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Comments 47

twilightstarz28 December 12 2011, 15:26:45 UTC
awwww!!!! stupid yamada! what's wrong with you! i thought he's gonna make another suprise visit XD
so chinen is going for his love, hahah~


chii_mao_13 December 18 2011, 12:48:26 UTC
hahahaha not even a visit for this year.. (><) too bad ne..
yep, now it's chii who's going to meet him there. XDDDD
sankyuu for coming, muzie-chan.. XD


le_chocolats December 12 2011, 16:01:00 UTC
no smut as we requested but okay, we'll know you'll write it soon or more like we'll force you to do it anyway muwahahahahaha*evil smirks* (¬‿¬)

Now I get clearer and clearer view about the story, I can see Yamada and chinen has a long distance relationship now ne~ Although it looks like at first everything going well, even yamada still gave him a surprise visit, but it's obvious there's something going on now ne, because yamada suddenly didn't contact chinen at all. I wonder what has happened? Did he got busy? but still it doesn't give him the right to neglect his boyfriend who, I'll underline this, support him a lot!! how could he??!! (>.<)

At first Daiki just blinks because he’s too shock, but then he kisses Ryuu back. Meanwhile Chinen can just smiles looking at them.<--- this part broke my heart!!! I know deep down inside, Chinen must've hoping that yamada will come home with daiki too. He must've expect his boyfriend coming back but there he is, he can only watch Daiki and Ryu expressing the way they miss each ( ... )


le_chocolats December 12 2011, 16:01:35 UTC
“Okay!” He shouts with eyes closed. “I admit it. I miss Ryo-chan! I miss him sooooo badly! I want to meet him! I want to go to America!” He starts to feel heats on his cheeks. Kurida laughs.<----- Nya~ I wish someone will be so kind to buy me a ticket to japan too, so maybe the three of us can go to japan and meet our ichiban (>.<) you meet chinen, me meet yamada, and your neechan meet keito juhuhuhuhu... let's go find a neechan from a cafe too and ask her to buy us a ticket (>.<) But really, kurida and takaki is just so kiiiind, they'll be a great in-laws for chinen... and ahahahahaha, i couldn't help but smiling when chinen finally admitted that he missed yamada... gahahahaha, chinen you want want but don't want youuu~~~ ahahahahaha

Keep going, ivana-chan!! Me and your neechan will be waiting for the next chapter which we hope will come soon and which we're still hoping for our smut request jahahahahahahahaha
*big hugs*

PS : See, I couldn't control my self again on commenting *sigh*



chii_mao_13 December 18 2011, 12:57:49 UTC
yeah, no smut here.. XDDD LOL

yep. LDR. (><)
actually he contacted him, but not visiting him again like last year.. T^T
and there's something wrong for sure.. (><) fufufufufu.. XDDDD don't be frustrated, choco-chan.. XDDD
because our cute boy is soooooo cute *eh?* XD he's best when smiling. and he's kind, generous, wide-hearted, cute, cute again, pretty, pretty again *whacked* XD don't mind me...

yep.. (><) it's so hard for chinen, eventhough he believed in yamada, but if yamada didn't tell him, it'd bring a pain to the heart.. (>gyohohohoho because i love chinen's characteristic in the first season.. fufufufufu XDDDD ( ... )


jazellovelyne December 12 2011, 16:58:56 UTC
“Okay!” He
shouts with eyes closed. “I
admit it. I miss Ryo-chan! I
miss him sooooo badly! I
want to meet him! I want to
go to America!” He starts to
feel heats on his cheeks.
Kurida laughs.
===> Ow,., Yuuri is so cute,., (>//<)

“No need to
say thank you in a special
way. You’re our brother too.
I mean, you’re soon to be
my brother in law, and we
love you as our own brother.
Just say our ‘hi’ to Ryosuke.”
Kurida ruffles Chinen’s hair.
Chinen looks at Kurida, and
smiles cutely.
===> What a wise soon to be Yuuri's sister in law Kurida-San,.,
this is great,.,
well I feel more excited to read the next chapter now,.,
post it soon ne~~ Eve-Chii,., (^_^)


chii_mao_13 December 18 2011, 12:58:53 UTC
indeed cute ne XDDD he's chii after all.. XDDD
and even before they become a real family, she has considered him as one.. XD hohohohohohoho
sankyuu for coming, azel-nee.. XDDD


lu_mi_na December 12 2011, 16:59:08 UTC
My spot >w


lu_mi_na December 12 2011, 17:40:18 UTC
hahaha I love how Kurida is teasing Chii xDDD
Ah~ and Chii is just too shy to admit ne~ How cute~~ xDDD

looking forward for what Chii might do for Yama-chan's cheeks! xD


chii_mao_13 December 18 2011, 12:59:56 UTC
gyohohohohohoho XDDDD
she's a naughty sister in law ne.. XD fufufufufu
and his cuteness that made her loves teasing him.. XD
gyohohohohoho wait for it ne.. sankyuu for coming, lumi-chan!! XD


fifi1048 December 12 2011, 18:20:42 UTC
Munyaa~~~ *Place huge tent again* /off to read nyehehehe :3


fifi1048 December 12 2011, 19:04:27 UTC
Ne~ Iv-chan, seems like most of your stories seem to be the story of my life right now..

Something I feared the most in a relationship is that it's long distance.
Now it’s Daiki who raises his eyebrows in confuse. “Didn’t he tell you? He won’t come back to Japan this summer holiday.” Chinen takes some seconds to stay in silence before then smiles and shakes his head.

“No. He didn’t tell me. Now just forget about that baka, and let’s talking about you and your dance lesson there, Dai-chan.” Chinen smiles.Gosh~ I feel my heart being stabbed when I read that. I feel the little prick on the heart. Omg Chii~ *hug* Chii is strong ne~ He doesn't cry even though he misses Ryo-chan so much... It's fine when Ryo-chan doesn't contact him.. It's not fine when you're in a relationship and you don't tell your partner you're not coming back when they miss you so much! Baka Ryo-chan! *whack ( ... )


chii_mao_13 December 18 2011, 13:04:59 UTC
gyohohohoho i saw your big tent, fifi-chan!!! XDDD

eeeeh is it? (>.<)
are you feeling that way too now, fifi-chan? when you missed someone and expected him to come to you but you got nothing and he didn't tell you anything about why he didn't come? (>.<)

yep, because yamada still loves him so much X)
and this time, yeah, chii gave him a surprise visit.. hohohoho
Uwaaaa.... (><) daijoubu fifi-chan.. sometimes it happened to me too, when i got something on my real life and suddenly there was a fic that has the story resembled to what happened to me.. (><) i would be very emotional too in that kind of time.. (><)
ganbatte fifi-chan for all the problem you face now.. \(><)/ don't forget to keep smiling!!!
and sankyuu so much for coming!! X)


fifi1048 December 18 2011, 15:56:30 UTC
Wops! I forgot to keep it back but at least Iv-chan can see me. Hehehe. x))

Uhm.. Distance relationship always cause a lot of trouble. *pout*
Kind of.. I miss him a lot but when we're suppose to meet he would say he's too busy. Sometimes it's sad that I found out he goes out with someone else... He told me to wait for him so I'm waiting patiently.

I'm glad at least there's still the glimmer of love in a relationship.
Iv-chan's fic are always the same as my mood. I really wonder sometimes if we had cross path before but we live too far apart for that to happen. xDD
Sankyuu Iv-chan! *hug* ganbarimasu! I will smile as long as I have Iv-chan with me! ^^
Sankyuu for replying my comments. Love you Iv-chan! *hug*


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