Proposing You prologue

Dec 09, 2011 22:43

Title: Proposing You prologue
Pairing: Yamachii and other pairings
Rating: PG-13
Summary: I don't know what to write for the prologue's summary this time.. (><)
Note:It's the sequel fic from my previous long chaptered fic, Conquering You. I've promised to some friend to make it. Still remember it? (><)

Proposing. One simple word, but has a deep meaning. Not any other proposes here, but it’s about proposing someone to be by our side forever. Deeply, proposing needs strong guts and heart to cherish that people until they got separated by something called death. Not just bonded by something called marriage, but also by a connected heart. Giving own heart and life to a certain people, with a wish that he/she will do the same. It requires a promise that they’ll love each other until the day they go to a different world come.


“Hey! Can you help me with this di…” The girl stops her own sentences as she sees his chibi brother staring in the computer screen in the living room with serious looks. She walks closer to the chibi to see what has happened to him, but then as she approaches him, the chibi clenches his fists and immediately leaves the computer with some grumbles. Seeing his expression, she wonders if she can guess what has happened to the chibi. The article on the screen is the evidence. She reads it, nods after realizing something, and then chooses to turn the computer off.

Meanwhile, the chibi walks abruptly to his room. And after entered his room, the chibi slams the door. He walks to his desk, takes a marker, and writes a name on the whiteboard hanging near his desk with it.

“Now, it is Kyle Jacqueline…” He murmurs. “The pretty newcomer… Girlfriend...” The chibi replays some words he has read from the internet with a mocking tone. He takes a deep breath. Closes his eyes just to open it again, and counts how many names have written on that whiteboard. It’s 8. 8 girl names who have been rumoured with his boyfriend. 8 girls on a year. Crazy enough for normal people, but if we say that the one who got the rumour is a boy who was well-known as a popular playboy in his high school time, maybe it’s a different case. The basic habit of people surely can’t just disappear completely just by 2 years.

The chibi chuckles. He knows that his boyfriend has a strong pheromone that other can’t resist. He knows, he is also one of the victims who have trapped by the pheromone he really wants to blame. He is still too shy to admit that he has fallen in love deeply with his boyfriend, so he just blames the pheromone his boyfriend has. What a cute thought of the chibi.

He feels very irritated by now. By the news he just read. But he knows he can’t blame the rumour and also his boyfriend, because it’s a consequence he has agreed. It’s he himself who has promised to give his boyfriend his full support, although he has never thought that there is this kind of support too, when he has to shut his mouth tightly although he really wants to shout it too the mass that they are lovers, just to keep his boyfriend safe. Yeah, it’s his own decision a year ago.

“Accept it.”

The chubby boy raised his eyebrows, didn’t believe to what his ears just heard. “Are you sure?” He looked at the chibi beside him.

The chibi nodded. “You want to be an actor too, right? It’s not a big matter for me. It’s you who’ll do it, right?”

“But it means that I have to hide everything from the mass. You know that the agency forbids the member to reveal their love life, right? And it also means that I can’t let people know that I have you as my boyfriend.”

“You want the role, right?” The chibi asked. The chubby boy couldn’t answer again. He just stared at his chibi boyfriend right to his eyes. “I’ll support you whatever your decision. I don’t want to be too protective and forbid you this and that. So, accept it.”

The chubby boy frowned. “Don’t you feel afraid if I’ll cheat with some girls in the future?” The chibi smirked.

“As if you can life without me.” He rolled his eyes. The chubby boy laughed.

“Okay then. I have never expected that you’ll be this narcist. Do you forget how you treated me at first time we talked?”

The chibi sent a sharp glare to the latter who was now laughing. “Urusai! I hate you!” His face started to turn red, and his lips turned into a pout.

The chubby boy laughed even more. He used his hand to make the chibi face him. “Thanks. I hate you too with all my heart.” Then he leaned, and gave the chibi boy’s pouted lips a lick before then caught it passionately with his own lips. The chibi boy pinched the latter’s cheeks, and it made the passionate kiss ended although their lips were still connected.

“Don’t ever think that a kiss can make my pout disappear.” The chibi said. He released the chubby cheeks. The latter didn’t kiss him passionately again, but just stayed in that position, where their lips touched each other without moved closer or further.

“So, you really agree with that?” The chubby boy confirmed again.

“I’ve said that before, baka.”

“Even every consequences of it?”

“Even every single consequence.”


“Because I believe in you. Still need other reasons?”

“Can I guess because you love me and want me to feel happy?”

“Whatever floats on your boat.”

The chubby boy smiled in the chibi’s lips. “Love you too. Thank you so much.” And he can felt the chibi boy also smiled. “And by the way, it’s so fun whenever we talked on each other’s lips like this. But, can I get more again?”

With that, the chubby boy pushed his tongue inside the chibi’s mouth.

The chibi releases a deep breath, and started to open his phone, searching something with that. Why must the latest news he got this time is a rumour again? A rumour that has his boyfriend and another girl as the main role. And the rumour came in a perfect time to increase his sadness. He has missed his boyfriend badly, and really wants to meet him, or just getting a happy news from him. No wonder, because they have never met again since a year ago. But what came is the news he doesn’t want to read.

The chibi looks at his phone seriously. He puffs his cheeks, and rolls his eyes. “Baka me… Why am I reading this fake article once again? Because I miss him so much? It’s impossible… And who’ll believe in such this article?” He sighs and then pouts. Then he talks to himself again. “I’d better take some rest ne. I think there’ll be something wrong with my head if I let my eyes opened without any rest.”

After that, the chibi puts his phone on the bed, still with the article opened, and he lays his head on the pillow, goes to a world called dream world.

Someone opens the room, and the chibi has lost his consciousness. It is his mom this time. She knows so well, that his son is so fast in sleeping thing. She wants him to join the dinner before sleep, but looks like that he can’t wake up that easy if he has slept. When she is about to walk out of the room, she hears his son mumbling something on his sleep. She frowns, but she comes to the edge of the bed, just to hear her son mumbles something about ‘Baka’ and ‘Miss you’. She ruffles his hair and smiles. Then she sees the phone is still flipped open. As she looks at the screen, she finds an article that his son maybe just read.

Hot Issue from Yamada Ryosuke (Again?)

Yamada Ryosuke and Kyle Jacqueline were spotted to be together in a restaurant two days ago. Not only for having a dinner together, but they were spotted to hold each other’s hand before they entered the restaurant. As public know, the rumour has spread since they started the shooting of their new movie. Yamada Ryosuke, a newcomer who can get America’s attention in such that short time, has been rumoured to date some girls in this year. This time, the rumour came to Kyle Jacqueline, a pretty newcomer that gets the role to be Yamada’s girlfriend on his new movie. Will the rumour turn to be true this time?
A/N : I don't know how other's opinion will be.. so please put your suggestion for the improvement of my writing, or maybe critique, or what else.. (><) because now there's something bother me about it.. T^T
comment = <3

chaptered fic: proposing you, rating: pg-13, pairing: yamachii, type: chaptered, media: fic

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