✿ Thirty-Sixth Ink Drop ✿ - [Action]

Dec 26, 2010 20:15

[Miyabi had been busy these past few days. Despite the insanity of the war - she had lit incense and said a prayer for those who lost their lives (even if they had been returned already or not, respects had to be paid) - and those few days she…could not remember at all. This was her second “Christmas” in Luceti, and she had presents to give to her ( Read more... )

[char] - vash the stampede, gift 4 u~, [char] - asch the bloody, christmas, [char] - usopp, [char] - raven, [char] - luke fon fabre, [char] - sokka thunderaxe

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Comments 136

cakeblocked December 27 2010, 02:07:25 UTC
[The teeny little knock on the door is at first unnoticed, but once he hears it again, Luke can't really pass it off as him hearing things. He gets up and opens the door, only to see... a deer?]

Huh... Oh, Miyabi! Hold on a second; I'll be right back!

[And he rushes back inside to go up to his room, though he leaves the door open in case she wants to come inside.]


chiisaichou December 27 2010, 02:16:51 UTC
[It really is very difficult knocking on a door when Miyabi's her real size, and she was just about ready to have her friend scratch at the door, or tap it with its hoof, but lo and behold Luke arrives a few minutes later.

Miyabi hops once to get his attention and just as she opens her mouth to wish him a happy holiday and deliver his gift, he runs off.]



cakeblocked December 27 2010, 02:20:13 UTC
[All right, now where did he put it- Ah, there it is! He cups the tiny little gift in his hands and comes back downstairs, skipping a step at a time to go a bit faster.

Once he's back at the door, he nudges the door open wider with his foot and steps back.]

Come inside, it's freezing out there.


chiisaichou December 27 2010, 02:30:46 UTC
[Don't trip and break your ankle now. << Miyabi leaps right down from the creature's small, growing antlers and heads inside. She waves to the animal, going back towards it as it hesitates and folds its ears back.]

Come on, Luke won't hurt you!! It'll be just a minute! Or--wait a second... [She leaps again, this time right into the sack she had of wrapped gifts, pushing out Luke's. After that's done, she lets the animal go back outside, where it feels safe, to wait for her.] F-For you! Merry Christmas!


chibiremlover December 27 2010, 02:07:30 UTC
[Making a visit to Vash you say? Well, he's home, but you may have noticed he shrank a few feet. If you recognize that kid with crazy long hair, playing out in the snow outside of CH4 you could give him the gift!]


chiisaichou December 27 2010, 02:24:26 UTC
[It takes her a moment, but Miyabi whirls her head around, almost tumbling off her ride, when she sees Vash all...tiny. Eh, this was gonna be a tiny bit awkward.

O-Oh well, she's come this far! Instructing the deer to go towards the small child, the animal pads up slowly and hesitantly.]

Oh, you scaredy cat... Vash? Is that you?


chibiremlover December 27 2010, 02:28:19 UTC
[Vash gasps and drops the pile of snow he was playing with.] H-how did you know my name!? How do you talk!? Rem said animals don't talk like us! That they had their own language! [Yes, he's talking to the deer.]


chiisaichou December 27 2010, 02:36:14 UTC
[The deer perked its ears right up, gave Vash a scandalized look, and opened its mouth to talk right back - before the tiny painter hopped onto its nose to shush it. Not right now, you!]

N-No, that was me... Over here! [She hops up and down once, to get his attention.] You're name is Vash, right?


mirrorbirth December 27 2010, 05:05:31 UTC
[Asch will be heading home from the shop probably around the time that Miyabi is done talking to Luke, so he stops outside the house, wondering what the heck the deer is doing there. Star is balanced on his shoulder, peering quizzically at the other creature.]


chiisaichou December 27 2010, 05:23:59 UTC
[What, a deer can't graze in your yard, Asch? 8| Said animal lifts its head immediately at Asch approach and twitches an ear to Star, then turns its head towards the sound a whistle.

Miyabi had just exited the house - Luke left the door open so she could leave - practically singing from the good mood she was in from getting and giving presents. Upon spotting the second redhead, her mood just goes up that much higher, and she hurries toward him in long, glittering arcs.]

Asch!! I was looking for you!


mirrorbirth December 27 2010, 07:47:23 UTC
[Asch glances over as Miyabi approaches, tugging Star off his shoulder and nudging him towards the deer. After that he crouches down in the snow, brow lifting.]



chiisaichou December 27 2010, 23:36:15 UTC
[She stops right in front of him, but can't help but keep hopping excitedly up and down. The deer, meanwhile, meanders off to graze on whatever it can find, snuffling curiously at Star when he gets close.]

I made you a present! Yesterday was a holiday so I made everyone gifts. I just gave Luke his, and yours and Guy's should be inside the house.


markofthewise December 27 2010, 05:26:16 UTC
[When Sokka sees a deer wandering into his yard, he begins to ponder how good venison might taste tonight.

... and then remembers that Katara doesn't like cutting up animals. Really he doesn't enjoy it all that much either. And there's some tasty leftover chick in the fridge as it is. Maybe he should just continue on home and ignore it.]


chiisaichou December 27 2010, 06:02:45 UTC
[Sorry, Sokka, but you can't ignore this deer, as its rider will soon be calling out to him once he's spotted by her taxi. Despite her urging, the deer does not budge to go nearer towards what it sensed to be a hunter.]

Oh, come on, go closer, he won't see me... Hey!! Sokka!


markofthewise December 28 2010, 17:03:57 UTC
[That's odd... did he hear something? He glances back at the deer curiously. Did it just say his name?]


chiisaichou December 28 2010, 20:26:51 UTC
[Nrrgh, the joys of being barely an inch in height. Taking a deep breath, Miyabi begins hopping furiously up at down on the deer's nose, calling out louder than before.]


[Clearly the hopping is frustrating even the animal, so it meanders a little closer, flicking its head to get the poor little painter to stop.]


sniperkingftw December 27 2010, 07:43:08 UTC
[ Huh.

Deer in the yard. This is clearly the cue for Usopp's brand of popcorn.gif-ing. ]


chiisaichou December 27 2010, 19:45:16 UTC
[Honestly, you people act like deer never come to graze in your yard or destroy your garden. Thankfully, the latter doesn't happen, but the young buck does give Usopp a wary look before its passenger hops to the tip of its nose and happily calls out.]

Hi, Usopp!


sniperkingftw December 28 2010, 04:50:02 UTC
[ They never do anymore!

Well. Not after the first few times. Luffy has this terrible habit of screaming "LUNCH!" and chasing them around 8| ]

Oh, Miyabi! How are you?


chiisaichou December 28 2010, 06:14:39 UTC
[Yeah, that...will definitely do it for instant deer repellent. 8|b;]

I'm very well, thank you. Is anyone else around? I brought you all something for Christmas! It's not much, but I really hope you'll like it. [Aaaand she's already digging through the sack, pushing out the first wrapped gift, the blanket.] I might need help setting up the other one, too...


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