Proposing You (2/?)

Dec 25, 2011 22:40

Title: Proposing You (2/?)
Pairing: Yamachii and other pairings
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It's about coming to another country, and surprise awaits..
Note:It's the sequel fic from my previous long chaptered fic, Conquering You. And this part is dedicated for twilightstarz28 Happy belated birthday for muzie-chan!!! =D

Part 2

“Don’t worry about how you will arrive at his place. Yuya’s friend will pick you up at the airport. You just have to wait near the arrival gate.”

Chinen yawns. He feels so tired after waiting for two hours. Of course doesn’t know anyone in that airport. Kurida has said that Yuya’s friend will come, but he hasn’t showed himself there yet. He can’t do anything except to wait, because now he isn’t in Japan anymore, and means that he’ll surely lost somewhere if he walks somewhere without any guide. For conversation things, maybe he has more confidence than before, because during his long flight, he learns many important conversations from a book Kurida has lent him. But yet, he has to wait there, as what Kurida has asked him to.

Chinen opens his bag, and opens his wallet. There are dollars that his parents gave. He feels thirsty now, and he has to buy a drink. There’s a vending machine near the bench where he sits, and he buys a bottle of mineral water. Chinen drinks, and feels fresher now. He sits again and looks at his surrounding.

“America is great ne.” He says to himself. He has taken some pictures of the airport with his camera, and can’t wait until he can step out of the airport, enjoying the scenery out there. He bets, the scenery outside will please him and make his exhaustion fade away.

“What about his name and his appearance?” Chinen asks to Kurida. Kurida searches something on her phone and shows it to Chinen.

“Yuya has put his photo on my phone, so that I can show it to you in case you want to know who his friend is.” Chinen looks at the screen carefully. In that photo, there are Takaki and a boy grinning at the camera. “It’s his friend who’ll take care of you during the time you stay there.”

“He has loud appearance ne. He has almost the same style as Takaki-san’s.”

“He is Yuya’s kouhai in America. He’s actually a Japanese, but since 5 years old, he moved to America and got nationality as American.”

Chinen nods his head. “I thought it will be an American boy. But yokatta, he’s Japanese too. Umm… He still speak Japanese, right?”

It’s Kurida’s turn to nod. “Yep. Still fluent. He’ll help you so much there.”

“Yeah. Thank you, Aya-san. I feel relieved knowing this. Ah, what about his name?” Chinen asks. ”It’ll be easier if I know his name first right?”

“His name ne… wait… I have to remember it…”

“Look! It’s Nakayama Yuma!!!”

Chinen immediately turns his head to the source of the voice. He just heard some girls shouting the name of Takaki’s friend that Kurida has told him. He stands to see what has happened, and see a crowd come. And the cause of the crowd, as Chinen predicts, is the boy who has a loud appearance, who is walking nonchalantly and wearing a sunglasses. He ignores the people who follow him. Chinen guesses, that the people who tail him are paparazzi. And he sure, the boy is the same boy in the photo Kurida showed him before. But has she ever said that he’s a popular person in America, or it’s just Chinen’s thought?

Chinen is still thinking about what has happened when Yuma spots his presence there. He walks toward Chinen and Chinen stands up, ready to introduce himself. Chinen bows slightly when Yuma has reached his front. But what happens next shocks him.

Yuma takes his sunglasses off then suddenly hugs him tightly, causing gaps from the surroundings. Chinen is just too shock that he doesn’t push him. Yuma puts his mouth near Chinen’s ear, and whispers to him.

“Chinen-san, right? Please help me get out of this problem. And please, pretend that you can only speak Japanese. Okay?” He whispers in Japanese.

Yuma doesn’t wait for Chinen’s answer, for he immediately pulls out from the hug, cups Chinen’s cheeks with his hands, and gives him a kiss on his lips.

Chinen can’t think of anything again. All he knows is just there’s a stranger’s lips on his, and he can hear some girls screaming. Yuma slowly breaks the kiss, and he smiles to him. He embraces Chinen with an arm, and faces the people who tailed him before.

“As you can see, the rumour wasn’t true. I’m not picking my Japanese girlfriend up, but I’m picking up my BOYfriend.” Yuma says in English, and emphasizes the word ‘boy’.

Chinen can’t speak that well in English, but he surely knows what the meaning of Yuma’s declaration is. He stares at Yuma with widen eyes.

“What is it about?” He asks in Japanese. Of course the people in front of him don’t understand. Yuma smiles gently to him and ruffles his hair.

