Proposing You (8/?)

Feb 24, 2013 21:00

Title: Proposing You (8/?)
Pairing: Yamachii and other pairings
Rating: PG-13
Summary: I feel like I have no summary this time.. O_O


Chinen feels his phone vibrating on his pocket. He looks at the screen and finds Yuma’s name there.


“Chinen, where are you? You’re still on Ryosuke’s studio right?” There’s a bit of worry on Yuma’s tone.

“Me? Uhm.. yeah.”

“So where are you right now?”

“In the rooftop.”

“Don’t go anywhere, okay?”


But before Chinen get a respond, Yuma has cut the call. Chinen shrugs his shoulders and releases a deep breath again. He’s been here for about an hour. After went out of the toilet, he didn’t come back to the studio. He sat on a bench outside the toilet until Conrad approached him and asked him what has happened. He insisted that Chinen didn’t look healthy, but Chinen denied it, saying that he’s okay. After asking him whether the rooftop could be entered by anyone or not, Chinen immediately went there. He felt calmer in the place where he could be alone.

He has to be calm after all. After a year finally he managed to meet Yamada again, and he doesn’t want his trip to America to be a catastrophe for their relationship. Yamada still acts childish when it comes to his temper. After two years, Chinen admitted that he’s changed a bit. But he still can’t control his emotion. The last time he felt jealous, it leaded to a bad ending, although they could overcome it at the very end.

How much a person changed, in the end no one can expect a perfect change. At least it’s what Chinen realize.


As he hears Yuma’s voice, Chinen turns his head. Yuma is standing near the stairs with such a worry face. He immediately comes toward Chinen.

“Are you okay? Conrad called me and said that maybe you’re having a trouble. Are you sick?” He asks in panic while examining Chinen with his eyes. Chinen smiles and shakes his head.

“I’m okay. Sorry to make you worried.” He bows his head. “How about your job?”

“I’ve finished it. As I wanted to go home, Conrad called me, and that’s why I’m here.” Yuma smiles in relief. “Did something happen? Between you and Yamada? And how could you be that close with Conrad?”

Chinen pouts, turning his head to the scenery out there. “He’s a friend, but I’m not that close with Conrad. He can talk Japanese, so I had a talk with him while waiting for that fattie’s photoshoot.”

Yuma sighs. “Now I kinda know your problem. It’s Ryosuke’s jealousy right? He must see that you talked with Conrad, and he became jealous without any particular reasons. Am I wrong?”

Chinen blinks. He feels amazed Yuma knows it by guessing. Maybe living with Yamada has made him understanding about Yamada’s nature. “Sugoi. You’re right.”

Yuma laughs and leans on the railing. “When it comes to you, he’s always like that. Remember when I kissed you in the airport and what I got after it?”

Chinen nods. “Yeah, I’m sorry for that.”

Yuma looks at Chinen and laughs again. “You looked like a wife who apologizes for the husband’s bad habit.” Blushing, Chinen turns at another direction and can’t say anything. “By the way, what will you do now?”

“I don’t know.” Chinen shrugs his shoulders. “That buta told me to ask Conrad accompanying me to take a walk around here so that he won’t be disturbed anymore.” He sighs. Repeating what Yamada said to him just makes he becomes sad.

“So mean.” Yuma opens his eyes wide. “I never expected that he could say something like that to you.”

“Because of jealousy.” Chinen grunts. “I don’t know why he was so emotional, although it’s just a friend’s talk between Conrad and me. Even accusing me to flirt with him.” There’s sadness on Chinen’s tone. Being accused like that, who still could be calm after it?

“Maybe I know.”

“Eh?” Chinen sets his eyes on Yuma with questioning look.

“You’ve been separated for a year. Maybe all this time, he didn’t see you interact with other boys and think of he’s the one who can has a fun chitchat with you. But now he saw you in person, chatting with another boy. I think he just hasn’t used to this situation.” Yuma says calmly. “What do you think?”

Chinen released a sigh. “Maybe I understand it. We never talked about other boys except of our friends.”

Yuma straightens his back and pats Chinen’s head. “It’s good if you understand it. But Ryosuke’s unreasonable jealousy is still annoying, right?”

Chinen laughs. “That’s true ne.”

“So wanna go home with me? I don’t think he’ll be calm in 1-2 hours.”

“I think so.” Chinen rolls his eyes.

“So let’s go to his studio, and leave it to me. I’ll talk to him that you’re with me.”

Chinen smiles to Yuma. He’s really a dependable friend. “Thank you.”


