✿ Thirty-Third Ink Drop ✿ - [Action]

Dec 01, 2010 21:11

[It's been a long day for Miyabi. Stuck in her wolf form for the past week and a half, she'd spent most of the first few days just getting used to her new body. Now, however, she's fully accustom to her wolf form and just finishing up a training session at the barracks with her sword - which she found out can be manipulated and swung around by her mind. How convenient!

She exits the barracks, her panting making little puffs in the cold air. But there's no time to dawdle now! She's been finding child versions of many of her friends, and she's been making it her routine to not only visit them, but to patrol the village in case another small child appears, seemingly lost, out in the cold and snow.

So, anyone is free to see a small strangely colored wolf zipping about the village. She's making various stops at houses 5 and 6 to visit Luke and Asch as well as Nami and Sanji next door (SO CONVENIENT). So inhabitants of those two houses, expect a furry face peering through your window. She'll also be bounding to the Community House where Vash lived, in hopes of seeing him as well.

Of course, running all that way is tiring even for a wolf, so Miyabi will be taking little breaks here and there to rest.

She is very open to receiving both pettings, belly rubbies, and food from those she meets along the way as well. Failure to meet her demands will result in The Look. You know the one. Ammy taught her well.]

[char] - vash the stampede, [char] - jay the unseen, [char] - nami, nannywolf owns your redheaded children, never seen this before..., window wolf strikes back, [event] - total recall, experiment, call me dog...one more time, [char] - luke fon fabre

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