✿ Thirty-Third Ink Drop ✿ - [Action]

Dec 01, 2010 21:11

[It's been a long day for Miyabi. Stuck in her wolf form for the past week and a half, she'd spent most of the first few days just getting used to her new body. Now, however, she's fully accustom to her wolf form and just finishing up a training session at the barracks with her sword - which she found out can be manipulated and swung around by her ( Read more... )

[char] - vash the stampede, [char] - jay the unseen, [char] - nami, nannywolf owns your redheaded children, never seen this before..., window wolf strikes back, [event] - total recall, experiment, call me dog...one more time, [char] - luke fon fabre

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Comments 65

goldenglasses December 2 2010, 02:12:40 UTC
[You're in luck! Vash is home, currently in the shared kitchen cooking hamburgers. Just follow your nose! Sadly... he's still kinda a jerk, but hey! You're not human so that helps!]


chiisaichou December 2 2010, 02:29:21 UTC
[Ugh, any other canine might be elated by the scent of fresh cooking burgers, but not this one. Miyabi's sensitive nose scrunches up at the thick scent and it's almost enough to drive her away, but she scratches lightly on Vash's door regardless.]


goldenglasses December 2 2010, 02:40:17 UTC
[Do-do-do, putting that on a bun and some ketchup and... and... and... is something scratching at his door? He stops for a moment, listening to see if it happens again.]


chiisaichou December 2 2010, 04:37:43 UTC
[Yes indeed! It may be slow coming because augh meat, but there it is - a soft scratching at the door and low whine. She knows someone's home. You're cooking meat and it smells far too strong for her tastes, bleh.]



cakeblocked December 2 2010, 06:05:33 UTC
[Luke was just scrubbing away at a wall that he and Guy had been painting on when Miyabi windowwolfs him. He doesn't notice her at first, and she'll probably hear him humming a few short tunes before he does. Luke jumps and drops the sponge-]


[... Before he sighs and picks it up again, then looks up at her with a half smile.]

Hey, uh... Wuu. [He still never got her name, and it kind of embarrasses him to say this one... but whatever.]


chiisaichou December 2 2010, 14:04:37 UTC
[LUUUUKE! You're big again!! ...Meh, not as cute, but she's still happy to see you regardless. With her paws up on the window, tail wagging, she gives a little bark from the other side of the window, pressing her nose against the glass and breathing against it.

You gonna let her in or what? :\ Maybe she'll even tell you her real name so your poor pride won't suffer.]


cakeblocked December 2 2010, 15:57:08 UTC
[He didn't get why she was there at first, but after a moment of blank staring, Luke gets up and slides the window open to let her in.]

Hurry up, it's cold out there! [He gives her a ruffling pet on the top of the head before he moves aside to let her leap inside.]


chiisaichou December 3 2010, 04:53:28 UTC
[She whines happily at the petting, then leaps gracefully inside. She's still got one hell of a spring in her step, she's noticed...must be because she was a poncle before, hopping around everywhere. Ah, but that didn't matter right now, It was nice and warm inside here and she moved away from the boy before shaking off her cold, damp fur.

Right. Now that that's done with, shes going to inspect what Luke was doing before she appeared. So. Whatcha doooooin?]


unseenspy December 2 2010, 13:30:01 UTC
[Does Miyabi plan to visit her old residence where she had dropped off tiny!Jay? If so, she'll find him there still. Jay hasn't gone anywhere, except perhaps to step out the front door for some fresh air and to check his size.]

Gah…it's been over a week and I'm still tiny? When will this experiment end?


chiisaichou December 2 2010, 14:18:45 UTC
[Of course she does! She was concerned about the little guy she rescued, so that'll be one of her many stops along the way, to check on him. She pads right up to the house, breathing hard from her run, and spots the tiny purple speck.

With a very soft yip, she lays down before him, her tail wagging back and forth in the snow. How've you been?]


unseenspy December 2 2010, 18:55:03 UTC
[He smiles lightly at the gesture.]

It's you. It's rather cold out here, so I won't stay out for long.


chiisaichou December 3 2010, 04:57:46 UTC
[The wolf flicks her ears, and gives a brief nod to his statement. It was getting colder. Her fur kept her warm, but humans were still humans, no matter how small they were. Was he staying warm inside the house? With that electricity thingy, he should be all right, but still.

Miyabi decides to write with her tail tip, just in case.]

There are blankets in the spare rooms. Take those if you need them.


mikangirl December 2 2010, 20:49:23 UTC
[Nami is home, sitting cross-legged on her bed and poking gently at her feet. She is ... much older than when you saw her last, that's for sure.]


chiisaichou December 3 2010, 14:12:01 UTC
[NAMI YOU'RE BAAA--whoa hey. You look...kinda different there. Miyabi blinks, staring in through her friends window, looking her up and down.

Don't mind that wolf gazing curiously at from over here, yup. But do please let her in, it's kinda cold out here.]


mikangirl December 5 2010, 15:22:32 UTC
[It takes her a few moments to notice-- and then Nami glances up suddenly as she tucks her hair back, having caught that flash of gold from the corner of her eye. Clearly treasure.

...blink. Blink. And then recognition.]



chiisaichou December 5 2010, 23:35:05 UTC
[Miyabi barks when Nami sees her and gets her identity right. Sanji must have told her and the crew about what had happened. She grins once the window opened and hopped right inside, pacing a bit away from her friend to shake off her wet fur so Nami didn't get wet.

Once that's over with, she faces her friend, sits, and puts her paw up in the hair. HOW YOU DOIN' GURL, YOU LOOK KINDA DIFFERENT, HUH.]


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