Proposing You (1/?)

Dec 12, 2011 21:48

Title: Proposing You (1/?)
Pairing: Yamachii and other pairings
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The new story has begun for their love life..
Note:It's the sequel fic from my previous long chaptered fic, Conquering You. And this part is dedicated for
hwangtinglee. Happy birthday, rei-chan!!! Have a great one! =D

Part 1

Yeah, it’s been more than 2 years since Yamada graduated from senior high school, then went to America because he got a scholarship from an art university there, and of course he didn’t want to let go of that chance. And a year after that, Daiki got the same scholarship. So he flied to America, joined Yamada as soon as he graduated from high school. Chinen and his buddy who’s also Daiki’s boyfriend, Ryuu, had no other choice than to let their boyfriends chased for their dreams.

2 weeks ago, Yamada was supposed to go back to Japan, for now is the summer holiday and last year he made a surprise for Chinen with suddenly appeared in front of his house. But this year, it is different.

Yamada didn’t call him for more than a month. As Chinen can remember, the last time Yamada called him was a month ago. And after that, he didn’t give even single news, or just greeting. And Chinen remembered that he mentioned that he’d be back 2 weeks ago, along with Daiki. Although he felt angry to Yamada because of some particular things, he couldn’t lie to himself, that he missed Yamada so much. So even before confirmed again to Yamada whether he’d really go back or not this holiday, he went to the airport with Ryuu. But then…


Chinen can see Ryuu is smiling widely and even tears formed in the corner of his eyes as he saw Daiki waves his hand from afar. Daiki is going to put his suitcases when suddenly Ryuu reaches him and lands his lips on the latter’s. At first Daiki just blinks because he’s too shock, but then he kisses Ryuu back. Meanwhile Chinen can just smiles looking at them.

“Welcome back. I missed you so much.” Ryuu whispers as he pulls himself away. Daiki wipes his tears.

“I missed you too. I’m back!” He says sweetly. Then he turns his head and sees Chinen standing there. “Ah, Chii.”

“Welcome back, Dai-chan.” And then Daiki hugs Chinen.

“Yeah. I’m back. Too bad ne, Yamada-senpai don’t go back this time.” He says. Chinen raises his eyebrows while pulling away.


Now it’s Daiki who raises his eyebrows in confuse. “Didn’t he tell you? He won’t come back to Japan this summer holiday.” Chinen takes some seconds to stay in silence before then smiles and shakes his head.

“No. He didn’t tell me. Now just forget about that baka, and let’s talking about you and your dance lesson there, Dai-chan.” Chinen smiles. Yeah he smiles. Smiling while his heart curses a boy named Yamada Ryosuke.

End of flashback

And what he got some days after it surprised him enough.


“Our Japanese talented boy who has debuted a year ago in America finally took a step again. Yamada Ryosuke, who is now being a popular newcomer in America, is now nominated as ‘The Best Newcomer’ in annually award with 200.000 USD as the prize for the winner. Every year many actors and actresses try their best to get this award. And now, finally Yamada Ryosuke became the only nomination come from another country. For your information, since a month ago, he is in the middle of shooting for a new movie too! In that movie we’ll see his awesome dancing skill, because the movie has ‘dancing’ for the theme. In that movie, which is titled ‘Dancing in Your Melody’, Yamada will take the main role as a dancer who tries his best to show his ability in front of his sick girlfriend who is also a pianist.

We hope the movie will reach Japan soon. Once again, the name of Japan is taken high by Yamada Ryosuke! Japan support you, Yamada Ryosuke!”

Chinen gets a jaw dropped after hearing this news on TV this morning. So the reason Yamada didn’t bother to go back to Japan is that he is now in a shooting for a new movie? Chinen really knows that he’s a dance freak. And actually he doesn’t feel bothered with the fact that Yamada is nominated on an award there. What bother him the most is why didn’t Yamada tell him?

Chinen throws himself to his bed and inhales deeply. Last year, he has surprised enough with Yamada’s debut as an actor.

Yamada told Chinen that when he accompanied his friend to a shooting place, suddenly a staff offered him to be a cameo on a movie. And Yamada agreed after he asked for Chinen’s agreement. Then Yamada got a very warm welcomed for his appearance, and it attracted many people. Then the director of the film wanted him to play on another movie as the main character. The movie got a very nice reaction, and soon Yamada became popular there. He started to appear in many commercials too. He became so busy, but from what he informed to Chinen, he still got high grade for his studies.

But there’s something takes Chinen’s concern. It’s been floating on Chinen’s mind since the first day Yamada told him this. His agency forbids him for telling his relationship to anyone. So Yamada pretended not to have any lover. Chinen knew, he was the one who told Yamada to accept the rules and said that he believed him. He felt that he was ready to take any consequences. But his heart couldn’t lie.

Everytime Yamada was interviewed about his lover, he could just say that he was single. Even in some magazines or TV program, he talked about his type for a girl.

“I want her to be cute and shorter than me. I love it if she scolds me everytime she doesn’t like the way I do something. She must be honest, puts all of her effort when doing something, and care for the other. And innocent too! For example, she can’t hide her blush from me when she feels shy. And I’d think she’s cute whenever she is being stubborn and too shy to admit that she loves me. Hair… isn’t a big deal for me. But I prefer a short one. And it’ll be better if she has a sharp tongue, but has a cute smile.” Yamada said on an interview.

