relatively short notice on this one, but this program seems to have built up good momentum. If you're unable to apply this year, you may want to keep it in mind for future summers.
SUMMER PROGRAM IN CHINESE FILM HISTORY AND CRITICISM, July 2008 March 8 deadline approaching!The Summer Program in Chinese Film History and Criticism will take place
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I had a question about the soundtrack to Jet Li's Fearless. I just bought it used and want to make sure I didn't get an odd copy somehow
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I thought Yi Yi (2000) was so amazing when I first saw it, I took it home to my parents and watched all 173 minutes of it again the very next day. Sadly, I've had difficulty locating most of his other films. I heard there were copyright issues with most of them, except for The Terrorizers (1986), which I
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This community's been quiet lately, but I just wanted to give everyone a head's up on the latest issue of Jump Cut (no. 49, spring 2007), which is largely about Chinese language cinemas. It's available online at