[One-Shot]: Half Alive Author: chii_loves_me Pairing: Shoon x Yabu Words: 423 Genre: Angst, drama Summary: It wasn’t just the Jimusho that Shoon left that day.
Title: Guardian Angel Author: chii_loves_me Words: 963 Genre: Friendship A/N: I started and finished this in the same night, which is an unbelievable thing. Don’t mind the lame cliché title.
Not to be mean or anything, but I'm not comfortable with strangers reading things about my private life. You're a stranger to me if: ( The grounds for cutting. )
Title: Major Fail (Prompt 61: 5 fail ideas that Inoo thought of) Author: chii_loves_me Pairing: DaiKei, InooBu. Inoo-centric Words: 745 (Don't believe this, I did some editing.) Genre: Crack Summary: Inoo thinks of the stupidest things. A/N: For the Inoo-thon.