✿ Thirty-Sixth Ink Drop ✿ - [Action]

Dec 26, 2010 20:15

[Miyabi had been busy these past few days. Despite the insanity of the war - she had lit incense and said a prayer for those who lost their lives (even if they had been returned already or not, respects had to be paid) - and those few days she…could not remember at all. This was her second “Christmas” in Luceti, and she had presents to give to her ( Read more... )

[char] - vash the stampede, gift 4 u~, [char] - asch the bloody, christmas, [char] - usopp, [char] - raven, [char] - luke fon fabre, [char] - sokka thunderaxe

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mirrorbirth December 27 2010, 05:05:31 UTC
[Asch will be heading home from the shop probably around the time that Miyabi is done talking to Luke, so he stops outside the house, wondering what the heck the deer is doing there. Star is balanced on his shoulder, peering quizzically at the other creature.]


chiisaichou December 27 2010, 05:23:59 UTC
[What, a deer can't graze in your yard, Asch? 8| Said animal lifts its head immediately at Asch approach and twitches an ear to Star, then turns its head towards the sound a whistle.

Miyabi had just exited the house - Luke left the door open so she could leave - practically singing from the good mood she was in from getting and giving presents. Upon spotting the second redhead, her mood just goes up that much higher, and she hurries toward him in long, glittering arcs.]

Asch!! I was looking for you!


mirrorbirth December 27 2010, 07:47:23 UTC
[Asch glances over as Miyabi approaches, tugging Star off his shoulder and nudging him towards the deer. After that he crouches down in the snow, brow lifting.]



chiisaichou December 27 2010, 23:36:15 UTC
[She stops right in front of him, but can't help but keep hopping excitedly up and down. The deer, meanwhile, meanders off to graze on whatever it can find, snuffling curiously at Star when he gets close.]

I made you a present! Yesterday was a holiday so I made everyone gifts. I just gave Luke his, and yours and Guy's should be inside the house.


mirrorbirth December 28 2010, 03:00:29 UTC
[...Wait what.] You didn't have to do that.


chiisaichou December 28 2010, 05:05:21 UTC
I may not have had to, but I did. [So you can't refuse. Muahaha!] Because you're my friend. ...You'll accept it, won't you?


mirrorbirth December 28 2010, 05:10:29 UTC
...What choice do I have? It's already in the house. [In other words, yes.]


chiisaichou December 28 2010, 06:20:10 UTC
[You really have a way with words, Asch. :| Thankfully, Miyabi knows him well enough to not feel insulted, though she will playfully act like it.] If you don't want it, you don't have to keep it...but I'd like you to at least look at it, first.

[And she takes a few hops towards the house, looking back to make sure Asch would follow.]


mirrorbirth December 29 2010, 00:22:29 UTC
[Asch blinks, then snaps his fingers at his side to catch Star's attention, following Miyabi to the house. He was going inside anyway, so he might as well.]


chiisaichou December 29 2010, 00:43:38 UTC
[Miyabi will most likely beat him there by just a few steps, leaping over to the living room where she left the two small, wrapped gifts on the coffee table - one for Guy and the other for Asch. She pushes Asch's gift out towards him as he comes inside.]

This one's yours.


mirrorbirth December 29 2010, 23:04:00 UTC
[Asch eyes the package dubiously, then sits down and tugs open the paper. He stares at the contents for a long moment before lifting the beads.]

Jewelry? [MIYABI DO I LOOK LIKE A GIRL TO Y- wait don't answer that.]


chiisaichou December 30 2010, 02:54:42 UTC
[You are a very pretty girl, Asch. |D Miyabi huffs indignantly, putting her hands on her hips. Way to no appreciate her hard work man. If she honestly put on all one hundred for you, you'd be receiving more than a stern talking to.]

They're prayer beads! They're a very special charm that gives divine protection to those who wear them. ...These ones are extra special. They're based off the mythical Divine Instrument Shira--er...I guess Ammy, really... They're based off the legendary String of Beads, said to be Ammy's most powerful Divine Instrument. There's really one hundred of them, and each bead is said to house the prayers of thousands of people.

Prayers give the gods strength and protection, so I thought I'd make something like that for you. ...If you don't like it, I can take it back.

[Yeah, now she sounds genuinely upset.]


mirrorbirth December 31 2010, 09:28:57 UTC
[....Okay, maybe that was taking it too far. Asch isn't exactly respectful of other cultures, but Miyabi is- ... well.

...A friend. Right? Sort of. Yeah, a friend. And it's not jewelry, it's... something religious. Goddammit, he hates religion. Why did she have to give him something like that? He can barely show normal appreciation, let alone-

Guh. What a pain.]

Don't take it back, it's too small for you. [Is he expected to apologize? Shit. He can't apologize. ...Well, he can, but he would rather-

GODDAMMIT MIYABI WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO HIM. With a quiet huff, he sets aside the wrapping paper and winds it around his wrist, tying the strings together.

...Hm. It's not bad.]


chiisaichou December 31 2010, 18:36:40 UTC
[If he wasn't so hard to gift, this wouldn't have happened. 8| Miyabi huffs herself, starting to get irritated. If he didn't want or like it, just say so! She can make him something else instead. Nrgh, what an annoying person Asch can be... But he did put it on, at least and--did those beads just glimmer for a second? ...No, couldn't be. Must've been the light.

Miyabi goes over to make sure the strings are nice and tight, and still seems a little miffed, but not so much.]

I'll make you something else, then, if you don't want this. Just tell me what you like, you were hard to think up something for.


mirrorbirth December 31 2010, 21:26:41 UTC
[Asch shrugs his shoulders, awkwardly averting his eyes, since she's apparently still angry. Two years in Luceti and he still sucks at receiving things gracefully. Sigh.]

There isn't much that I like. Just leave it alone, they'll do.

[At least she's sort of... less angry than before? Hopefully?]


chiisaichou December 31 2010, 22:00:39 UTC
[Sigh is right. Miyabi gives Asch a long look, then just closes her eyes and heaves out the largest sigh she possibly could. At least it helped her calm down, and he didn't outwardly reject her gift. She'll just have to think harder next time.]

Then that means there's still something, right? If you tell me, I won't mess up again. ...But I am glad you accepted this gift anyway. I'll try and get you something better next year, I promise.


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