Two hours after it, Chinen should have reached the apartment. But instead of it, he’s still trapped in the same building, but different floor. It started when they were about to leave the building. They have arrived at the reception when suddenly Cody approached them and dragged them to the third floor. It happened that he should have a photoshoot with an Asian girl, but the girl couldn’t make it because she fell sick and couldn’t go to the studio. So instead of looking for another girl, he remembered that Chinen was inside the building, and willingly offered himself to overcome that situation by asking for Chinen’s help, and fortunately, Chinen was still there. At least, although he’s not a real girl, he can be a fake girl. Although at first Yuma felt hesitate to let Chinen joined the photoshoot, but Chinen agreed to help because he wanted to try something Yamada has done before. He considers it as a challenge.

Now, Chinen is standing in front of the camera, adjusting his eyes because the light in front of him is too bright.

“Yuma, ask him move closer to Cody and lean against him.” The cameraman asks Yuma.

Yuma nods and shouts it in Japanese, so that Chinen can understand. Chinen gives Yuma a thumb, gesturing that he understands. Then he poses as what he is asked to.

After other several shots, the cameraman shouts again. “We got it! Break!”

It’s signing that they can take a break from the photo session. Yuma takes a bottle of mineral water, approaches Chinen quickly and drags him away from Cody. He takes a glance on Chinen who seems to be exhausted because it’s his first time having a photoshoot like this.

Yuma looks at him with a worried face and hands Chinen the bottle. “Are you okay with this? You don’t have to force yourself if it’s too..”

“I’m okay.” Chinen cuts it and smiles. “It’s just too hot there and maybe I need some water.” He takes the bottle from Yuma and drinks.

“Are you sure? With this dress?” Yuma looks at Chinen from the top to the bottom. “And with that wig?” He touches Chinen’s wig.

“It’s okay. I ever did something like this before.” He smirks.

“You mean… in the drama you played with Ryosuke before?”

Chinen lifts his eyebrows. He guesses that Yuma mentioned the drama they played in high school when Yamada suddenly appeared as the prince. “How could you know about it?”

Yuma laughs. “How could I don’t know about it when Ryosuke put it on a big size on his room.”

“It?” Chinen tilts his head.

“Your photo in the drama. You haven’t entered his room yet right?”

Being asked like this, Chinen realizes that it’s true. He hasn’t taken even a single step into Yamada’s room. It was Yamada who always barging into his room.

“He put many photos of you in his room. They’re everywhere.” Yuma adds while chuckling. “He even explained the photo one by one when showing it to me. Guess why I could recognize you in the airport before, because he showed me your photos many times, from the old ones until the new ones.” Yuma smiles.

Chinen doesn’t give any respond. He feels very ashamed. When he was busy doubting about Yamada whether he cheated or not, Yamada thought about him everytime. A feeling of regret comes into his heart, and Chinen feels really guilty to Yamada. How could he doubt his own boyfriend when the latter was thinking just about him all the time?

“I’m so stupid ne.” Chinen finally speaks again. “I spent a year doubting him although I’ve said that I believe in him. It was me who convinced him to be an actor, and when he mentioned the risks of accepting that job, I thought it’d be all okay, and I said that I’d be alright. But look at me now, so helpless and be too egoist. We even had a quarrel, and I don’t know how to talk to him again.” Chinen bites his lips. As he recalled his quarrel with Yamada, his heart clenches tighter.

“It’ll be okay.” Yuma pats Chinen’s head. “You don’t have to be that worry. Ryosuke maybe is just feeling tired. His agency is stricter than mine. You knew it by yourself right? And as an actor too, I kinda know his feeling. There are times when I’ll be very tired, and even the simplest thing can make me upset by no time.”

Chinen looks at Yuma, and feels calmer by his explanation.

“Furthermore, it’s about love. You don’t have to feel guilty about feeling egoist. Have you ever heard a relationship without any selfishness? It may sound perfect, but it’s not the best relationship, or at least it’s what I think. Especially when you feel being egoist just because you feel jealous. What’s wrong with ‘I want him for myself’ feeling? As long as it’s a usual jealousy, it’s okay, right?”

Hearing what Yuma has said, Chinen can’t help but feeling a lot calmer. It is Yuto who usually listen for his whine or his brag, and being separated from him make Chinen feels like no one is there to listen to him. But now he knows Yuma is a great friend and also a good listener.

“You’re right.” Chinen smiles. “Thank you so much, Yuma.”

“No problem, my little friend.” Yuma caresses Chinen’s head.

“You got so many wise words. Are you in love with someone right now?” Chinen teases him. And surprisingly, Yuma’s expression changed. But he immediately shakes his head and acts as usual.

“Haha. How can you get a conclusion like that?”

“Guessing?” Chinen shrugs his shoulders.

“I see.” Yuma smirks.

“Haha. If you want to talk with someone about love, I’ll be ready to listen.” Chinen teases him again. “Don’t worry about the lucky girl’s identity if you feel shy. I won’t force you to say her name.”

