As Promised Yesterday, an Explanation of my !!

Jul 21, 2007 12:14

So while the rest of you were eagerly anticipating some kind of book that came out at midnight, I was doing something FAR MORE AWESOME.

I was attending an exterior night shoot for Supernatural.

Let me say that again.


Before I start, I did find out a few details about the third season premiere. I'll be keeping spoilery stuff out of this story. If people want, I can put it in a separate post so that those who want to know can look XD There may be very VERY slight spoilers necessary to the story, if you consider things on the order of "Bobby is in this episode" to be a spoiler for the premiere.

So on Wednesday as miko_no_da and I drove to our running clinic, we suddenly got a phone call from blue_soaring. She was completely, and utterly, incoherent. Eventually we managed to figure out that she had come home from work to find a notice taped to the door of her building, saying that some roads near her place were going to be cordoned off on Friday night for filming of a few scenes of a Supernatural episode.

Yes, it actually SAID Supernatural on it.

It took approximately half a second for us to decide we had to be there. Somehow, some way. The notice actually included their hour-by-hour shooting schedule and everything. There was to be car involved. OMG.

It also happened to be the day after Jared's birthday, so after some discussion we decided to get him a present. Um, because we're total geeks, and hey, it's his BIRTHDAY. So we all spent the day in various stages of fangirly excitement and nervousness, as well as kinda trying not to get our hopes up TOO high, because hey, they might not let us anywhere NEAR the place, let alone the actors.

Oh boy, let me tell you, in my wildest dreams I could not have anticipated what actually did happen. Well, maybe my wildest dreams... *purr*

We got all super-prettied up and congregated at Blue's for the operation. Miko and I headed out to get food and presents (yes, plural, we couldn't get Jared something and not also get Jensen something), as well as another copy of Supernatural Season 1 DVDs for them to sign, because Blue had lent hers out o.o;;;;

We could actually see the area where they were filming from Blue's living room window. They cordoned off the place with cones, but we really couldn't see much activity. We knew from the schedule that the trucks were supposed to start arriving at 10, but we decided to wait until a bit after 11 before going down there. So we watched Asylum, because that was the other episode where they filmed at the exact same pub.

(Seriously, watch that episode again. The scene where they talk to the non-crazy police officer, when they come outside you can see on the awning that the pub is called the "Old Terminal Pub". It's two seconds from Blue's, and that was where they were filming again this time for the premiere. Just so you know, no, it's not the same pub in canon. They used a different side last night so you can't tell it's the same building.)

There were fireworks while we were watching Asylum. It was unrelated to Supernatural, but it certainly set the mood ^_~ Also, while it had been raining a lot all day, it seemed like it was going to be nice and dry for the shoot, which was to start at midnight. It was like God himself was blessing our operation.

At 11:30 we finally escaped the apartment and headed down the street. We passed these two girls on a nearby street corner, and I thought they might be PAs, or perhaps rubberneckers like ourselves, but they weren't anywhere near the action, and didn't seem official. We walked past them and right up to the cordoned off area, and there we met Rob The PA.

Rob The PA was awesome. He told us where we could stand, warned us we might 'have to hide at times', in case people decided they didn't want us around, showed us his sheet of paper with the description of what was going on, and confirmed that a) yes, the shooting was going to be outside, not inside the pub, and b) Jensen and Jared WERE GOING TO BE THERE.

But they were running way late and no one had arrived yet, nor started setting up. We tentatively decided to go back to the apartment to wait, and started walking back, at which point we met up with the two girls on the corner. They turned out to live across the street from Blue's, and were there for the same reason we were, but apparently we were far more awesome and bold. We fangirled for a while, and then the trucks started arriving, so we snuck close again.

There was a bit of waiting. Every huge truck with a trailer attached that went by was subject to much scrutiny and discussion as to what it was all for, and whether the boys might be inside.

Then we saw Jim Beaver (Bobby, for those less in the know). He looked JUST like Bobby, of course, but with glasses, and he was being so cool. He was wandering around and chatting with the crew, just hanging out. He talked to Rob for a bit, and loitered about 5 feet away for a few minutes before wandering away. We immediately regretted not saying anything to him at the time, because he's really very awesome, and I was totally cool with fangirling over Bobby, but I could understand why he didn't approach the five young girls who were obviously there to gawk at the stars.

It rained off and on the whole time, by the way. It'd mist and then sprinkle and we'd put up our umbrellas and then wait for it to subside. We stayed quite dry, but I was glad we brought sweaters because by 2 am it was getting pretty damn cold. But anyway, back to the narrative.

Then suddenly a black SUV drove past us, and Rob The PA looked at us and grinned. "Hey girls, your boyfriends are here."

Haha, thanks Rob.

More waiting ensued, but with slightly more nervous anticipation. We were being very careful to stay basically out of the way. We were essentially standing on the street between two parked trucks, leaning out to try to see down the street to where they were setting up all the lights and tents and stuff. Immediately across the street from us, at right angles to where the filming was going to take place, was the parking lot where they were putting all the trailers. So we were in a pretty prime spot, though too far away to actually REALLY see what was going on over where the director was.

