Title: Guardian Angel
chii_loves_meWords: 963
Genre: Friendship
A/N: I started and finished this in the same night, which is an unbelievable thing. Don’t mind the lame cliché title.
I got the inspiration from
this song. I love this song, actually.
I want to be loved, but you don’t seem to love me
I wander within that repetition
Do you love me? Or not love me?
No matter how I wish
There are many unchangeable things in this world, right?
The feeling of trying to voice out my emotions; it’s frightening.
Inoo stood under the shadow of the enormous sakura tree, watching the scene with unbelieving eyes.
Hikaru… how could you… he whispered silently. But alas, the wind on that cold summer’s night was strong, and it delivered the message to Hikaru’s ears, warning him of the presence of an unwanted visitor.
Hikaru’s eyes flew open, squinting as he tried to adjust them in the darkness. As soon as he located the stranger under the sakura tree, he broke off the kiss from the girl beside him.
“Inoo… I told you not to come,”
“How could you… I believed in you…” he managed to spit out.
“What are you doing he-“
“You never told me about her. Is she the reason?!”
Hikaru glanced into the worried eyes of the woman in his arms. Muttering a word of assurance, he removed himself from the embrace and confronted Inoo, face-on.
“I’ve told you time and time again, it wasn’t working between us. It never did. Didn’t you notice when I kept trying to brush you off the past few weeks?!”
This hit Inoo’s glass heart with a slight pang. In reality, he did notice the signs. The unanswered phone calls, the postponed dates; the broken promises. Everyone did, his friends included. Inoo noticed it, but chose to ignore it, thinking it was a slowly passing phase of the younger boy. Deep in his heart, he still believed; no matter how much he had been hurt, he kept believing in Hikaru.
“Inoo, do you even think that society could accept us as a couple? We weren’t meant to be together,”
Inoo glared down at the grassy lawn, fighting back the oncoming surge of tears.
“Kei, it’s over. It has been for quite a while now,”
Hikaru backed away from Inoo to stand in front of the other girl.
“Get rid of this stupid fantasy of yours, Inoo.”
In an instant, his glass heart shattered. A few teardrops leaked from the corners of his eyes.
Not wanting Hikaru to witness this moment, he dashed off.
Because only the fact of my loving you
Is the truth unchangeable by anyone
I want to overcome the thousands of nights and tell it to you
But I’m afraid you will shove me away
Inoo ran off, rustling several fallen leaves on the ground. He ran down the street, not daring to stop. He feared that if he did, he would break, and everything he held inside would spill over.
If I truly loved you, I wouldn’t be afraid of rejection.
But yet, what is this feeling?
I am afraid of being rejected by you; maybe you’re not who I am looking for.
So I will keep searching.
Faster and faster he ran. Reaching a corner, he turned, only to bump into someone’s skinny frame. The impact sent them both to the ground. Cursing the person and his pain, Inoo stood up quickly. Preparing himself to sprint away, he became annoyed as the person gripped his wrist in an effort to hold him in place.
“Let me go! Get your hands off of me!” he yelled.
“Inoo… Stop,”
Not bothering to listen to the stranger, Inoo broke free of the other’s grip and darted away.
The sound of thunder rolled overhead.
I want to face you, but I can’t be honest; it will hurt us both.
I hate being alone on this night.
Inoo was reaching the end of his physical limit. Still, he kept running. He ran from his past, and all the pain that came with it.
But can’t keep running forever; he just couldn’t.
Exhausted, he broke down. Everything he held inside flooded out of him.
And the sky shared his grief. Together with Inoo’s tears, the clouds lamented.
Why… am I never good enough for the people I love? he thought. A puddle of rainwater formed in front of him, reflecting his tear-streaked face. He lifted his fist and punched his reflection, splashing water on his already soaked jacket.
He tried to let the rain wash away all the negative emotions he held inside. But even as the big drops of rain splattered on his face, the pain didn’t subside. Rather, it slowly intensified.
He shut his eyes.
Amid all these mixed emotions, which is right?
He sat there for a while, crying his eyes out. It took him a while to realize that the rain had stopped falling on him. Lifting his gaze, he looked up into the face of his rescuer.
There, wrapped in a long overcoat and with another hanging on his left arm, was Yabu.
Inoo made an effort to speak, but Yabu quickly cut him off.
“I’m sorry for stopping you earlier,”
Inoo fixed his eyes on Yabu’s. The elder smiled and offered his hand. Inoo grabbed it and stood up in a daze. His eyes were still on Yabu as he wrapped Inoo’s cold body with the coat.
“Here. I know you don’t like being followed, Inoocchi. But I just wanted to make sure,”
Inoo kept gazing deeply into Yabu’s eyes.
Maybe I was wrong. Maybe it was you who I was looking for.
“Inoo? Are you okay?”
The young boy smiled. He enveloped Yabu in a tight embrace.
“W-what’s wrong…?”
Inoo laughed into Yabu’s neck while the tears poured. But this time, the tears poured smoothly and painlessly.
“Arigato ne, Kocchan,”
A relieved smile formed on Yabu’s lips. Softly closing his eyes, he returned the embrace tenderly.
“Anytime Kei. Anytime,”
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