Yamachii + random but important

Feb 19, 2013 20:06

I randomly read the NYC part of magazine scan, and found this.
It's from NYC no Koukan Nikki part in Potato 2012.12. I'm still not really sure about the month since in my folder there's no explanation, it's just named 'NYC' folder.. O.O

Yamada talked about Yuma inviting him to play at his house. Yamada said that he's happy to see Yuma in such high tension. And then he talked about Chinen. He wondered why Chinen had no plan at all to play at Yuma's house.And finally he said something that made me squeals.

Yamada = オレがおまえを抱きかかえてでも連れていくから。
(Because I'll even carry you with my arms and take you along with me *coming to Yuma's house*)


And Yuma, as a fanboy of Yamachii (LOL) gave his support to Yamada on his part.

Yuma = あとは知念くんを抱えてウチに連れてきてくれるのは大賛成。
(And I'm fully agreed with you carrying Chinen and take him to my house)

While Chinen、maybe being shy *LOL*, just reacted like this

Chinen = それに、僕のこと抱きかかえたりしたら、優馬が嫉妬しちゃうよ~
(Besides, if you carry me with your arms, Yuma can get jealous yo~)

I still got confused with 'dakikakaeru' pose, and decided to search more about it in the internet. and taraaaaa!!! I found many pictures describing it with 'carrying in bridal style'. NYAHAHAHAHAHA  \(*T▽T*)/
if it's the case, douzo!!! please carry the little squirrel in bridal style. GYAHAHAHAHA

ah this is so random, but at least i'm happy that they're still yamachii.. hohohho

And in another newer magazine scan, i found Chinen and Yamada mentioned again for being together everywhere. That really made my night.. LOL XD

Now it's about my personal rant..
I'm happy to see people appreciated my works. I'm truly happy, and maybe it's even beyond words.
But I have some friends having trouble with their works. Other people took their works and used it without telling them anything, and then didn't credit them as the creator as well. And I don't really like it.
There are some times when people don't need anyone who take their works to credit or even telling them because they're just having fun. But, honestly, I'm against it. Every single creation should be appreciated, and the creator should know that there's anyone interested with their work.
Therefore, if anyone wants something from my journal, please tell me by sending me a message or dropping comment in that page.  (^v^) I don't mean any objection with this, but I'm just trying to prevent something like that to be happened in the future.
Starting from me, I deleted my self-made icons from my post because there are some textures i used in some icons when I made it some months ago, but until now I don't know who created it, so I don't know who to credit it to.. And I decided to delete them instead, and maybe posting the new icons that I made with my own textures. (>y<)



random, 山知

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