After a while, the SUV came back past us and parked in the parking lot, and Jensen got out. We just caught a glimpse of him before he went into the makeup trailer right in front of the SUV. We could see Jared in the back seat, and a HUGE DOG in the back of the SUV, which we surmised was one of Jared's dogs. We were right.

OMG, waiting waiting waiting, and then HEY JENSEN. He walked past us (though on the other side of the street) heading for the filming area. As he walked, he glanced over at us, GRINNED, and waved. We all waved like dorks.

They filmed for approximately three seconds and then I heard the director (Kim Manners, someone said it was later) say something about putting a third camera on the car. Picture a big tent about 50 feet away from us, filled with people. You could just barely see Bobby's car next to the tent, all covered in equipment. We found out later that Bobby and Dean were in this car and they were doing some kind of interior of the car thing, probably a conversation. We could hear some of the director's commands, but there was no chance in hell that we could hear the dialogue itself, sadly.

Then Jensen came over to talk to us.


He was so incredibly cute in real life. He only talked to us for a few minutes, but I can tell you that he's JUST as hot in person, and really nice. And tall. Holy crap, it's easy to forget that he's tall when he's standing next to Jared. He came over and asked us how we were doing and commented on the fact that we had nothing better to do at 1:30 in the morning than stand around in the rain. We grinned a lot.

Then he INTRODUCED HIMSELF. Like seriously "By the way, I'm Jensen." *sticks a hand out to shake hands with Miko, who's at one end of the line*


He shook hands with all five of us, down the line, and we each gave our names, and he looked like he was trying to remember them. Yes, I touched Jensen. He has nice hands.

Then he asked if we'd seen the "big guy" yet, and we said no, so he said he'd send him over and headed off to his trailer.

We all did a small, fangirlish dance, I tell you. Right in the street. But we were determined not to be too squealish or anything, so it was a cool, calm and collected - and QUIET - dance.

Then this really REALLY old guy drove by in a car asking what was going on. He was drunk, and wanted to go to the pub, and couldn't quite get that a) they were filming, and b) therefore the pub was closed, and c) GO THE FUCK AWAY.

He spent the next 5 awkward minutes calling out to us from the car and trying to pick us up with lame jokes and asking us if we were extras, then not listening to us when we said we weren't. Finally he went away, thank god.

Then there was more waiting. A guy came up riding two bikes at the same time. He was high, and soon went away. They asked us to move onto the sidewalk because apparently it's a liability issue if we're standing in the street and a makeup truck comes by and creams us.

Who knew?

We thought that would suck, but then they moved an SUV and then we had a COMPLETELY UNOBSTRUCTED view of what was going on. Of course, all we could see was the backs of approximately 80 zillion people, but hey.

We ended up sitting on the sidewalk, which was good, and then this other guy came over that I didn't recognize, lol. He turned out to be an actor who's going to be in this episode. I don't want to spoil people, but suffice it to say he plays Walter in the premiere. He was pretty cool, and chatted with us for a little while.

So by this point we'd collectively decided that we'd squandered an opportunity by not talking to Jim earlier in the evening, so we kept trying to flag him down. Finally we did manage to catch his eye and he came over and was like "Jeez girls, what are you all doing out here at oh dark 30?". Yeah, that was an exact quote.

Everyone who came by kept mentioning the time and asking us why we were out at like 2 am. Heh.

But it was cool. And one of the PAs specifically thanked us for being "so good". You'll see why in a sec.

Then one of the crew escorted two girls from the other side where the tents were to where we were, and gave them a very stern lecture. Apparently they had snuck up and tried to watch the monitors and stuff.

HOLY SHIT SUCH BITCHES. I think the woman who escorted them over said that if they tried to sneak over again they would be asked to leave, and said that they'd "had fan problems before, so it's nothing against them".

Okay, let me take a moment here and be bitchy.

If you go to a set, it is a PRIVILEGE to be there, not a right. Hell, if you are anywhere near a celebrity, you MUST remember that they are a PERSON, not a walking fulfilment of all of your wet panty fantasies. If you treat them like an object, you deserve to be kicked off of sets, kicked out of conventions, and generally reviled by all of fandom. Not only are you a bad person for treating an awesome guy like Jensen or Jared like an object, but you RUIN IT FOR THE REST OF US.

So anyone who has "caused problems" for the Supernatural people in the past? I hope you go fuck yourself. And that goes double for the stupid bitch who glomped Jensen at that convention and made him even more fangirl shy than he was before.

Anyway, back to the fun, because THIS is when it starts to get really awesome.

The girls hung around for about 20 minutes. They talked on their cellphones, indicated utter cluelessness as to who Jensen was, and one of them was all high and mighty about the fact that she'd "met Jared lots of times" because she works at the casino, and I guess he goes there a lot.