“Don’t worry honey. I want the public to know that you’re mine. So, don’t protest. Okay?” He adds a peck on Chinen’s forehead, then faces the front again. “Satisfied with what you’ve got? Now I have to go with my boyfriend. He must be so tired after his long flight.” Yuma says coldly.

Chinen looks at the people, then at Yuma. He doesn’t’ get it at all. Did Yuma just pretend that they were lovers?


“Eh you are going back, Yamada-kun?” A staff asks as he saw Yamada grabbed his bag. Yamada nods.

“Yeah. Today my friend will bring his friend to the apartment, and I have to put my things into my room properly before they arrived.”

“Eh? You won’t join the drinking party for celebrating this? It’s the last day of the shooting and you’ve done very well. You’ll be the main role there, Yamada-kun.”

Yamada shakes his head. “Thank you. But I prefer to go home and get some rest. I’m sorry I can’t join you all. I’ve said to the other about this.” He smiles to that staff.

“I see. Get some rest properly ne. You’ll have to do some promotion again the day after tomorrow.”

“Thank you. I’m leaving.”

Today was the last day of the shooting for his new movie, and Yamada feels so tired. Yuma has told him that there’ll be someone stays on their apartment for two weeks, and Yamada agreed. There’s still one empty room for the guest. Furthermore, although for example, he didn’t want any guest on the apartment, he couldn’t do anything because he just moved there a month ago, and he didn’t feel comfortable if he had to refused Yuma’s request. It is Yuma who suggested him to move to his apartment after the paparazzi tailed him secretly. The apartment had 24 hours CCTV on and full security guard. It makes Yamada feels safer and more comfortable.

Yamada decides to visit a bakery before he goes home because he feels hungry and he bets there’s no food in the apartment. He enters a bakery, and orders some cakes. He wants to share it with Yuma and the guest too. So, while waiting the waiter to wrap it, he sits on the corner, tries not to be stand out in the public and catches other’s attention.

“Look! It’s Yuma again!” A voice of a girl makes him turns his head.

“New gossip? It will be interesting.” The other says.

Yamada snorts. His housemate is in trouble again. He is gossiped flirting with many girls. Yamada got that kind of gossips too. For the fact, they don’t want to be troubled with any gossips. They want to live their life as actors peacefully, although they knew that was impossible. Being actors also means that they are ready to face the risk, they will get many gossips come to them. So they have no choice but to cool themselves down.

“It’s not a gossip anymore, my friend said. She told me that she watched the gossip news half an hour ago, and she told me to watch the gossip news in other channel in case they haven’t showed it yet. She said that now, it’s Yuma itself who gave the clarification. And she said that we’ll be shock after watch it.”

These sentences make Yamada’s eyebrows raised. Yuma gave the clarification by himself?

“Really? Ah it’s started!”

Yamada feels curious about what has happened to Yuma. For all this time, he said he had no lover. Was it just another gossip of him, or some tricks to deceive the public? He knows that Yuma’s agency let him to expose their actor’s love life to the public, so actually it doesn’t matter for Yuma.

As Yamada moves his gaze to the television screen, he sees a video with the voice of the host explaining about it. The host explains that Yuma was being seen in the airport. It relates to his latest gossip, that he’ll pick his girlfriend who comes from another country.

And from the screen, Yamada can see Yuma’s figure walking coolly. The reporters kept tailing him and asked him about that, but being ignored by Yuma. But finally he stopped, and the reporters stack on their place. Yamada can see Yuma hugged someone there. But the person there wasn’t a girl. It’s a boy. Yuma released his hug and kissed him on the lips. Yamada raised his eyebrows again. So, is it true this time that he has a lover? A boyfriend?

But as Yuma showed his so-called lover to the reporters, Yamada gets a jaw dropped. He clenches his fist tightly, opens his eyes wide, and feels his blood boiled. He doesn’t know what feeling he has now, but the only thing he knows that he has to go to the apartment as fast as he can.

For he doesn’t understand why suddenly his chibi boyfriend appeared in the television then Yuma called him as his lover, even kissed him on the lips, Yamada feels that something has happened between them. He has to make sure that it’s not only his illusion.

A/N : I realized that it's December 25th, that's why I immediately post it, knowing that I won't be able to post anything until next year. (><) I'll go to another town, so maybe I can't visit lj for some days.
That's why I also come here to say gomen for whose fics I left my spot. (><) I'll give my proper comment when I come backkkkkkk!!! (><) uwaaa hontou ni gomen..
And Merry Christmas for all!!!! XD

chaptered fic: proposing you, pairing: yamachii, type: chaptered, media: fic

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