Chinen got some helps from his sister to translate it into Japanese. And his sister immediately knew, that Yamada described his cute brother’s appearance for it. But Chinen could only grumble because he doesn’t get Yamada’s meaning. He could only smile with embarrassment after Kurida explained and teased him about it.

Kurida Aya, Yamada’s ex-girlfriend who’s now being known as his step sister instead, has married to Takaki and helps Takaki to run the café business. She is in charge of the café Chinen had his part time work. Now that Chinen worked there full time, she meets Chinen almost everyday, and has considered Chinen as her own brother. She helps Chinen and tells him whenever there are news from Yamada. Now who expected that she’ll offer a great idea to Chinen?

“How about you, go to America?” Kurida asks, makes Chinen choked and immediately turns his head at her. Kurida just makes a peace sign with her hand, and puts a smirk on her face.

“Me? Go to America?” He points at himself.

“Yeah, you, of course.” Kurida rest her head on her arms. Chinen smiles.

“There’s no way I can go there, Aya-san. Moreover, for what reason must I…”

“You miss Ryosuke so much deshou? And you must be jealous knowing that there are so many gossips about him flirting with girls there.” Kurida smirks, waits for Chinen’s reaction. She knows, Chinen isn’t the type who’s smart on lying.

“Who-who missed him? Me?” Chinen laughs sarcastically. “No way I’ll miss him, Aya-san.” Kurida still smirks seeing the cute reaction of Chinen.

“You even wrote the names of the girls who have ever been rumoured with Ryo-chan, right?” Chinen choked once again. How can she know about it?

“How… how can you…” Chinen stutters.

“Hoho. I know everything.” Kurida smirks. “So, sure you won’t go there?” Kurida asks him once again.

“No. Definitely no.” Chinen shows his big fake smile, tries to be looked confident with his fake answer. Of course he wants to meet Yamada so badly. Kurida sighs.

“Too bad ne. I’m going to give you this ticket, actually. But since you don’t want to go there, I have no choice than to give it to another person.” She shows a plane ticket to tease Chinen. And her prediction about how Chinen’s reaction will be is right. Chinen looks at her with his eyes widen. And his gaze flies to the ticket on Kurida’s hand.

“Is it the ticket to go to America?” Chinen asks to confirm. Kurida nods.

“Yeah. Takaki and I bought this for you, for the reward for your hard work here, but you said that you don’t want to go to meet my lil brother. Then I shouldn’t force you to accept this ticket.” Kurida sighs.

“I… don’t have to… pay?” Chinen asks, still with his eyes widen. Kurida laughs.

“Of course you have not! This is a gift, baka.” Kurida laughs again.

“For me? Really?” Chinen confirms again.

“Yeah. It’s for you, and it’s free. You just have to prepare your things and of course yourself.”

“Are you sure… I can accept it?” Chinen, still with his disbelief look, asking again.

“I’ve said before, deshou. You can accept it.” Kurida smiles. “Do you want this now?” Kurida asks. Chinen doesn’t wait any minutes to nod. “You just have to admit how much you miss my little brother.” Kurida smirks, hiding the ticket again. She really loves teasing Chinen.

Chinen looks at her hesitantly. He has a high pride that prevents him from admitting, even it is just to admit that he misses his boyfriend. Admitting it will make him feels lose.

“Dou? You don’t miss him?” Kurida asks once again. Chinen bites his bottom lip to ensure himself that he wants the ticket.

“Okay!” He shouts with eyes closed. “I admit it. I miss Ryo-chan! I miss him sooooo badly! I want to meet him! I want to go to America!” He starts to feel heats on his cheeks. Kurida laughs.

“Cute reaction from you. Here, the ticket. You can go to America by the day after tomorrow. You have had passport right? As what I’ve said, we’ve prepared everything for you, so just prepare yourself well, okay? Don’t forget to bring the dictionary.” Kurida stands up from her seat and hands the ticket to Chinen. Chinen receives it with his widen eyes. He can’t believe he’s going to America soon. “Ah, don’t worry about everything there. Yuya has a friend and he willed himself to help you during your trip there. You can stay at his place too. And you’ll be surprised after seeing his place.” Kurida pats Chinen’s head and gives him a wink.

“I don’t know how to say thank you to both of you.” Chinen says. His gaze is still on the ticket Kurida just handed him.

“No need to say thank you in a special way. You’re our brother too. I mean, you’re soon to be my brother in law, and we love you as our own brother. Just say our ‘hi’ to Ryosuke.” Kurida ruffles Chinen’s hair. Chinen looks at Kurida, and smiles cutely.

“Thank you so much, nee-chan.”

Chinen feels really excited for what he’ll do soon. He’s going to meet Yamada. And he’s sure that he’ll do something to those chubby cheeks of him for revenge after making him jealous.


A/N : I've read the comments in the previous although I haven't been able to reply (><), and thanks for letting me know your opinions X) thank you so much..
comment = <3

chaptered fic: proposing you, rating: pg-13, pairing: yamachii, type: chaptered, media: fic

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