And then they were apparently bored, so they were escorted back to their car.

And approximately three seconds later, Jared FINALLY FINALLY came out of his trailer and headed to the set.

There was a woman walking next to him. One of the girls said "Hey, who's that kid--no wait, that's an adult person".

Yeah, he's that tall.

They filmed for 5-10 minutes again (this time in the Impala, so we were told, but I couldn't see it from where I was standing, sadly), and then BOTH Jared and Jensen came over to chat with us.

When Jensen came over the first time, I could tell he was a teeny bit awkward. I mean, he made conversation, and he was friendly and sweet and appreciative.

The energy was completely different with Jared in the picture. It's just like I've read. Jared was animated and big, and Jensen was so much more relaxed. Hell, we were ALL so much more relaxed, and we were literally just standing around, shooting the shit with Jared and Jensen. Truly, it was THAT full of awesome. I will try to cover what happened, but there's no way text can convey how dream-fulfilling this was.

Firstly, Jared and Jensen were eating hot dogs. Jared's talking a mile a minute about how he's got a 6:30 flight, and would they be getting out of there in time, and blah blah and then he took a huge bite of his hot dog.

Jared: *mouth full* OMG, HOT HOT!! *attempts to chew* HOT!!

Yeah, he's like a 5-year-old, I swear. A HUGE, gangly, loveable, animated 5-year-old. You will see more evidence of this.

Then Jared told us that Jensen is apparently notorious for missing his early flights and missed like 4 of them last year. They were all bantering back and forth like best friends, and Jensen was like "Man, you never let me live that down" and then Jared was telling the story of how him and Jeffery Dean Morgan were at the airport waiting for Jensen and called him and he was asleep and cranky. Blue told the story way better than I could manage in her post, and I totally think you should read that version, lol. It's linked at the bottom.

Then he was telling us about how it was his birthday the day before, and how he had gotten so drunk and Jensen had slept on his couch (!!!). He told us that the reason he'd stayed in the SUV for so long, while Jensen was in makeup, was because he was sleeping (LOL) and his dog kept trying to lick his face (double LOL). And he was like "So did you bring me a present? *big grin*"

Miko mostly, but also Blue and myself: Yes we did!
Miko: *pulls out the pretty gift basket full of candy and a little teddy bear out of a bag*
Jared: O_______O Woah! Thank you!
Me: *to Jensen* And we got you a little something, too
Miko: *hands Jensen bouquet of heart-shaped lollipops*
Both boys: *squee* (well, in a manly way)
Jared: *all puffed up because his is bigger and better*

It was awesome, and at this moment they were called back to the set. I quickly said to them that we had something for them to sign, so if they had time would they mind coming back, and they said they would. Jared was still eating his hot dog and waving his gift basket around and talking to us, and so he was totally walking backwards as he was heading back to the set.

We spent the next several takes squeeing in complete silence and flailing as subtly as we could.

And then they DID INDEED COME BACK and this time we called Jim over with them. All three of them stood there and continued bantering as they signed three copies of the Supernatural DVDs, and it was again totally awesome.

The other girls with us had brought this clicky blue sharpie for the signing, and Jared was COMPLETELY TAKEN with this sharpie. He kept clicking it and poking the tip with his finger until his hand was totally covered in blue dots.

Not. Kidding.

He was all "This is so cool. This is the best sharpie I've ever seen. I could totally take this sharpie."

He was, of course, offered the sharpie as a gift, LOL, and he was SO EXCITED, though not as excited as he was about the gumballs in his gift basket that I TOTALLY PICKED OUT ALL BY MYSELF. *coughs*

Jared: It's really cool! It's like, if you click it five times it'll EXPLODE.
Blue: Does that mean it's a Maxwell Smart sharpie? Hee hee.
J&J: *laugh!*

Wow, awesome. And then this poor girl was trying to tell them they were needed back on set, so they were dragged away and we said goodnight to them and finally decided the awesomeness was over and we should go home.

We did exchange email addresses with the other girls, because we're going to have a party when the premiere comes on, and be all "We were there!!!" And we, of course, are still squealing about all the best parts.

I am still just completely high on life over this. I honestly feel like we were rewarded for being good fans who weren't annoying, or entitled, and who were cooperative and stayed out of the way. Jensen - fan-shy, quiet JENSEN - came over to talk to us THREE TIMES. And it was really just TALKING, not like...weird celebrity/fan stuff.

We talked about Harry Potter with Jensen for heaven's sake.

Anyway, I think I've tl;dr'ed about this long enough. If you want even more details, check out Blue's version of the story because I'm sure she included stuff I didn't and vice versa.

Truly, we completely and utterly win at LIFE.

EDIT: I've added pictures in a separate entry if you're interested in looking.

BROTHER OF EDIT: Our third partner-in-crime, miko_no_da has also included her own rendition of the awesomeness in her journal. If you're still giddy reading this stuff, go here and read!

exdee, awesomeness, supernatural, i win

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