“Lucky girl, ne…” Yuma mumbles.


“You know, Yuma is really lucky having a cute boyfriend like him.” Cody starts the conversation while waiting for his food and drink. He is with Yamada in the cafeteria in the basement after finishing his photoshoot. They accidentally met there, and now they’re sharing same table.

Yamada raises his eyebrows. “Hm?”

“I did a photoshoot with him today, and after wearing dress, he became more beautiful.” Cody smirks. Doesn’t wait for Yamada’s respond, he continues. “Fortunately, Yuma isn’t a possessive one. My photoshoot was so great. I couldn’t believe that he could act like a pro. He did as what cameraman told him to. And… his body is like a girl’s! You won’t believe this. Although he’s a bit skinny, he’s so soft. I felt like embracing a girl when embraced him.” He keeps blabbering.

“Photoshoot?” Yamada asks without turning his head.

“Yeah. The Asian model that should do it with me couldn’t come today, so I asked for his help. You see, he’s Asian, and he has a cute face. Although he’s truly a boy who wearing dress and wig, no one will notice it.”

“He acted as a girl with dress and wig?”

“Yeah.” Cody places both of his hands behind his head. Suddenly Yamada stands up and leaves the table. “Hey, Ryo! Where are you going?” Cody looked confused.

“Toilet.” Yamada answers without turning his head.


“Do I really deserve this?” Chinen asks for the nth time while staring at an envelope in his hand. Yuma gives him a chuckle. He’s been asking this question since they called a taxi in front of the building.

“Do you really want a different answer and wait until I take that envelope from you?”

Chinen immediately hides the envelope. “No.”

Seeing that reaction, Yuma laughs. “Dakara, stop it. You’ve been asking the same question for many times. It’s yours, repayment for your hard work. It is the normal amount for the amateur model that appears in a magazine yo.”

“But I already got a luxury lunch!” Chinen frowns.

“Welcome to our business, Chinen.” Yuma says proudly. “A lunch is just a lunch. So keep that money, okay? It’s your salary.”

“I can’t believe I’m paid this much just by doing poses.” Chinen blinks.

“The amount is still too small, actually. If it were me, I’d ask for more.” Yuma rolls his eyes.

“Hey, don’t compare me with you. You’re a popular actor.” Chinen pouts, and it makes Yuma laughs again.

Not too long after that, the taxi arrived at the apartment. Yuma gives the driver the payment, then they step out of the taxi.

After entering his room, Chinen lays himself on the bed. Today’s incident was really out of his expectation. He feels like playing on a movie. Yamada and he wake up together with romantic atmosphere, they went out of the apartment still with lovely feeling, but then they had a quarrel, until finally Chinen agreed to help Cody to be a model’s substitute and did poses for magazine.

Talking about the photoshoot he had, he has been wondering what Yamada will react after knowing it. Will he be madder than before?

Chinen flips his own body to the right. He hugs the pillow and closes his eyes. All the incidents happened today made him feeling exhausted. How will he spend the rest of his holiday here if Yamada and he were still fighting? Does he have to apologize first? Thinking about the source of the quarrel, Chinen shakes his head. No, it wasn’t his fault. Why could Yamada accuse him flirting just by seeing him smiling to other person? What the hell with that silly reason? Does he really have to put down his high pride for that silly reason?

Chinen closes his eyes tighter. How he wish this to be just a dream of him. He wants this useless fight to end soon. It will be better if after he opened his eyes, everything turned back to normal. Just if…


Chinen’s eyes fluttered open as he hears people talking in the living room. There’s Yuma’s voice and another voice. It’s not Yamada’s, it’s a girl’s. Chinen looks at the clock, and it’s already evening. He’s drifted to a deep slumber for about 4 hours. Stretching his body for a while, Chinen gets up from the bed. He feels hungry and really wants to drink something cold too. But if he straightly steps out there without at least combing his hair, he’d embarrass himself in front of the guest. So, Chinen stands in front of the mirror and makes himself looked neater. After it, he cautiously opens the door. As he has expected, the cracked sound of door being opened catches their attention. Yuma and the guest turn their heads almost at the same time.

Chinen’s eyes opened wide. He can’t move from his place. Yuma’s guest is now smiling to him. A kind of fake smile he has seen today, a smile from the girl who held his boyfriend’s arm this morning. An annoying smile of Kyle Jacqueline.
to be continued

A/N : I feel like I have to post it now before it getting expired on my laptop. LOL I've prepared some next chapters even since some weeks ago, but I won't post it all in a same time. Hohohohoho.
Okay, comment = <3

chaptered fic: proposing you, rating: pg-13, pairing: yamachii, media: fic

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